Excerpts from Julien SIGNOLES's message of Wed Jan 28 15:24:14 +0100 2009:
> Le mercredi 28 janvier 2009 à 14:07 +0000, Matthieu Wipliez a écrit :
> > > Hello,
> > > 
> > > Is it a bug or a well-known feature that the above program does not emit
> > > a warning (because "f x" should have type unit in the body of "g") ?
> > > 
> > > =====
> > > let f x = x
> > > let g x = f x; 1
> > > (* let _ = g 2 *)
> > > ====
> > 
> > I'm not familiar with the internals of the compiler, but what I suppose is 
> > happening is that it tries to unify the type of "f x" and "unit", and this 
> > succeeds because "f x" has type 'a, which can be unified with anything. The 
> > meaning of "a;b" seems to be let _ = a in b rather than let () = a in b.
> > 
> > But like I said, these are suppositions.
> Sure. However in my real case, I had an "ok" code like this :
> let f x : 'a -> unit = ...
> let g x =
>   f x;
>   x
> I changed a little bit the specification of f :
> let f x : 'a -> 'a = ...
> I just expected that caml helps me to find all the instances where I had
> to take care of this specification change. Such a thing is one of the
> very good features of caml. Unfortunatly, in this case, caml did not
> help me while the old implementation of "g" became wrong with the new
> specification of "f" :-(.

That's because (let f x : 'a -> 'a = ...) is not a specification for a
polymorphic function, this is rather an existential quantification than a
universal one.

They are some ugly tricks to ensure a polymorphic function, like this one:

module M : sig
  val f : t -> 'a -> 'a
end = struct
  let f x = ...
include M

Best regards,

Nicolas Pouillard

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