
On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 3:27 PM, Gabriel Scherer
<> wrote:

> (1) You could define, on the C++ side, a generic GenericAdmCallbacks
> class whose constructor would take as parameter a function pointer
> implementing Alert (so the function itself only does the plumbing).

There's another class RCallbacks with scores of Alert-like methods, though.

I didn't count all the methods but I'd say about 50.

Then there's another callback class...

> Then you can expose this class as an OCaml abstract type, and wrap its
> constructor to expose it to OCaml, so that it takes ocaml-land
> callbacks and return the abstract type.

I suppose I can have a static table on the C++ side with pointers to
implemented methods.

> You can then expose to OCaml
> your function manipulating AdmCallbacks (let's call it
> "call_me_later").

I guess I can represent the various callbacks for each class as a
variant on the OCaml side that takes a closure per callback.

I think I prefer your approach to my OOP one.

Thanks Gabriel and thank you Goswin!

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