How about a 6 foot section of 2 inch galvanized pipe. Mount a 2 inch
floor flange to a piece of 1.25 inch plywood, triangle shape, 3 feet per
side. The pipe is large enough for a sash weight counter balance, with a
pulley for the support wire/rope at the top. Keep the camera over one of
the legs, unless you use a counter weighted arm. A threaded knob screwed
into the arm, pressing against the pipe column should hold it from
moving about.

john (:>)) geez, I'm cheap....

Message: 2
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 18:46:37 -0500
From: Matt McKee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Cameramakers] 


I am looking for ways to build an inexpensive camera stand for studio 
use. I remember seeing a set of plans years ago in a diy book for a 
monopod on wheels but can't find it again and can't remember if it 
was sturdy enough for a 4x5 monorail.

I am working in a very small space with a low ceiling so most 
commercial camera stands are out. Also, they are more than I want to 

Anyone have any suggestions for a 6 foot camera stand?


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