Does your brochure give any specifications as to resolution , lines per inch, number of elements ,  ect?  The Computars are considered  sleepers because  they are a quality lens that you can usually buy very cheap....There was a write up on them ( I don't remember the magazine } a number of years ago that made the claim of extremely high resolution, fully color corrected apo design..........
    From what I understand , Most El-Nikkor Lenses are 6 element coated  lenses, made with special optical glass ( even he older chrome models from the 1970's ) that will pass Ultra Violet light...
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 10:26 PM
Subject: [Cameramakers] Computar Lenses

      A question was asked in Digest #479 asking who made
      the Computar lens line. I may not have this quite right,
      but the company was called Chugagi or something to
      that effect. I have a nice brochure on their enlarging
      lenses, which came in focal lengths from 25mm> 135mm. They were distributed by Burleigh Brooks Optics,
Inc. I remember camera sales people comparing them
favorably to El-Nikkor lenses.

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