google camlp4 and quotation. if you don't need antiquotation support, it's fairly easy.
On 5/14/12 9:00 PM, xy s wrote:
We have defined types:

type position = {line : int; col : int };;

type 'a ast = {data : 'a; kids : 'a ast list; posf : position; post:

And then we transform string to ast:

let construct_common_ast s=

let len = String.length s in

let rec aux i j=

if i>j then []

else (

let k = find_first s "(,)" i in

let str = trim (String.sub s i (k-i)) in

if k>j || s.[k]=')' then (

if str="" then []

else {data=str; kids=[]; posf=(calc_pos s i); post=(calc_pos s j)}::[]


else if s.[k]='(' then (

let l = next_matched s '(' ')' (k+1) in

let m = find_first_not s " \t\n\r" (l+1) in

if m<=j && s.[m]<>',' then

fail_ast (calc_pos s k) (calc_pos s l) "construct_common_ast: invalid
input string"


{data=str; kids=aux (k+1) (l-1); posf=(calc_pos s i); post=(calc_pos s
l)} :: aux (m+1) j


else {data=str; kids=[]; posf=(calc_pos s i); post=(calc_pos s k)} ::
aux (k+1) j



let trees=aux 0 (len-1) in

List.hd trees;;

For construct_common_ast :

# construct_common_ast;;

- : string -> string ast = <fun>

# construct_common_ast "node (function, params(), returns())";;

- : string ast =

{data = "node";

kids =

[{data = "function"; kids = []; posf = {line = 1; col = 8};

post = {line = 1; col = 16}};

{data = "params"; kids = []; posf = {line = 1; col = 17};

post = {line = 1; col = 25}};

{data = "returns"; kids = []; posf = {line = 1; col = 27};

post = {line = 1; col = 36}}];

posf = {line = 1; col = 2}; post = {line = 1; col = 37}}.

But, it is intolerable to deal with long string. how to increase coding
efficiency of this function?

Thank you anyway.

Best wishes!

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