It appears that the formatting on this one may have gone awry, so here's
another try:

DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE - Becket - Don Veino 20180914

A1 Left diagonal Neighbors SeeSaw Sashay* w/Partner
[Gents back to back to start, can substitute a diagonal left couple
conventional SeeSaw]
Gents Allemande Left 1+1/2x, give RH to Neighbor

A2 Wave/4 across Balance Right & Left, Slide/Twirl Right
Wave/4 across Balance Left & Right, Slide/Twirl Left

B1 Neighbor Balance & Swing

B2 Gents low LH Balance (L adjust to left), Pull By & Partner Swing
[or Give & Take to Ladies, Partner Swing]

*With your Partner Sashay around your next Neighbors following the path of
a SeeSaw
End effects: Wait out crossed over on left diagonal for SeeSaw

On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 3:28 PM, Don Veino <>

>  [snip]
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