On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 14:12, Matej Košík
<5764c029b688c1c0d24a2e97cd7...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 04/27/2012 08:29 PM, Markus Mottl wrote:
>> Hi,
>> even the following should work if everything is installed correctly:
>>   ocamlfind ocamlc -linkpkg -package sexplib.syntax,bin_prot.syntax
>> -syntax camlp4o main.ml
> If I try this command, I get the same error:
>        Camlp4: Uncaught exception: Not_found
>        File "main.ml", line 1, characters 0-1:
>        Error: Preprocessor error
> Now, I am not sure what should be the conclusion.

Well, the conclusion would be that there is something wrong with the
installation ;-)

> I hesitate to claim that versions of (sexplib+bin_prot) libraries
> published in GODI are faulty---if I do not use ocamlfind, I can use
> those libraries just fine.

It could be that there is more than one installation of these
libraries on your system and that they are in conflict.  E.g. if you
ever installed type_conv outside of Godi.

> Do not you think that camlp4 is never expected (for any kind of input)
> throw an exception? Are we sure that the reported steps do not simply
> trigger a camlp4 bug?

There is surely a reason for this exception.  It might indeed be due
to incompatible preprocessing modules.

To make sure that things compile, please delete any potential other
installations of the above libraries from your system.  One problem
that seems to have happened for some people is that they previously
installed type-conv and bin-prot.  These packages have been renamed to
type_conv and bin_prot (complex reason).  If they have been previously
installed, you may now have both packages on your system.  It seems
Godi cannot determine renamed packages and will leave old ones in
place.  Please make sure to manually delete all files and directories
in your Godi installation that match "*type-conv*" or "*bin-prot*".
If in doubt, just completely reinstall Godi.  I've just tested the
current release, and it works for me.


Markus Mottl        http://www.ocaml.info        markus.mo...@gmail.com

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