On Thu, 22 Aug 2002, Robert Mueller wrote:

> to all.  They are published (up to 8x19, at least) as ASA data sheets but 
> these are not all that easy to get.  Is there any chance to post them for 
> all?

Most definitely yes!

>  Which really boils down to two different questions   1) Are the data 
> sheets from the ASA copyright protected are is it forbidden to publish a 
> direct copy?

Figuring this out is probably the biggest hurdle we'd face.

>  2)  Where would they be posted?  (Most useful is the drawing 
> which explains the definitions in the table of dimensions for the various 
> formats, but where can such a table be posted?)

There is a web page setup in parallel with this mailing list located at


It needs some work, but this is an available location that would make some

- Wayde

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