Hi Ashish

this often happens to me after reinstalling godi, if I forget to install one
syntax extension used in my project. Instead of having a more meaningful
message like 'missing package bidule', I've got the message you report.
Maybe you could double check whether you installed all extensions used in
sequme ?

2011/10/9 Ashish Agarwal <agarwal1...@gmail.com>

> I get the error below after reinstalling OCaml with the latest version with
> GODI. My code has not changed, so I'm wondering if there is a change to
> ocamlbuild or ocamlfind that is causing this. The issue appears to be that
> -package camlp4 should be included in the ocamlfind command but it is not.
> The section "Does Findlib support camlp4" in the findlib User's Guide
> discusses the 'preprocessor' variable, but I can't figure out how exactly
> how to adjust my META file or whether I really need to since it was working
> before.
> ocamlbuild sequme.cma sequme.cmxa sequme.cmxs
> Finished, 0 targets (0 cached) in 00:00:00.
> + ocamlfind ocamldep -package batteries -package biocaml -package netclient
> -package netstring -package shell -package sqlite3 -syntax camlp4o -modules
> sequme/bowtie.mli > sequme/bowtie.mli.depends
> ocamlfind: When using -syntax, the META variable 'preprocessor' must be set
> Command exited with code 2.
> --- META ---
> requires = "netstring shell netclient batteries biocaml pgocaml"
> version = "0.0"
> archive(byte) = "sequme.cma"
> archive(native) = "sequme.cmxa"

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