On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 04:01:31PM +0100, Keyan wrote:
> but at this point i wanted to know if ocaml is still alive, i.e. if
> you can still easily download and install it on a variety of OS, and

Quite alive.


(Look for "new upstream release" to check how often new upstream have
 been released and made part of Debian-based distributions. Fedora
 people have similar stories to tell.)


Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
z...@{upsilon.cc,pps.jussieu.fr,debian.org} -<>- http://upsilon.cc/zack/
Dietro un grande uomo c'è ..|  .  |. Et ne m'en veux pas si je te tutoie
sempre uno zaino ...........| ..: |.... Je dis tu à tous ceux que j'aime

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