Am Donnerstag, 5. April 2012, 15:45:42 schrieb Friedrich W. H. Kossebau:
> Hi,
> tl;dr There are unclear differences in skew transform handling in ODF and
> SVG, at least loading SVG with skewX/Y is broken. Expert input needed.
> I got pointed to the fact that there are problems with loading SVG files
> with shearing transformations, e.g. seen with the coords-trans-03-t from
> the w3c SVG test suite, from
> But after a short look I am still a little puzzled and would like some
> assistance.
> For one the docs of QTransform::shear(...) are shitty because they do not
> tell what kind of real value they take. From all code examples I found it
> seems to be "tan(radian value of the angle)", as also is the value in the
> matrix. From the ODF and SVG specs I would have guessed the skewX/skewY
> attributes take the same values with the same semantics. But the SVG
> attribute values are handled with
>       tan(DEG2RAD(params[0].toDouble()))              (SvgUtil.cpp)
> and the ODF attribute values with
>       tan(-params[0].toDouble())"                             (KoShape.cpp)
> So the ODF skew values are given in radian values, not degree values, and
> the spec text is wrong about that? And is the angle in ODF clockwise, while
> it is counter-clockwise in SVG (see the "-" for ODF)?
> To complicate things more, the code for loading graphic styles does
>       tan(params[0].toDouble())                                       
> (KoOdfGraphicStyle.cpp)
> (and also has an error for mixing up the parameters for skewY).
> So what code is wrong, where is LO/OOo code ruling over the spec (and where
> to discuss to fix this, to decrease spoiling of the ODF spec)?

After looking more into this, it seems LO/OOo code is ruling over the spec, 
and Calligra ODF code is just following here. Filed this to LO bugzilla as
perhaps someone might want to subscribe to that to join any discussion.

Someone might need to test OOo and file a bug for them as well, no OOo here.

For the SVG loading the code seems alright, but somewhere things are screwed 
up, could not find something on a short look, so filed as

For KoOdfGraphicStyle.cpp, well, perhaps I might find/create some test 
document for this to see how the code should be like, if noone else beats me 
to it.

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