
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of October 24 to
November 07, 2017.

Sorry for the hiatus, I was in vacations last week with no internet.

1) What if exn was not an open type?
2) Sample emacs plugin using ecaml?
3) Alternative to Streams?
4) OCaml 4.06.0+rc1
5) Upcoming breaking changes in Ocamldoc 4.06
6) nsq-ocaml
7) New release of ocaml-kafka
8) LablGTK 2.18.6 and LablTk 8.06.3
9) Digestif 0.4
10) Salsa20 0.1.0
11) Notty 0.2.0
12) OCaml release 4.06.0
13) RISC-V OCaml 4.06
14) ANN: jbuilder 1.0+beta15
15) omake-0.10.3
16) Ecaml: OCaml Emacs plugins tutorial
17) Other OCaml News

1) What if exn was not an open type?
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2017-10/msg00079.html>
** Continuing the thread from last week, Richard Jones said:

Petter A. Urkedal wrote:
> Richard Jones wrote:
> > Since I first used OCaml I have wished for a simple (and type safe)
> > return statement.
> It's possible to wrap a bit type (and exception) safety about
> exceptions used for return:
>   val with_return : (('a -> 'b) -> 'a) -> 'a
>   let with_return (type b) f =
>     let exception Return of b in
>     try f (fun y -> raise (Return y)) with Return y -> y
> E.g.
>   with_return (fun return -> List.iter (function 0 -> () | i -> return
> i) [0; 0; 24; 0]; -1);;

Thanks, that's interesting.


As mine was a bit of a "Hit and run" comment, let me expand on
why a return statement is useful for the kind of dull code that
I write.

I often have to write functions of the form:

  let f () =
    if some_problem then (
      printf "sorry, can't do that\n";
      (* return *)
    else if some_other_problem then (
      printf "sorry, can't do that either\n";
      (* return *)
    else (
      match something with
      | None ->
         (* return *)
      | Some v ->
         (* finally we get to do some work! *)

Real code is often heavily indented, or we have to put the work into
awkward nested functions.  This file contains a few real examples:

This would work a lot better with a return statement rather than

Having said all that I was writing a little ML language last
year and I tried to implement a return statement, but it was very
awkward to work out how to map that to my lambda calculus, so
I understand how return statements are rather difficult to implement
in practice.
** Ivan Gotovchits then said:

The return statement is in fact a tamed exception, as it provides an
exceptional, i.e., a non-local control flow. However, exceptions are not
first class citizens in functional programming languages as they are not
explicitly represented in typed lambda calculus, and are not really
represented in the type system (in a sence that an expression with and
without exception has the same type). Thus dealing with expressions that
may raise an exception is hard, as well as dealing with any expression that
has a side effect. OCaml multicore project is actually bringing more than
the multicore support, they also reify the effect system into the language.
Thus exceptions, as well as the return statements, can be soon easily
implemented on top of the effect system and can be reasoned in a much more
natural way.

With all that said, safe and first class exceptions can be implemented in
plain OCaml, or any other functional programming language that provides
higher order polymorphism (type classes, functors, etc). The limited form
of an exception can be implemented even without it. As it was already
noticed, the Maybe monad, as well as the Error monad, or any other monad
that reifies non-total computations can be used to implement a poor man
return statement. The problem is that when one computation yields the null
value, the rest of the computation chain is still evaluated. This is not a
big issue if a chain is written manually (i.e., is a block of code, like in
your example), but it could be serious if the chain is very long (i.e.,
processing a big list), or even worse infininte. If the problem with a list
of computations can be solved on the monad implementation (as we do in the
[Monads][2] library), the problem with the infinite computation can be
easily addressed in a non-total monad.

The answer is to use the continuation passing style (CPS). We can use
delimited continuations (as in the upcoming multicore), or we can use plain
non-delimited continuations. The rough idea, is that if you have function
that needs to escape the computation prematurely, you can pass a
continuation to that function, e.g.,

     let do_stuff return =
       if world_is_bad then return None
       else if moon_phase_is_bad then return None
       else return (compute_some_stuff ())

You may notice, that we still need the else statement as our return
function has type `'a -> 'a`, but for the non-local return we need
something of type `'a -> 'b`, to implement this we need to switch to the
continuation passing style, where each computation is a continuation, i.e.,
a function of type `('a -> 'b) -> 'b`. For example, this is how the
List.fold function will look in the CPS:

        let fold xs ~init ~f =
          let rec loop xs k = match xs with
            | [] -> k
            | x :: xs -> fun k' ->  k (fun a -> loop xs (f a x) k') in
          loop xs (fun k -> k init)

Programming in this style directly is a little bit cubersome, but the good
news, is that the continuation passing style can be encoded as a monad. The
[Continuation monad][2] has only one extra operator, called call/cc, that
calls a function and passes the current continuation (i.e., a first class
return statement) to it, e.g.,

       let do_stuff ~cc:return =
         if world_is_bad then return () >>= fun () ->
         if moon_phase_is_bad then return () >>= fun () ->
         compute_some_stuff ()

     let main () = Cont.call do_stuff

The interesting thing with the non-delimited continuation is that  `cc`
here is a first class value that can be stored in a container, resumed
multiple times, etc. This gives us enough freedom to implement lots of
weird variants of a control flow, e.g., return statement, exceptions,
couroutines, concurrency, and, probably, even the [COMEFROM][4]
instruction. Basically, a continuation is a first class program label.

