If you drive stepping motors with a pair of 90 degrees out of phase sine 
waves (sine plus cosine) you will often find the motion to be much 
smoother  (I assume you would have 2 phase motors).  I suggest selecting 
motors with finer steps, 200 per revolution or more.   I have seen 400 to 
500 step, two phase motors in applications like plotters but you will need 
some luck or patience to find these; however, 200 ought to be good enough.


At 11:57 24.09.02 +0200, you wrote:
>I want to make a round shot camera on 120 films.
>I got a 28mm lens 42mm mount that should be ok to start with.
>I already know how to make the film slide synchronised but I'm still
>stuck on the choice of the motor. ( yes I want to use a motor ! )
>First I wanted to use a step motor + gears but I'm afraid about the
>lines it could make on the film.
>The second choice is a geared DC motor but how will I have an
>accurate positioning ? I thought about coupling a 360° pot or using a
>perforated disk with sensors kinda like in a mouse.
>I'll drive the motor with a microprocessor,  PIC or  basic stamp.
>I prefer the step motor because it's easier for me to drive it.
>For now I'm just at the draft drawing point, trying to put all my
>ideas on paper but I hope I'll soon have a prototype.
>I already made a few draws. The first ones where what I wanted to
>have but now I'm drawing something that looks like what I want but
>easier to build with the tools I have and the materials I can afford.
>I try to make it compact, easy to build, easy to use and not very
>expensive. That a tricky exercise !
>I'll also try to include the possibility to switch from 28 mm to 50
>mm if I have time to look for a solution of easy switching gears.
>  Regards,
>On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 19:39:21 -0700 (PDT), david hajjab wrote:
> >Cedric,
> >What type of panoramic camera do you want to make?
> >David
> >
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