2) Could you imagine to generalize it to Format.formatter or to
out_channel (without creating a string and concatenating)? Romain Bardou
add in the mantis tracker (I can't give you the bugtracking number since
mantis "is currently offline for maintenance") a feature wish for a new
conversion specification that can print anything. Do you think you can
fulfill is dream?

Here is the feature request I proposed:


Here is the response by Pierre Weis:

"This is a major feature wish that requires careful thinking and a lot of work!

Furthermore, we would not have a completely satisfactory solution in the end (due to this <poly> catch all case that tend to propagate, as far as you use polymorphic functions). The correct solution to get this feature in its full glory is a major modification of the type system along the lines of G'Caml.

In short, a natural feature wish in a strongly typed polymorphic language; we had it in mind for decades; unfortunately, we are not yet ready to offer it, even in the rather limited extent you proposed."

In other words: what you did is awesome but I'm not sure that it will be added in the trunk :(


Romain Bardou

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