Is it good or bad, you can decide yourself. Maybe this is too much freedom,
however, this is totally a part of the lambda calculus, and is not using
any type system escape hatches, like exceptions, even given that the
`return` function has type `a -> 'b t`.

P.S. Although I took your examples for demonstration purposes of the Cont
monad, I still believe that for your particular case a non-total monad
would be much nicer and more natural. Using the Monads library Error monad,
it can be expressed as:

   let do_stuff () =
     if world_is_bad then failf "the world is wrong" () >>= fun () ->
     if moon_phase_is_bad then failf "look at the Moon!" () >>= fun () ->
     compute_some_stuff ()

The Error monad implements the Fail interface, that provides mechanisms for
diverging the computation with an exception (not real exception of course),
as well as provides the catch operator. The Error monad has a much stricter
type discipline, and limited control flow variants, that can be considered
as boon in most cases.

[1]: <http://kcsrk.info/ocaml/multicore/2015/05/20/effects-multicore/>
[2]: <http://binaryanalysisplatform.github.io/bap/api/v1.3.0/Monads.Std.html>
[4]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COMEFROM>
** Oleg then said:

It is interesting that we have this discussion about, even advocacy
for, monads at the time effects are coming to the front stage. The
language Eff (<http://eff-lang.org>), which is essentially OCaml, states
right upfront its advantages over monads. (Monads do not compose.)
Daan Leijen talk past month about the web server implemented in Koka
stressed the absence of monads. In Koka, if we need an effectful
operation, we just do it. As the Multicore OCaml project has shown,
effects can be very efficiently implemented. 

I fully agree with Ivan Gotovchits that recommends Rich Jones' code
rely on exceptions rather than monads. Where I disagree is the
contention that ``When you need to write system code or any code that
deals with effects, monads become inevitable sooner or later unless
you're willing to use the escape hatch of mutability.'' Monads are not

First of all, not all effects can be represented as monads (which was
pointed long time ago by Wadler himself). My talk at the ML workshop
last month
described several other effects that aren't monadic and that
commitment to monads precludes several useful implementations (e.g.,
code generation, which cannot be thought in monadic terms).  Hence,
there is real harm in trying to squeeze everything into a
monad. Incidentally, alternative ideas of effects as interactions go
back to 1970s.

Richard Jones wrote:
> Having said all that I was writing a little ML language last
> year and I tried to implement a return statement, but it was very
> awkward to work out how to map that to my lambda calculus, so
> I understand how return statements are rather difficult to implement
> in practice.

Perhaps this gives a hint that lambda-calculus isn't the best model of
computation -- as the Founding Father has recognized very early
on. There is a reason he spent his life after ML working on process
calculi. Indeed, it takes lots of hops to implement a simple return
statement -- not to speak about real IO -- whereas it a process
calculus, we just say !a. Done. Sending the result to another process
(or to the context) is a built-in operation. There are no
continuations to pass around or capture, no monads (which become
totally unnecessary), no binding. Erlang has shown very well that this
way of programming is realistic, and rather effective.

lambda-calculus has its uses: it works spectacularly well for what it
has been designed for: expressing definitions (and logical
derivations). However, just because it is possible to express
arithmetic in lambda-calculus does not mean that we should be stuck
with Church-numerals. There are better ways to handle numbers -- and
there are better ways to handle communication and control -- outside
** Philippe Veber said and Richard Jones replied:

> isn't that a context where error monads do a pretty decent job?
> check_some_problem () >>= fun () ->
> check_some_other_problem () >>= fun () ->
> expect_something () >>= fun something ->
> finally_do something

Right, but the main problem with monads is they scare off ordinary
programmers :-/

When writing open source code in OCaml we have two -- conflicting --
goals.  Goal #1 is to write elegant, short, fast, safe code, and OCaml
really wins there.  Goal #2 is to attract outside programmers to work
on the project, and that's pretty hard with OCaml code, but we manage
it.  But it gets much much harder if we use any concept which strays
too far from imperative/C-like code.  You will see if you look through
our codebase that it's pretty imperative and -- quite deliberately --
avoids doing strange stuff with modules, functors or really anything
which is "excessively functional" (sorry for the loose term, but I
hope you know what I mean :-).

