Gerd Stolpmann writes:
> The Random module is definitely not good enough (e.g. if you
> know when the program was started like for a cgi, and the cgi reveals
> information it should better not like the pid, the Random seed is made
> from less than 10 unpredictable bits, and on some systems even 0 bits).

Dario Teixeira adds:
> I think the problem may be in finding a good source of randomness
> that is common across all OSes.  In Unixland this problem has
> largely been solved: pretty much everyone supports /dev/random and
> /dev/urandom.  Windows does things differently, however.

David Allsopp adds:
> Does the source of randomness have to be common? The decision to use
> a random seed doesn't need to be limited by a problem getting a good
> cryptographically secure generator on a given OS - you'd simply
> document that the implementation on that particular OS doesn't seed
> with a good PRNG and await a patch from someone who may care in the
> future, but at least the philosophy behind the decision is correct!

We are also thinking of strengthening Random.self_init, for instance
by using /dev/urandom when available.  This said, for randomizing
hashtables or other data structures, we do *not* need a
cryptographically-strong PRNG: we're not generating an RSA key pair or
some other situation where cryptographic quality is required; we're
just making a mild DOS attack impractical.

(Obligatory advertisement: if you're in need of
cryptographically-strong random data,
is what you need.)

- Xavier Leroy

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