Here is an example of giving an exception as an argument to a function:

let run_or ~cmd ~err = if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then raise err

and an example usage:

let config_fail = Failure ("Could not configure " ^  in
run_or ~cmd:("sh configure" ^ config_opt) ~err:config_fail;

The problem with your code seems to be that you're passing in a result, so
the exception is being raised outside your try...with block.  OCaml's eager
evaluation means that you'll probably have to pass in a function and an
argument (or just a unit function), meaning that your <|||> will be much

let (<|||>) (f,x) (g,y) = try f x with Nothing -> g y

((fun () -> raise Nothing), ()) <|||> ((fun str -> str), "ii")


On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 1:16 PM, Pierre-Alexandre Voye <
> wrote:

> Hello, I'm trying to implement a scala concept "partial application" in
> which one can chains pattern matching function. If the first failed, the
> second is tried.
> It seems it is impossible to give an exception as argument to a function.
> exception Nothing;;
> let (<|||>) a b = try a
> with
>   | Nothing ->  (try b
> with
>                    | Nothing -> raise
> Nothing);;
> val ( <|||> ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = <fun>

> (raise Nothing) <|||>
> "jj";;
> Exception: Nothing.
> But if I try :
> try (raise Nothing)
> with
>   | Nothing ->  (try
> "jj"with
>                    | Nothing -> raise
> Nothing);;
> - : string = "jj"
> Is there a workaround ?
> Regards,
> P-A
> --
> ---------------------

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