
I noticed that Rick Dingus wrote the following:

I tried to modify a 4 x 5 color head that fits on my Durst 5 X 7
enlarger so
it will cover at least  4 X 6 inches (I'm trying to print 6 X 12
full frame--the 4 X 5 didn't quite cover).  But now, even though I
extra diffusing plexiglass in the center, it is nearly a full stop
in the center than on the edges.  Any suggestions for even illumination

I don't know much about the construction of color heads. However, I do
recall from reading instructions for the Elwood line of 5x7 and 8x10
enlargers that the physical size of the light bulb is important for
preventing light falloff at the edges and corners!

This was a surprise to me, but it makes sense. You have a curved dome
and a bulb emitting light from a curved surface, so it's a problem of
geometry. Perhaps a different size bulb, or different bulb placement
would solve the problem.

Hope this helps.

--Michael Hendrickson

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