At 07:00 PM 9/22/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Does anyone know if there are any disadvantages to using a focal plane
shutter behind the lens rather than at the focal plane? If so what are they?


If you are building from scratch for a simple box camera I guess in theory
it might work. You would have to come up with all new speed settings to
retrofit one.  The shutter would have to be moved relative to the lens
depending on each lens - all new exposure variables.  

As the image is painted across the film there is a "local" exposure time.
Having it on the film plane makes local exposure time the same for any
format size or lens. The speed and slit width work together to give correct
exposure. The slit accelerates and decelerates too which has to be accounted
for. Moving away from the film changes all the variables.   That's the total
of what I think I know about FP shutters.

Maker of Lookaround panoramic camera.
         or lookaround

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