
Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of April 30 to May 07, 2013.

1) OCaml mechanize?
2) -principal
3) Request for feedback: A problem with injectivity and GADTs
4) Other Caml News

1) OCaml mechanize?
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-05/msg00003.html>
** Continuing the thread from last week, Richard Jones said:

> There are bindings to Perl's WWW::Mechanize in perl4caml. Its website
> seems down,

The latest code is in the git repo:

2) -principal
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-05/msg00008.html>
** Yaron Minsky asked and Jacques Garrigue replied:

> Can anyone describe the pluses and minuses of turning on -principal?
> Is it considered to be good practice for codebases that are compatible
> with it?  Can it change behavior of currently working code?

Turning on -principal allows detecting "risky" uses of type information to
help type inference.
By risky I mean that success or failure of type inference may depend
on the order in which subexpressions are typed.
This kind of type information is only used by a limited number of features:
* polymorphic methods
* using different order of labeled arguments in a function
* some discarding of optional arguments
* choice of the source type in a coercion (i.e. automatic upgrading of
   (expr :> t2) into (expr : t1 :> t2) when the type of expr is closed).
  This is particularly useful for private type abbreviations.
* disambiguation of record field and constructor names (new in trunk)

The technical definition is based on polymorphism, but the intuition
is that type information follows the (functional) flow of data, even going
through polymorphic functions (being conservative when merging flows).
So a simple way to understand is: supposing that type annotation physically
adds type information to the expression they decorate, will all values
reaching the use point be decorated?
It also flows backward (the expected type is propagated), but does not
go through functions in that case.

# type t = < id: 'a. 'a -> 'a >;;
type t = < id : 'a. 'a -> 'a >
# let f (x : t) = x, x#id;;     (* safe code: the type of x is known at all its 
use points *)
val f : t -> t * ('a -> 'a) = <fun>
# let f x = (x : t), x#id;;     (* unsafe code: the type is only known because 
typing goes from left to right *)
Warning 18: this use of a polymorphic method is not principal.
val f : t -> t * ('a -> 'a) = <fun>
# let f x = x#id, (x : t);;    (* just exchanging the members of the pair 
causes a failure *)
Error: This expression has type < id : 'a; .. >
       but an expression was expected of type t
       The universal variable 'a0 would escape its scope

In an ideal world, I would suggest systematically using -principal, as it makes
the notion of "known type" well-defined.
However, there are drawbacks to -principal
* type inference is slower (more copying occurs)
* cmi's become bigger
The first point is mainly a problem if you use objects.
The second one if you have already problems with cmi size (again, mostly 

As a result the suggested approach is to only compile with -principal once in a 
This is reasonable because if compiling with -principal works, in theory it is 
that the program will be accepted without -principal too. Of course the 
semantics do
not change.

However there is a difficulty: since the generated cmi's may differ, in general 
has to maintain completely separate builds.
If you have a complete set of mli's, then a solution is to always compile mli's 
(or without) -principal. (Compiling the mli without principal may in theory 
propagation to fail in some cases, but you are on the safe side, and I have
never observed it)

So yes, it is good practice. But I'm afraid few invested the effort in doing it.
Looking at the features you use in Core, this may be a good idea to try.
(My understanding is that Lexifi tried, but they had problems because they
use big object types).
By the way, the ocaml compiler itself doesn't use any of the above features,
so it is not directly concerned.
3) Request for feedback: A problem with injectivity and GADTs
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-05/msg00011.html>
** Continuing the thread from last week, Jacques Garrigue said:

Ironically, I have just found that lablgtk2 does not compile with the fixed 
lablgtk2 does not use GADTs, but it uses constrained type parameters in classes.

The problem is as follows:

type -'a gobj

class virtual ['a] item_container :
    constraint 'a = < as_item : [>`widget] obj; .. >
    method add : 'a -> unit

File "gContainer.mli", line 126, characters 6-665:
Error: In this definition, a type variable cannot be deduced
       from the type parameters.

It is a bit surprising, since the said variable is the row variable
of the above [> `widget], and it is only referred through 'a.
The reason there is an error is that the checkability requirements
for the body of types and constrained type parameters differ:
to allow the row variable to appear in a position potentially
contravariant, we need it to know from the constraint that it
appears for sure in a negative or invariant position.
One way to solve this is to check that the type identified by 'a can
actually be handled as a real variable (its internal variables do
not occur out of it), which would solve the discrepancy.
However, checking this is going to be a pain.
And making gobj injective immediately solves the problem.

In the midtime, the problem is fixed in the git version of
lablgtk2 by pretending that gobj is a private sum type (whose
contents are abstract).

This also empasizes that the new restriction does not impact
only GADTs: all constrained type parameters are also concerned.
** Gabriel Scherer asked and Jacques Garrigue replied:

> If I understand correctly, you are saying that this "constraint", in
> absence of injectivity, could be handled semantically like GADTs with
> non-injective equations, that is as quantifying locally on a ("true")
> existential variable?

