Excerpts from Andre Nathan's message of Fri Mar 27 05:42:34 +0100 2009:
> Hello
> I've found the following difference of behavior between OCaml 3.10 and
> 3.11. The code below
>   <:expr<
>     do {
>       let a = "foo" in
>       print_endline a;
>       print_endline a
>     }
>   >>
> when run through camlp4o becomes, in 3.10,
>   let a = "foo" in (print_endline a; print_endline a)
> while in 3.11 it becomes
>   ((let a = "foo" in print_endline a); print_endline a)
> which causes `a' to become out of scope in the second print_endline.
> Is the behavior of 3.11 the correct one? I had to move the binding
> of `a' out of the do block so that this works in both versions.

That was indeed the intended behavior, to get a larger scope for 'a'
use this syntax:

    do {
      let a = "foo"; (* <--- semicolon here *)
      print_endline a;
      print_endline a

Nicolas Pouillard

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