On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 01:25:49AM +0100, Gerd Stolpmann wrote:

I know the dirty tricks, is there some way not that dirty?
Godi did pretty printing this way?

Yes. But why do you consider it as dirty? There is nothing wrong with it,
isn't it? This uses a helper program with a well-defined interface.

I think you can also "use" ocamlc -i for it, maybe easier to wrap.

ocamlc -i will print out all of the types of the .ml file, not just
the interface.  It's useful, but not necessarily what is wanted.

The top trick doesn't work if the code isn't byte-compiled and has the
consequence of running the module.

It would be handy to be able to actually just dump out the .cmi file,
especially in cases, such as prebuilt packages that include the .cmi but
left out the .ml files.


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