
I don't remember the conversation with John Stafford, but I did make a
camera with a fp shutter.  It's not very practical though.  I'm convinced
this is an outstanding if humungous lens, but I am in agreement with whoever
was trying to put a shutter inside it like Steve Grimes does.  It looked
like a Copal Press #0 would fit in there with a little judicious dremel work
on the shutter and the lens housing.  I need to set it up on my Horseman and
really see what it can do in terms of coverage.  If it will cover well
enough to make it worthwhile, I'd like to make a shift camera out of it.
The difference with this lens is that the lens would have to be mounted to
the tripod, while the movements were all done with the camera back.  This
lens weighs 6 pounds!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Hendrickson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Cameramakers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 11:39 AM
Subject: [Cameramakers] Re: Pacific Optical Again

> Hello!
> I'm very interested in a post from John Stafford about the Pacific
> Optical 3" lens:
> "Just went through the archives and from 2000 I see that Gene Johnson
> wrestled with the giant Pacific Optical 3" F4.5 lens.
> "Gene, did you ever make the camera? I'm building my second with this
> lens.
> Did a shooting prototype with the original shutter (modified to manual)
> and
> am now working on version two with conventional Ilex shutter in a steel
> frame.
> "I've learned a lot and would be happy to share information."
> I think I have one of the same model of lens! It's sitting in a box
> right now. After considering putting an old Volkswagen motor on it and
> driving it around, I decided to save it for the project camera that I
> will build or modify around it....
> Anyway, when I was considering buying it, I called Pacific Optical and
> talked with a gentleman there (whose name, unfortunately, I did not
> write down) who told me that the lens has a design such that stuff stays
> rectilinear -- I assume he meant that one won't get the fish-eye effect
> with it.
> He also told me that on his wall he had a large print of the earth
> rising over the moon, taken by astronauts with a 36" focal length
> Pacific Optical lens. I was duly impressed.
> I procured an old aerial shutter which it seems might fit into the
> innards of this lens housing if I trim off some mounting holes in the
> shutter casing but I haven't touched it yet. The shutter is not
> complete, in that a timing mechanism which was probably a separate unit
> is not with the shutter. But it has aperture control and a lever that
> opens and closes the shutter. I'm figuring I'll be able to stop it way
> down and use it like the "Bulb" setting on a conventional shutter if I
> can figure how to install a spring to close the thing. Also will need to
> configure an attachment for a cable release. And then, of course, I'll
> have to figure out the aperture settings, but that's at the end of the
> project.
> Any info you have on how to configure all this would be vastly
> appreciated!
> 'Bye for now,
> --Michael
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