Hi All,

Two Petronella balance and spins can be done around the whole set and are equivalent
to a double slice right (but different timing).

      Anyone know if this has been used before in contra dance?

      Here are two simple dances I wrote with this. I've not tried them out yet,
but the oval petronella that was in the grid dance I did at our last dance went
over well.

    What do you think? I'd appreciate your thoughts.

Oval Petronella DP Becket CCW DP
     best with odd number of couples
A1: Oval Balance & Petronella 2x
A2: G AL 1 1/2; N SW
B1: CL 3/4, P SW
B2: Prom Across; LLFB

Oval Petronella SP Becket CCW SP
A1: Oval Balance & Petronella 1x; G AL 1 1/2
A2: N Bal & SW
B1: CL 3/4, P SW
B2: Prom Across; LLFB

I searched the callers box database for dances with double slice (always left)
and with a bit a adjustment most can be tweaked to use oval petronella.

Oval Petronella at Pinewoods Becket CW
derived from A Slice of Pinewoods by Bob Isaacs, Ann Cowan, Tina Fields, Jillian Hovey, Mark Lattanzi, and Chris Weiler
A1: Oval Balance & Pet 2x
A2: N2 CL 3/4, Pass R along set to; N1 SW
B1: LC; 1/2 Hey
B2: Pass R across set, P SW

Another Oval Petronella at Pinewoods Becket CW
   derived from Another Slice of Pinewoods by Bob Isaacs and Chris Weiler
A1: N Bal & SW
A2: Oval Balance & pet x2
B1: (w/2nd Shadow) LH* 3/4, Pass 1st Shadow R to; P SW
B2: CL 3/4; Bal ring, California Twirl

Cheers, Bill
PS Don't confuse this with Oval Petronella by Rembrant :-)

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