However when I have the time after my current conference I will try
to rewrite the code I linked to with monads to see if I can make
something which is both simple and readable.
** Ivan Gotovchits then said:

Well, we have the same constraint, as we are trying to write code, that is
understandable by students, who may not know OCaml. However, we are also
trying to enforce pure functional programming, that, we believe, teaches
the right thinking and produces programs that are easier to understand.
When you need to write system code or any code that deals with effects,
monads become inevitable sooner or later unless you're willing to use
the escape hatch of mutability. The monadic code usually scares people (and
the Continuation monad usually scared even the bravest). However, there are
ways to deal with it. You can use different syntax extensions, like the
[ppx_let][1], that is very light, [ppx_monadic][2], that provides a real
do-notation so that you can write your code in the true imperative style.
You can even rely on camlp4 or camlp5 do provide you a full support for the

I, myself, do not really like the do-notation (even in Haskell, or F#)
because I believe, that it hides the real notion of computation. So, we
stick to the regular syntax of OCaml. I'm always explaining the concept of
Monad using the imperative C-like language, by pointing that a monad is
just a way to parametrize your semicolon operator. So the idea is not
really from functional programming and should be understandable by someone
who has only an imperative programming background.

With all this said, I think, that your code should rely on exceptions, not
the monads. Since libguestfs is totally imperative library, that deals with
imperative primitives, using OCaml exceptions is a perfectly valid
solution. You are already dealing with primitives that bear hidden effects,
so your computations are not pure on the first hand, thus adding exceptions
will not add anything more to it. The essence of each monad is the `run`
function, that evaluates monadic operations (orders) and produces an
explicit state. Since you can't really reify the run function in your case,
using monads will only obscure things. To make the long story short, you
should use monad only with pure code in cases when you can represent
effects as an OCaml value. Mixing imperative code with monadic code is the
worst thing one can imagine - as you will deal with wolves in lamb's skins,
functions that pretend to be pure while in fact, they are inherently

[1]: <https://blog.janestreet.com/let-syntax-and-why-you-should-use-it/>
[2]: <https://bitbucket.org/camlspotter/ppx_monadic>
** Philippe Veber said and Leo White replied:

> I thought one big selling argument of monads was also that the type of
> the functions shows which effect it performs. As I understand it, it
> is not the case for effects, at least not in existing implementations
> like multicore ocaml.

Whilst the current implementation in multicore OCaml does not track
effects at the type level,there is a prototype version which does:


I spoke about it at HOPE last year:

** oleg also replied:

How expressive are the types of effectful computations pretty much
depends on a particular type system in use. Let me cite from the message
that I received from Nick Palladinos (CCed) the other week, who implemented
extensible effects in F#, a rather close relative of OCaml. You can
write the code as below

let example () =
    eff {
        do! put 1
        let! x = get ()
        let! y = ask ()
        return x + y

(Here, `eff' is a tag of so-called computational expressions of F#, a
very handy feature).

The *inferred* type is as follows
  val example : unit -> Eff<'U,int> when 'U :> Reader<int> and 'U :> State<int>

clearly stating that example is an effectful expression that uses at
least Reader and State effects. The example also illustrates
composability, your second question: put/get and ask are operations of two
distinct effects (State and Reader, resp). You can combine them freely
within the same program.

(I hope Nick will write a paper explaining his implementation so that
we can all learn from it.)

To give more references (in addition to Leo's work), I should point to Koka

which is an OCaml-like language based on effects and
effect-typing. The language is mature enough to write a web server in
it (as Daan Leijen described in his talk at the ML Family workshop
this year).

        Other references are the recent Effekt library in Scala
        and extensible-effect library
which, although being first proposed for Haskell has also been ported
to Scala (and now F#). Purescript's extensible effects are also
** Several days later, Richard Jones said:

As promised, I tried rewriting some code with this style.  The
good news is that it does look a lot more like the original C code.

The bad news is that with_return as defined above doesn't really work
like the C return statement, as in the small example below.  The
example is very contrived but it reflects a problem that I found in
real code.

The problem is that the return statement could be called from many
contexts, all with different types.  The compiler expects to unify all
these types (as the same type 'b) which is not possible.