I did not think of it that way, but this is something like that.
By abstracting on the (common) part of the types which contains
abstract type constructor, we can fall back to exact variance information.

> Handling existential variables (in fact local type constructors)
> attached to GADT constructors is well-understood as they have clear
> introduction sites and scopes, exactly where their constructor is
> matched. When you say that checking the "constraint" case is painful,
> is it related to the fact that there is no such corresponding
> term-level marker?

Well yes, you have to find the common parts yourself.
Actually this is not that bad.
I have committed a fix, which works by recursing on the body
of the definition, trying to find equal types inside the constrained
parameters. If the variance at this point is correct, one doesn't
need to look inside.
This may be a bit expensive, but usually constraints are not big.

In theory one could do even better, by abstracting on the "real"
variance of abstract types. Then the variance of an occurence
becomes a set of paths (composition of variances) from the root
of the type definition. However, this just looks too complicated to
** Leo White asked and Jacques Garrigue replied:

>>>>      type 'a t = T;;
>>>>      type _ g = G : 'a -> 'a t g;;
>>> I don't see why this could not be allowed without the restriction you
>>> propose. I thought that this was rejected in 4.00 because 4.00 used
>>> bi-variance as an (unsafe) approximation of non-injective. Since we now
>>> track injectivity separately from variance g be accepted (with 'a 
>>> covariant).
>> In our work, this GADT definition would be accepted, and:
>> (1) matching on the constructor G does not give any information on the
>> value of the existential type 'a
>> (2) the parameter of g (not 'a, the one marked _ above) may marked
>> covariant or invariant, because the constructor t is upward-closed but
>> not downward-closed (private types)
> I don't think the argument to G needs to be given an existential type,
> as long as the parameter of g is marked invariant.
> The parameter to g should be marked invariant for two reasons:
> 1) It is constrained in the result type of a GADT constructor which, as
> discussed on this list previously, forces it to be invariant (at least
> for now, see Gabriel's paper for further details).
> 2) Marking it as anything other than invariant, would entail marking
> 'a as bi-variant, when it is in fact covariant.
> This second reason also occurs in types with constraints, for example:
>  type 'a s = 'b constraint 'a = 'b t
> here 'b is covariant (used in covariant and bi-variant positions), but
> marking 'a as any variance other than invariant would entail marking 'b
> as bi-variant.

Sorry for the slow answer. The implementation was not correct yet...

I think there is a misunderstanding here.
The problem is that 'b has two variances: its internal one, inferred from
its occurrences inside the body of the type, and its external one, defined
by its occurences inside parameters of the type.
For the definition to be correct, we need the external variance to be
at least as rigid as the internal one.
The extra difficulty is that our knowledge of variances is only approximative
(due to abstraction), and we have to use lower bounds on external variances,
and an upper bounds on internal variances (to be sure that we are safe).
Here the lower bound says just that the external variance of 'b
is the composition of invariant and injective, while the internal one
is covariant. If invariant o injective were defined as only injective,
it would be less rigid than the internal version, hence the need to
have invariant o injective = invariant.
(But for the converse, we only have injective o invariant = injective)

Actually I realized that just positive, negative and injective are not 
To fully accommodate the need for upper and lower bounds, we end up
needing 7 different variance flags!
  may_pos, may_neg : the variable may appear at positive or negative
        occurrences in the real definition; this is an upper bound,
        corresponding to variance annotations on abstract types
  may_weak: needed to make type inference principal
  pos, neg: we now that the variable appears at positive or negative
        occurrences in the real definition; this is a lower bound
  inj: either pos, or neg, or parameter of a concrete definition;
        does not disappear by expansion
  inv: pos and neg simultaneously in a concrete definition; needed
        the above composition inv o inj = inv
We have the hierarchy unknown < inj < pos \/ neg < pos /\ neg < inv.
Of course not all combinations are valid, (for instance pos implies may_pos,
etc?) but this is still mind boggling.

But those are not sufficient to solve the lablgtk2 problem above:
calling 'b the row variable of [> `widget], its internal variance is
neg o pos o may_neg, but its external variance is inv o pos o may_neg.
The result is may_pos internally, but externally the result is
may_pos /\ may_neg, whose lower bound is just "unknown".

Hence the need to "abstract" on common types, when their internal
variables do not escape.
The variance of 'a internally is neg, and externally inv, so all is fine.

This is a bit complicated, but the full specification is clear enough.
Thanks to the detection of common types, the fact that the only flags
for abstract types are may_pos and may_neg is not too much
a problem for constrained parameters.
4) Other Caml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at <http://planet.ocaml.org/>.

malloc() is the new gensym():

A new Coq tactic for inversion:

Patch review vs diff review, revisited:

Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schm...@polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


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