Am Freitag, 8. Juni 2012, 01:42:41 schrieb C. Boemann:
> I'm sorry, but I think I also said it should be done individually and with
> discussions. 

I was not sure if the "not a single patch" was meant with regard to the patch 
at which the discussion happened, so I just created list with all tooltips 
where I saw an issue, to show how many there are. That list was not meant as a 
patch-to-go, maybe "proposal" was still too strong. And the whole description 
text not really well done :) Next time I will just go to bed before pushing 
something not really completed.
Then, is reviewboard not used for discussions?

For now moving the discussion to this ml then.

> (I so wish you would join us on irc)

(And so do I. Not yet sure when I will be able to switch from this unstable 
by-mobile net connection to a stable by-landline one :( )

> A mass rename like this following a textbook pattern is just bad usability.
> Every text should be thought out on it's own.

Sure, though patterns are also good to have, for less surprise and ease in 
transfering knowledge :)

> Another thing to consider is that the tool tips are also used as titles in
> Words and Sheets, which means they should be short and concise and
> preferably start with the important word.

Ah, missed that before, now see it, indeed something important.
Hm. So the KoToolFactoryBase::toolTip is actually a misnomer, it might perhaps 
better be changed to KoToolFactoryBase::name/title?

Or rather, should there perhaps be both a title and a tooltip?

IMHO trying to have a single text serving for multiple purposes might be the 
reason for the current state which IMHO is unsatisfying. Take e.g.
        "Draw a path. Shift-mouseclick ends the path."
        "Magnetic selection tool"

For me all these different tooltip styles always gave a bad impression about 
the tools. At least they made me think these tools are somehow different in 
their behaviour or how they should be used. Or is that the case?

See me confused :)

Ideally the tooltip (as in: real tooltip) could also give a short hint how to 
use the tool, i.e. give a tip ;) Some do already a little, but then, as said, 
this is not consistent.

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