It wasn't immediately clear to me if this was solvable.



let with_return (type b) f =
  let exception Return of b in
  try f (fun y -> raise (Return y)) with Return y -> y

let f () =
  with_return (fun return ->
      if false then return "error";
      let a =
        match Some "abc" with
        | None -> return "another error"
        | Some a -> a in
** Max Mouratov then suggested:

See how it's done in Batteries:

type 'a t = 'a -> exn

let return label value =
  raise (label value)

let label (type u) (f : u t -> u) : u =
  let module M = struct exception Return of u end in
  try f (fun x -> M.Return x)
with M.Return u -> u
** octachron also suggested:

This issue can be solved by making the type of return more precise, capturing
the fact that return always raises:

    type 'a return = { return: 'b. 'a -> 'b } [@@unboxed]
    let with_return (type b) f =
      let exception Return of b in
      try f {return = (fun y -> raise (Return y))} with Return y -> y;;

It becomes then possible to write

    let f () =
      with_return (fun {return} ->
        if false then return "error";
        let a =
          match Some "abc" with
          | None -> return "another error"
          | Some a -> a in
** Yaron Minsky then said:

FWIW, this idiom is supported by Base.


I notice we're not yet using the unboxed attribute, though, so we
should fix that...
** Gabriel Scherer then added:

We also have return-by-local-exceptions in Batteries (the BatReturn
module), but reports from js_of_ocaml users (namely, Clément
Pit-Claudel) is that this style gets translated to extremely slow
Javascript code -- functions from Batteries using this style (string
search functions in particular) were a performance bottleneck on the
javascript backend. I fixed the issue by rewriting all uses of
BatReturn in Batteries libraries themselves.
Long-term, it would be better to have Javascript backends produce
better code on this, but I think it is rather difficult -- it is easy
to compile efficiently local exceptions that are raised in the same
basic block, but with_return takes a callback so you have to both
inline and specialize before you are within reach of the optimization.
** Petter Urkedal said and Richard Jones replied:

> I vouch for octachron solution to the lack of polymorphism in the
> return function.
> I tried to reformat the inspect_fs_unix_fstab.ml more along my own
> coding style to get a feel for the issue:
> <https://gist.github.com/paurkedal/80b89c8fabe041e62eccc596d51f382b>
> What doesn't work with this style is falling though to the next block,
> though I'm not sure that's I good for maintainability anyway.  This
> is, however, even further away from the C style.

That appears to mainly play with indentation, which just means that
our tools won't work well.

FWIW here's the updated version I ended up with:


This was formed by going back to the original C code:


and rearranging the OCaml code to look more like it, adding return
statements to achieve this.

For those wondering why, the aim here is to translate the code from C
to OCaml as closely as possible (at first) in order to minimize the
inevitable bugs that will be added during the translation.  The C code
is very well tested over years.  I have plans to rework the code
completely later to make real use of OCaml, but first don't break
2) Sample emacs plugin using ecaml?
Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/sample-emacs-plugin-using-ecaml/1016/1>
** Bikal Gurung asked and bcc32 replied:

> Does anyone know of any sample emacs plugin using 
> <https://github.com/janestreet/ecaml>?

I put together a very small example to show how building can work. It does very
little but should give a decent idea of how the general structure is: define
some functions, then declare that you provide a certain package.

It currently only works with the version of Ecaml on opam (v0.9.0), and relies
on the executable format being a valid shared object (seems to be true on macOS,
and I think Linux (ELF) too).

3) Alternative to Streams?
Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/alternative-to-streams/1020/1>
** Perry Metzger asked:



...leads me to wonder what the future of the Streams interface might be. I'm
currently using it in a project so that I can have input to a lexical analyzer
come from either a string (for unit testing) or a file with the same API. Should
I be building my own similar gadget instead? (I'm not that in love with the
interface anyway, I seem to prefer things that return options rather than
throwing exceptions...)
** Gabriel Radanne replied:

My personal vote goes to [sequence](<https://github.com/c-cube/sequence/>) and

In a few OCaml version, we might be able to use
<https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/1002> to replace those.
** Daniel Bünzli then said:

But it's certainly not what you want you want to use if you are streaming from
files (and the actual reason why I'm against its inclusion in the stdlib).
** Perry Metzger then asked and Daniel Bünzli replied:

> Somewhat confused by that last comment?

When you are streaming from/to files you need to be able to handle errors and
resource disposal, these thing won't do it and simply plugging file reading
functions in there will easily result in pain like too many open fds etc. (you
would be doing the equivalent of Haskell's lazy IO, google for that you should
be able to find plenty of discussion about its shortcomings).

One way to side step the issue is to first read the whole file in memory and
start from that, but then you are no longer streaming.

There was more discussion in the first
[PR](<https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/635>) but somehow it got subsequently
** Perry Metzger then asked:

Okay, so you're saying that these won't work for me particularly well. Do you
have suggestions on what will? I could also try to build something primitive
myself, it wouldn't be too hard, but I would have hoped for a more generic

(Oh, and on file descriptor leaks, I presume from that there isn't any way in
OCaml to attach a finalizer to a data structure to (for example) free a fd if no
one is using it any more...?)
** Gabriel Radanne then said and Daniel Bünzli replied:

> While @dbuenzli?s concerns about resources are generally justified, using gen
> for lexing/parsing is, in practice, perfectly fine and you can find several
> people doing exactly that.

