> I'm afraid to say that you'll have to post a short reproducer here
> before I can look at this further ...

I'm not sure this is the same issue. Look at this test code:

let threads_counter = ref 0

let counter_mutex = Mutex.create ()

let send_data data size =
        let fd = Unix.openfile "/dev/null" [ Unix.O_WRONLY ] 0o644 in
        ignore (Unix.write fd data 0 size);
        Unix.close fd

let read_data _ =
        let fd = Unix.openfile "/dev/random" [] 0o644 in
        let buffer = String.create 1024 in
        let br = Unix.read fd buffer 0 (Random.int 1000) in
        Unix.close fd;
        ignore (Unix.select [] [] [] 0.1);
        send_data buffer br

let do_work _ =
        read_data ();

        Mutex.lock counter_mutex;
        decr threads_counter;
        Mutex.unlock counter_mutex

let _ =
        while true do
                Mutex.lock counter_mutex;
                if !threads_counter < 20 then
                        incr threads_counter;

                        ignore (Thread.create do_work ());
                Mutex.unlock counter_mutex;
        Unix.sleep 100

It checks if thread count is less than 20. If so, new thread is created
and threads_counter incremented. After thread is done, threads_counter
is decremented.

After 5 minutes of work, RSS usage was grown from 3300KB to 5670KB on
FreeBSD 7.0 and from 976KB to 1200KB on Linux. In both cases Ocaml
3.10.2 was used.

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