On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Kelvin wrote:

> Whilst doing research on the web, I have come to realise that there is
> information located in many disparate places. And there isn't really a
> forum where people who are interested in fixing up their own cameras,
> could exchange information.
> As such, I have started a new yahoo group to cater to this:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/camera-fix

OK ... I don't mean to try torpedoing your project, but what is stopping
people from discussing these kinds of things here?  In fact, when I put
this list together I specifically included "repair" in the description
(See http://rmp.opusis.com/mailman/listinfo/cameramakers).  My feeling
being that camera repair is closely related to camera building,
construction, and design.  If you feel another list is warranted, then by
all means go for it.  Otherwise, please feel free to post camera repair
discussions here on this list.

Just one word of caution ... we've been down the "free" mailing list path
before.  I try to avoid those places since the advertisement content is a
bit too high for my tastes.  The alternative would be for you to help work
on this list's content and web page, let me know.

- Wayde

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