At 02:55 PM 9/3/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>I am sorry if this is somewhat off topic, but does
>anybody know where I can get plans to make an
>opaque projector capable of handling 8 X 12
>originals, or at least an explanation of how they
>work, so I can design my own?  I need one to
>project drawn plans/designs/patterns onto large
>materials, and taking a picture for slides etc. is
>not practical for my applications.
>Any help or leads will be appreciated.
>Bob Giel
>Los Angeles


When I was a student I made an opaque projector with a large magnifying
glass lens mounted in a tin can.  I mounted two 150w.light bulbs in a
cardboard box lined with foil and positioned on either side of the art which
is centered perp. to the tin can/lens (all with yards of duct tape!), and
projected upwards with a 45 degree angle mirror on to tracing paper taped to
a window laying across saw horses (you can also just project to a wall). The
size you want to project is quite large even for a good projector so you
need to photocopy it smaller. The whole system must be absolutely steady or
you may never keep it aligned. 
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  ___ art____



Maker of Lookaround panoramic camera.
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