
I have been fighting with upgrading my AV software and got bit by an
address-book virus today or yesterday - and I sure heard about it from
everyone else's AV software that was working. I must have gotten 50
rejection messages!

It was one of those Klez.H variations and it infected some weird things like
my CD-R software (which was deleted and now has to be reinstalled).

And my question -

I bought (eBay - haven't received yet) an Ilex Process Paragon lens with
some sort of motorized sliding scaling device (copy ratio I presume) 15" f/9
lens. This would be 381 mm..not quite 11 x 14 diagonal...maybe 10 x 12.

1) I am going on the assumption that process lenses make good enlarger

2) What happens if 'too long' a lens is used for smaller format, say 8x10 or
5x7 negs...does it just mean enlarger starts out with a larger than 'normal'
enlargment ratio? I know what happens from a camera point of view, but don't
know what happens if I plan on using one enlarger lens for a variety of
formats (for budget reasons).

3) Is this a good, excellent or barely decent lens for this application (and
maybe a convertible camera/enlarger kluge)?


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