Indeed if I remember correctly `Gen` are [simple
generators](<http://okmij.org/ftp/continuations/PPYield/>) and in those the
producer drives the generation which allows to control the resources more
precisely ([here's](<https://gist.github.com/dbuenzli/74be3c9fe51e017790b5>) a 
implementation of them from first principles).
4) OCaml 4.06.0+rc1
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2017-10/msg00103.html>
** Gabriel Scherer announced:

We have created a first release candidate of the upcoming
OCaml 4.06.0 release for your repeated testing pleasure. It is
available as opam switches 4.06.0.+rc1 (or +rc1+flambda, etc.)

  opam switch 4.06.0+rc1

or as source archives at


The Changelog since 4.05.0 is available at


The more specific list of changes since 4.06.0+beta2 is
included at the end of this email.

We are hoping to make the actual 4.06.0 release shortly. If
you are the maintainer of a publicly-distributed OCaml
package, now is the time to make sure you have made
a 4.06-ready release.

Happy hacking,

-- Gabriel Scherer for the OCaml team.

Changes since beta2:

* MPR#7598, GPR#1402: the magic numbers used by the OCaml
  compiler (versioning numbers for object files and the binary
  AST format) have been updated, which means that some tools
  may have to be updated to the 4.06-specific magic numbers,
  even if they appeared to work fine in
  4.06.0+beta2. (Apologies updating so late in the release
  (Damien Doligez, review by Alain Frisch, Xavier Leroy and Sébastien Hinderer,
  report by Bart Jacobs)

- GPR#594: New manual chapter on polymorphism troubles: weakly
  polymorphic types, polymorphic recursion,and higher-ranked
  (Florian Angeletti, review by Damien Doligez, Gabriel Scherer,
   and Gerd Stolpmann)

  You can preview this chapter (and the whole 4.06.0 manual) at:

- GPR#1409: Fix to enable NetBSD/powerpc to work.
  (Håvard Eidnes)

- MPR#7657, GPR#1424: ensures correct call-by-value semantics
  when eta-expanding functions to eliminate optional arguments
  (Alain Frisch, report by sliquister, review by Leo White and Jacques

- GPR#1457, ocamldoc: restore label for exception in the latex
  backend (omitted since 4.04.0)
  (Florian Angeletti, review by Gabriel Scherer)

- MPR#6329, GPR#1437: Introduce padding word before "data_end"
  symbols to ensure page table tests work correctly on an
  immediately preceding block of zero size.
  (Mark Shinwell, review by Xavier Leroy)

- MPR#7658, GPR#1439: Fix Spacetime runtime system compilation
  with -force-safe-string
  (Mark Shinwell, report by Christoph Spiel, review by Gabriel Scherer)

- GPR#1407: Fix raw_spacetime_lib
  (Leo White, review by Gabriel Scherer and Damien Doligez)
** David Allsopp then added:

One of the big changes for the native Windows ports of OCaml is that we now have
support for UTF-8 filenames in the runtime.

TL;DR functions like Sys.readdir no longer return garbage (or at best
locale-specific strings).

I wrote up a post about the details of this large patch at
<http://www.dra27.uk/blog/platform/2017/10/30/ocaml-unicode.html>, which also
includes details on compiling OCaml on Windows, as the instructions have altered
slightly with 4.06.0.

Some of the fruits of this labour can be seen in our Camel and Cyrillic-laden
AppVeyor logs, for example
** Mattias Engdegård then asked and David Allsopp replied:

>> One of the big changes for the native Windows ports of OCaml is that
>> we now have support for UTF-8 filenames in the runtime.
>> TL;DR functions like Sys.readdir no longer return garbage (or at best
>> locale-specific strings).
> This sounds like very good news, but just for curiosity, how are
> unpaired surrogates in file names handled? (I have no Windows machine
> handy.) Does readdir raise an exception, or return useless rubbish, or
> somehow encode the surrogates in a form that can be used by other file
> handling functions?

This is a good question - and indeed is a section I should add to the post. At
the moment, you will get a Sys_error exception informing you that "No mapping
for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page" - in other
words, the runtime refuses to give invalid UTF-8 in this case.

If you configure OCaml with WINDOWS_UNICODE=0 then, as in previous versions, you
will get a nonsense string, but no exception.

