Following the raids on Phu Quoc and Tho Chu Islands the Khmer Rouge conducted 
two major incursions into Vietnam. The first attack occurred in April 1977, 
when regular units of the Khmer Rouge army advanced 10 kilometres (6 mi) into 
Vietnam, occupying some parts of An GiangProvince where it massacred a large 
number of Vietnamese civilians. The second attack was in September of the same 
year. This time they were able to advance 150 kilometres (93 mi) into Vietnam. 
In retaliation, six divisions of the Vietnam People's Armyinvaded Cambodia on 
December 31, 1977. The Vietnamese army advanced as far as Neak Luongand later 
withdrew, taking with them some key Khmer Rouge figures, including future Prime 
Minister Hun Sen. The invasion was intended only as a "warning" to the Khmer 
Rouge. The Vietnamese offered a diplomatic solution to the border conflict that 
would require the establishment of a demilitarized zonealong the border, but 
the offer was rejected by
 Pol Pot and fighting resumed.

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