On Tue, 5 Feb 2002, Steve Goldstein wrote:

> Here's a link to an LED-array color head.  I've had this bookmarked
> for quite some time, though I've never gotten around to trying to
> duplicate it.  I have no idea how well it works for color printing,
> or even for B&W on VC paper.
> http://www.trailing-edge.com/www/led.html

Interesting!  This may work OK for color printing since this material is
specifically sensitive to red, green, blue by design.  After all, it is
intended for our eyes.  It is the B&W material that I'd wonder about.  
B&W material doesn't have to be specifically sensitive to visible red,
green, and blue.  

Probably the thing to do is to look at the spectral curves of the LED's
and see how much overlap there is?  This would give one a idea about how
close to a step-wise, continously variable spectrum you could get.

- Wayde

                        ISART 2002                          
    International Symposium on Advanced Radio Technologies 

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