We plan in 4.07.0 to address this but it hasn't been dealt with in this release
mainly because unpaired surrogates in filenames are a highly parasitic case and
also because this issue does not (I believe) only affect Windows.
5) Upcoming breaking changes in Ocamldoc 4.06
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2017-11/msg00004.html>
** octachron announced:

The upcoming version 4.06.0 of the ocaml distribution contains an unusual amount
of bug fixes for ocamldoc. Unfortunately, three of these changes may break some
workflow; these breaking changes concern

 - the definition of module preamble
 - the semantic of ocamldoc heading levels
 - the html structure produced by ocamldoc

Nevertheless, only the first change may affect users using the default ocamldoc
settings and only in some corner cases. Contrarily, the heading level and html
output changes should mostly affect users of custom documentation styles.

More precisely,

- First(GPR#1037 <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/1037>), the preamble of
  the documentation is now defined as the first documentation comment present 
in a
  ml or mli file, only if this documentation comment comes before any module
  elements. The intent here is to avoid using as a preamble a documentation
  comment extracted from the middle of the mli file and avoid repeating this

       type t = A | B
       val x: t

      (** In other words, before 4.06, this documentation comment was considered
          as both a preamble for the whole file and a documentation comment for
      val y: t

  This may cause some troubles with open statements laying at the top of an
  interface files:

       open M

       (** This is not considered as a preamble anymore *)

- Second(GPR#830 <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/830>), the semantic of
  heading level in ocamldoc has been changed to make it possible to use "{1" for
  standard documentation section. Before this change section headings should 
  started at "{2" and "{1" was reserved for the module titles. This is no longer
  the case.

  The default css style and mapping to latex and texinfo heading levels have
  been updated to make this change invisible in the default ocamldoc setting.

  As a consequence ocamldoc html backend maps now the ocamldoc heading level
  "{n" to the html heading level "<h(n+1)>". Custom css style that redefined the
  style of these headings will need to be updated.

  The other ocamldoc backends have been updated to translate both heading level
  "{1" and "{2" to the same heading level in the target language by default, but
  this can be changed using the "-latextitle" or "-infotitle" option.

- Third(GPR#802 <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/802> and GPR#804
  <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/804>), the output of the html renderer 
  been significantly updated to replace all use of "<br>" tags by semantic html
  tags which should make much easier to style consistently the resulting html 
  css. Similarly, the paragraph tag is now used in a much more regular way.

  Unfortunately, this also means that custom css that tried to recover semantic
  information from the position of "<br>" tags will need to be updated.
6) nsq-ocaml
Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-nsq-ocaml/467/3>
** Ryan Slade announced:

Just thought I'd let everyone know that nsq-ocaml is now available on opam:

7) New release of ocaml-kafka
Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/new-release-of-ocaml-kafka/1032/1>
** Didier Wenzek announced:

I'm pleased to announce a new [OPAM
release](<http://opam.ocaml.org/packages/kafka/>) of
[ocaml-kafka](<https://github.com/didier-wenzek/ocaml-kafka>), the OCaml 
for [Kafka](<http://kafka.apache.org/>).

This release fixes a few bugs and an inconvenient dependency over older versions
of OCaml.

Before implementing support for more recent features of Kafka (like ingestion
time), I would like to have some feedback from the community about the API.
Having written the code I needed for my projects, some pieces might be missing,
clumsy or even uneasy to use elsewhere.

Any remark or suggestion is welcome!
8) LablGTK 2.18.6 and LablTk 8.06.3
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2017-10/msg00108.html>
** Jacques Garrigue announced:

This is just to indicate that there are fresh versions of LablGTK and LablTk 
compatible with OCaml 4.06 (in particular with -safe-string).

You can install them through opam, or find them at their usual locations:

We are still considering how to move out of the (supposedly extinguishing) 
but the code is already mirrored on GitHub (including lablGL):
** Yotam Barnoy then asked and Jacques Garrigue replied:

> Any plans to upgrade to GTK+ 3.0 support?

This was discussed on the lablgtk-list in July, and there was little enthusiasm
for a switch to GTK+-3.0.

The current situation is that there is already some code to analyze gir data and
generate bindings automatically (see the gtk3 branch in the repository), but 
is still a lot of work to do to make it usable, and not so much interest.
9) Digestif 0.4
Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-digestif-0-4/1038/1>
** Calascibetta Romain announced:

I'm happy yo announce a new release of
available for installation via OPAM.

Digestif is a library which contains some hashes algorithms like:
* MD5
* SHA1
* SHA224
* SHA256
* SHA384
* SHA512

And this new release integrate:

As the previous release, this library provides 2 implementations. One in C and
one in OCaml. You need to link your program/library with `digestif.c` to get the
first one or `digestif.ocaml` to get the second one (and compile with

This release is well-tested on the advise of @cfcs and we did a little benchmark
with `core_bench`.

