
Le jeudi 24 novembre 2011 à 18:04 +0400, Kakadu a écrit :
> Bad news: it seems that lablqt is in decadance. I'm still planning to
> implement inheritance (described here), but there are some problems
> with proof-of-concept app. It shows a widget and after pressing any
> key it crashes while calling caml_send0 function (autogenerated
> function for calling methods of ocaml objects. see ocaml sources)

In classes.ml, lines 23, you expect x0 to be an OCaml object (of type
qKeyEvent), but in AA.cpp, line 28, you call the keyPressEvent method
with argument _ev which is just a value of type "[`qobject] obj" and not
an OCaml object. This is why it crashes.


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