OUnit is a unit testing framework for OCaml, inspired by the JUnit tool for
Java, and the HUnit tool for Haskell.

More information on [HUnit](http://hunit.sourceforge.net)

- Add a ~pp_diff parameter to assert_equal and some classic diff operations
  (Closes: #635, #642)
- Add an assert_command function (Closes: #641)
- Add a bracket_tmpfile to ease temporary file use
- Enhance documentation, translate the docbook manual into ocamldoc and
  add content
- Allow to add extra command line arguments to run_test_tt_main 
  (Closes: #640)
- Add a -list-test options to run_test_tt_main, to list available tests
- Skip tests when using "-only-test", rather than removing it. This way 
  the path is the same even if some tests don't pass (Closes: #637)
- Add backtrace support (Closes: #639), thanks to Michael Ekstrand
- Use OASIS 
- Move to OCaml Forge: http://ounit.forge.ocamlcore.org
- Maintainance is now done by Sylvain Le Gall (OCamlCore SARL), thanks to
  Maas-Maarten Zeeman for all his work

__As you see there are a lot of changes. OUnit is evolving, feel free to submit
bug reports or contribute your own OUnit snippet if it can be included in the


Get source code:
$ darcs get http://darcs.ocamlcore.org/repos/ounit

Browse source code:

[Generated by 'OASIS announce']

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs

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