----- Original Message ----
From: Think Massmedia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 9, 2008 4:13:03 PM
Subject: Video Update For Setember 9, 2008

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to the September release of new videos from Think Massmedia.  This
month's treat is a special one, for it includes the Cambodian culture which
few have heard, a tour of the pristine wine country of Napa Valley, and
wraps up with a series of orchid care and successful growth demonstrations.

Please enjoy them and as always your comments and suggestions are welcomed.

Very few of us have heard of Cambodia, Ankor Wat, and the genocide of the
gentle Khmer people by the Khmer Rouge in the late 1970s unless it is
through the Hollywood film "The Killing Fields" or through an avid traveler
to the Far East.  Perom Uch, a genocide survivor and a Public Relation from
C.A.R.A of the Silicon Valley, is here to help us demystify the Khmer
culture, tradition, values, and the mission of C.A.R.A.


Kara Uy has also lived through the atrocity and is here to share her
experience that helped shape her life.  Being a young immigrant growing up
in the States, she talks about her struggle to "fit in" and her search for
self identity.  Uy is an active member in helping the Khmer community,
particularly empowering women of her age and the younger generations.


Steve Reynolds of the Reynolds Family Winery in Napa Valley California has
learned his wine producing and viticulture skills and trade through his
father and by attending U.C Davis.  Reynolds is here to share his wealth of
knowledge in the art, science, and technology of today's wine making and
vine growing processes.  Some topics of discussion are soil preparation,
root systems, cane training, and perhaps more than you ever wanted to know
when you take that next sip from your glass.


Bruce Davidson is the Vice President of the SCVOS and is here to teach and
show us "Easy Growing Orchids" and "Growing Orchids Indoors".  Davidson
shares his "fail proof" techniques for potting, root care, and watering
procedures that will make any novice grower look like a pro.  If not, at
least you'll have a head start on lowering your orchids' death rate by a
land slide.



Now that you have acquired an orchid from your local nursery or super
market, what should you do next to ensure your new-born has a chance of life
and grows up to meet your expectations?   Have no fear because Tanya Lam is
your orchid's nanny and she will guide and handhold you as she shows you how
to change its diapers, bathing rituals, nourishing requirements, and the
type of crib it needs for its sleeping habits.


Masdevallia is a majestic orchid of a flower.  If itʼs a love at first sight
you have for Masdevallia, you will be in heaven because Tom Perlite of
Golden Gate Orchids is here to show you how to care for it without it ever
fading away.


Do you have a love, taste, and an eye for rare and exotic orchids?  Harry
Phillips of Andy's Orchids has just the right treat for your desire.
Phillips tours us through many rare orchid species from every imaginable
corner of the globe.  He will also show us how to adopt them into our home
and grow them on a mount such as a stick which is natively how orchids
thrive in its natural habitats.  His topics of discussion include water
frequency and fertilizing.



Do you ever fancy yourself spicing up your windowsills with orchids but your
shame and guilt of killing them was too much for your gentle nature?  Your
first step or journey to enlightenment and boosting your confidence of
orchid care and success is to watch Alan Koch's, of Gold Country Orchids,
video clips.  Koch will walk and demonstrate "Windowsill Orchid Growing" a
play-by-play on watering, maintaining good root system, potting, and media
selection for successful growth.


We all hate weeds.  Our gardens and lawns would be a paradise without them,
but what if the type of weed happens to be orchids that can beautify our
homes and gardens?  That would be a horse of a different color.  Indeed
colorful, they are Epidendrums.  They are a breed of various heights, come
in many colors, and have the ability to bloom nearly year round given the
right necessities.  Lauris Rose of Cal Orchids is here to share with us just



Kevin Ling

Think Massmedia

3333 Bowers Ave., Ste.#130

Santa Clara, Ca 95054

Thinkmassmedia.com <http://thinkmassmedia.com/>

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