I tried masking off the center of a pc' of glass with a mask and
sandblasting it, then remove the mask and sandblasted the circle with
reduced pressure. It worked except that the masked center is thicker
than the rest of the glass. The process of sandblasting removes stock
from the glass. On my test piece the center ended up about .011 inches
thicker. A little to much considering the thickness of the average piece
of film. The remainder of the glass maintains .002"  to .004"

Installed on the camera just to see what the difference looks like shows
that there is not much difference. The circular center does not look
much difference than the rest of the glass. When viewed with a loupe.

This test shows that I can reduce the pressure for sandblasting the
glass which will make it easier to maintain the thickness evenly over
the entire pc of glass. Like I said before, the brightness as compared
to the acid etched glass is dramatic. I am going to send a pc of glass
to Ron Baker to look at so he can see the difference compared to the
glass that he grinds.

Phil McCourt

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