Thursday, June 04, 2009

Markus Karbaum's "Cambodia Under Hun Sen" 

Book Review
Published by The Southeastern Globe Magazine
May 2009

"[Karbaum] suggests that when Hun Sen steps down, there will be a more 
"democratic" government in charge."



Dec. 25, 1978 PM Pham Van Dong launched an invasion of Cambodia. Some 100,000 
Vietnamese with 20,000 KUFNS troops, under the direction of Gen.Van Tien Dung, 
launch an invasion of Cambodia.


UN Passes Strong Resolution on Cambodia Human Rights Abuses 

Feb. 27, 1982 : UN Commission on Human Rights meeting in Geneva adopted a 
resolution condemning Vietnam’s occupation of Cambodia as a violation of 
Cambodian human rights. The vote was 28 in favor, 8 against, and 5 abstentions.

Oct. 21, 1986 The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution A/RES/41/6, by vote 
of 116-21 with 13 abstentions, calling for a withdrawal of Vietnamese forces 
from Cambodia. 



Vietnam's occupation of Cambodia 1979-1989 under Le Duc Tho rule. 

An estimated 460 000 innocent Cambodians died , killed , tortured, etc...

100 Torture centers were established across Cambodia. (Methods of torture 
described to Amnesty International).
Methods of torture described to Amnesty International as being used by the 
Vietnamese forces of invasion and occupation of Cambodia under Le Duc Tho's 
rule, from 1979-1989, through the CPP/HUN SEN regime.( an estimated 460 000 
innocent Cambodians died during that period) 

1. Beatings with truncheons, sharp-edged wooden staves, and iron bars and 
with chains and rubber hoses.( Methods of torture described to Amnesty 

2. Near-suffocation with plastic bags,( Methods of torture described to Amnesty 

3. Near-drowning in vats of water,( Methods of torture described to Amnesty 
International(Methods of torture described to Amnesty International) 

4. Burial alive, and(Methods of torture described to Amnesty International)

IT CONFIRMS BY THIS BOOK : on the behavior and character of a Vietnamese.

BOOK " GIAI PHONG " by T Terzani. 

It describes a Vietnamese as THIEF, A LIAR, A KILLER, A DECEIVER , a sleeper 

America too, she sees the Vietnamese leaders as liars expressed in this 
statement made by the US President Reagan. 
US president Reagan calls Vietnam to restore Cambodia Independence . 
President Reagan's address to the 43d Session of the United Nations General 
Assembly in New York, New York,September 26, 1988. 
"Mr. Secretary-General, there are new hopes for Cambodia, a nation whose 
freedom and independence we seek just as avidly as we sought the freedom and 
independence of Afghanistan. We urge the rapid removal of all Vietnamese troops 




Winston Churchill once remarked: "Democracy is the worst form of government, 
except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." In 
his analysis of Cambodia's political System, produced for Germany's Federal 
Ministry of Economic Co-operation and Development, Markus Karbaum seems to 
suggest that its current government employs an autocratic mandate that is in 
many ways the antithesis of the liberal democracy that Churchill saw as the 
least of the evils of governance.

Since the early 1990s the international Community has implemented programmes to 
encourage the establishment of a truly democratic System in Cambodia, but the 
author believes the country remains mired in a climate of nepotism, fear, 
violence and corruption.

Cambodia Under Hun Sen is a comprehensive portrayal of the kingdom's political 
setup and an astute analysis of the way in which its prime minister maintains 
his grip on the reins of power.

Karbaum pays particular attention to the country's electoral system and 
examines the level of legitimacy of the most recent polls, which returned Hun 
Sen to power with a landslide of support.

Karbaum also studies what he believes is a recurring pattern of political 
violence, even though all evidence points to a vast improvement in that area 
over successive elections. He also analyses the country's economic development 
in the light of persistent charges of corruption from both inside and outside 
the nation's borders.

Karbaum feels he needs to question the legitimacy of the entire System of 
governance based on what he describes as Hun Sen's "neo-patriarchal style". 
Fortunately, and quite rightly, Karbaum concludes that democratic values are 
well established in the country. Perhaps the only real quibble he has with the 
democratic process is that too few schemes allow grass roots representatives to 
communicate issues directly to those in power — except, of course, at election 

Although, as a political analyst, he will recognise that Cambodia's progressive 
foundations have been achieved by decisive decision-making amidst a dislocated 
and chaotic political environment.

Karbaum has to balance his criticisms with the strength of Hun Sen's support 
across all sections of modern society despite his "undemocratic" tactics. He 
suggests that when Hun Sen steps down, there will be a more "democratic" 
government in charge. Through this he sees the strengthening of a liberal and 
democratic ethos throughout the country's institutions - hopefully, allied to 
like economic achievements.

Given that the book is a highly coherent and unique study of a little-known 
political arena, an English-language version is in the pipeline.

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