For the C implementation:
? Name                       ? Time/Run ? mWd/Run ? Percentage ?
? sha1 (bigstring:1024)      ?   5.39us ?  22.00w ?     32.49% ?
? sha1 (bytes:1024)          ?   5.46us ?  17.00w ?     32.94% ?
? sha256 (bigstring:1024)    ?   8.75us ?  22.00w ?     52.72% ?
? sha256 (bytes:1024)        ?  10.39us ?  19.00w ?     62.64% ?
? sha512 (bigstring:1024)    ?   7.48us ?  22.00w ?     45.10% ?
? sha512 (bytes:1024)        ?   7.11us ?  23.00w ?     42.87% ?
? ripemd160 (bigstring:1024) ?  13.60us ?  22.00w ?     82.00% ?
? ripemd160 (bytes:1024)     ?  16.59us ?  17.00w ?    100.00% ?
? blake2b (bigstring:1024)   ?   4.59us ?  22.00w ?     27.68% ?
? blake2b (bytes:1024)       ?   4.47us ?  23.00w ?     26.93% ?
? blake2s (bigstring:1024)   ?   5.51us ?  22.00w ?     33.19% ?
? blake2s (bytes:1024)       ?   5.60us ?  19.00w ?     33.75% ?

And the OCaml implementation:
? Name                       ? Time/Run ? mWd/Run ? mjWd/Run ? Prom/Run ? 
Percentage ?
? sha1 (bigstring:1024)      ?  85.62us ? 17.21kw ?   12.82w ?   12.82w ?     
52.31% ?
? sha1 (bytes:1024)          ?  86.27us ? 17.16kw ?   12.91w ?   12.91w ?     
52.70% ?
? sha256 (bigstring:1024)    ? 163.68us ? 29.84kw ?   43.93w ?   43.93w ?    
100.00% ?
? sha256 (bytes:1024)        ? 138.79us ? 29.80kw ?   45.09w ?   45.09w ?     
84.79% ?
? sha512 (bigstring:1024)    ?  71.31us ? 19.89kw ?   33.58w ?   33.58w ?     
43.57% ?
? sha512 (bytes:1024)        ?  72.74us ? 19.86kw ?   31.70w ?   31.70w ?     
44.44% ?
? ripemd160 (bigstring:1024) ? 121.48us ? 26.25kw ?   18.14w ?   18.14w ?     
74.22% ?
? ripemd160 (bytes:1024)     ? 118.38us ? 26.22kw ?   18.55w ?   18.55w ?     
72.32% ?
? blake2b (bigstring:1024)   ?  77.51us ? 19.72kw ?   20.17w ?   20.17w ?     
47.35% ?
? blake2b (bytes:1024)       ?  68.31us ? 19.69kw ?   21.23w ?   21.23w ?     
41.73% ?
? blake2s (bigstring:1024)   ? 145.73us ? 33.06kw ?   34.12w ?   34.12w ?     
89.03% ?
? blake2s (bytes:1024)       ? 150.63us ? 33.01kw ?   34.48w ?   34.48w ?     
92.03% ?

As my previous announcement, if you want a specific hash algorithm, you can ask
to the [issue tracker](<https://github.com/mirage/digestif/issues>).
10) Salsa20 0.1.0
Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-salsa20-0-1-0/1039/1>
** Alfredo Beaumont announced:

I'm happy to announce the first release of [salsa20,
for installation via OPAM.

salsa20 is an OCaml implementation of the Salsa20 encryption functions, built on
top of [Salsa20 Core

Repo: <https://github.com/abeaumont/ocaml-salsa20>
Documentation: <https://abeaumont.github.io/ocaml-salsa20>
11) Notty 0.2.0
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2017-11/msg00001.html>
** David Kaloper Mer?injak announced:

I'd like to announce the release of Notty 0.2.0 [1]. The blurb:

"Notty is a declarative terminal library for OCaml structured around a
notion of composable images. It tries to abstract away the basic
terminal programming model, providing a simpler and more expressive

Change log [2] for this release is relatively long, since the last
release was a while ago. It comprises a mixture of new features, and
performance and memory improvements. Some notable changes are:

- compatibility with the abstract Uchar.t;
- ability to render to formatters, which in turn enables toplevel
integration [3]; and
- support for 24-bit colors [4].

Feedback is, as always, welcome.


[1] - <https://github.com/pqwy/notty>
[2] - <https://github.com/pqwy/notty/releases/tag/v0.2.0>
[3] - <https://asciinema.org/a/ZIXzn2ZmIxK39qoT3eJla5OyO>
[4] - <https://asciinema.org/a/NgpF9Im8qfUICC39GDDAe9Ede>
12) OCaml release 4.06.0
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2017-11/msg00005.html>
** Damien Doligez announced:

We have the pleasure of celebrating the birthdays of André Malraux and
Tezuka Osamu by announcing the release of OCaml version 4.06.0.

