It has been a long time since I lived in the USA and so I do not know all 
the possibilities to fulfill this suggestion, but here I see very cheap 
lenses for 35 mm cameras now and then.  The condition may be bad, but if 
you want the mount and the glass is bad, who cares!!!!!!!  There is a 
problem; these mounts may be rather long and may be badly suited to an 
extreme wide angle lens.  You may even not be able to judge the true 
diameter of the "hole" you will have left after the glass is gone.  Still, 
you do get the nice thread and maybe a lot more.  With some imagination 
adapted to what you pick up you might be able to rescue enough of the "real 
thing" to solve your problem very efficiently.

My guess is that an ancient WA has small diameter elements unless it was 
made for a pretty large format.

If you find nothing at garage sales or flea markets, try begging!  You 
local photo shop might offer you some junk too bad to sell and not worth 
fixing because it would never bring the cost of improvement.  Get several, 
take them apart and select the one best suited for this problem and save 
the rest for other glass.


At 20:16 21.02.02 -0500, you wrote:
>Is there a hardware store item that I can use to focus my 100-year old
>extreme wide angle lens which I plan to use as a 5 X 7 point-n-shoot?
>Hi to All:
>         This is not really a hardware store item and is relatively more
>expensive but not prohibitively so ---- The Pentax 6X7 helicoid extension
>tube which can be had for $100 + or - . Just make a lensboard to attach to
>the front of it ect. ect.-- scribe a focusing scale on it- ect. I have not
>done it, but think it very feasible!
>LARRY (nieland)
>Cameramakers mailing list

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