Excerpts from Paul Steckler's message of Thu Jan 29 05:36:44 +0100 2009:
> Hi Nicolas,
> > However I can guess in your question that you don't really want to change 
> > the
> syntax of the binary operator "&", but rather to change it's meaning. In
> camlp4 there is a much more sane and easier way to do this using filters.
> By the way there is an example in the camlp4 sources that does exactly this.
> Yes, this seems to work -- but it would be simpler, in fact, if I could just 
> use
> a rule in my grammar extension.

> Do you know if there's a way to debug grammar extensions?

I don't think there is a nice way do to it.

> Maybe I need to
> DELETE a rule from the original grammar, though it's not clear to me which
> rule that is.

Look at Camlp4Parsers/Camlp4OCamlRevisedParser.ml

The rule is:
[ [ x = [ "&" | "&&" ] -> <:expr< $lid:x$ >> ] ]

Nicolas Pouillard

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