It is available as an OPAM switch and also as a source download:
< <http://caml.inria.fr/download.en.html> >

Happy hacking,

-- Damien Doligez and Gabriel Scherer, for the OCaml team

OCaml 4.06.0 (3 Nov 2017):

(Changes that can break existing programs are marked with a "*")

### Language features:

- MPR#6271, MPR#7529, GPR#1249: Support "let open M in ..."
  in class expressions and class type expressions.
  (Alain Frisch, reviews by Thomas Refis and Jacques Garrigue)

- GPR#792: fix limitations of destructive substitutions, by
  allowing "S with type t := type-expr",
  "S with type M.t := type-expr", "S with module M.N := path"
  (Valentin Gatien-Baron, review by Jacques Garrigue and Leo White)

* GPR#1064, GPR#1392: extended indexing operators, add a new class of
  user-defined indexing operators, obtained by adding at least
  one operator character after the dot symbol to the standard indexing
  operators: e,g ".%()", ".?[]", ".@{}<-":
    let ( .%() ) = List.nth in [0; 1; 2].%(1)
  After this change, functions or methods with an explicit polymorphic type
  annotation and of which the first argument is optional now requires a space
  between the dot and the question mark,
  e.g. "<f:'a.?opt:int->unit>" must now be written "<f:'a. ?opt:int->unit>".
  (Florian Angeletti, review by Damien Doligez and Gabriel Radanne)

- GPR#1118: Support inherited field in object type expression
    type t = < m : int >
    type u = < n : int; t; k : int >
  (Runhang Li, reivew by Jeremy Yallop, Leo White, Jacques Garrigue,
   and Florian Angeletti)

* GPR#1232: Support Unicode character escape sequences in string
  literals via the \u{X+} syntax. These escapes are substituted by the
  UTF-8 encoding of the Unicode character.
  (Daniel Bünzli, review by Damien Doligez, Alain Frisch, Xavier
  Leroy and Leo White)

- GPR#1247: M.(::) construction for expressions
  and patterns (plus fix printing of (::) in the toplevel)
  (Florian Angeletti, review by Alain Frisch, Gabriel Scherer)

* GPR#1252: The default mode is now safe-string, can be overridden
  at configure time or at compile time.
  (See GPR#1386 below for the configure-time options)
  This breaks the code that uses the 'string' type as mutable
  strings (instead of Bytes.t, introduced by 4.02 in 2014).
  (Damien Doligez)

* GPR#1253: Private extensible variants
  This change breaks code relying on the undocumented ability to export
  extension constructors for abstract type in signature. Briefly,
    module type S = sig
      type t
      type t += A
   must now be written
    module type S = sig
      type t = private ..
      type t += A
  (Leo White, review by Alain Frisch)

- GPR#1333: turn off warning 40 by default
  (Constructor or label name used out of scope)
  (Leo White)

- GPR#1348: accept anonymous type parameters in `with` constraints:
    S with type _ t = int
  (Valentin Gatien-Baron, report by Jeremy Yallop)

### Type system

- MPR#248, GPR#1225: unique names for weak type variables
    # ref [];;
    - : '_weak1 list ref = {contents = []}
  (Florian Angeletti, review by Frédéric Bour, Jacques Garrigue,
   Gabriel Radanne and Gabriel Scherer)

* MPR#6738, MPR#7215, MPR#7231, GPR#556: Add a new check that 'let rec'
  bindings are well formed.
  (Jeremy Yallop, reviews by Stephen Dolan, Gabriel Scherer, Leo
   White, and Damien Doligez)

- GPR#1142: Mark assertions nonexpansive, so that 'assert false'
  can be used as a placeholder for a polymorphic function.
  (Stephen Dolan)

### Standard library:

- MPR#1771, MPR#7309, GPR#1026: Add update to maps. Allows to update a
  binding in a map or create a new binding if the key had no binding
    val update: key -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> 'a t -> 'a t
  (Sébastien Briais, review by Daniel Buenzli, Alain Frisch and
  Gabriel Scherer)

- MPR#7515, GPR#1147: Arg.align now optionally uses the tab character '\t' to
  separate the "unaligned" and "aligned" parts of the documentation string. If
  tab is not present, then space is used as a fallback. Allows to have spaces in
  the unaligned part, which is useful for Tuple options.
  (Nicolas Ojeda Bar, review by Alain Frisch and Gabriel Scherer)

* GPR#615: Format, add symbolic formatters that output symbolic
  pretty-printing items. New fields have been added to the
  formatter_out_functions record, thus this change will break any code building
  such record from scratch.
  When building Format.formatter_out_functions values redefinining the 
out_spaces field,
  "{ fmt_out_funs with out_spaces = f; }" should be replaced by
  "{ fmt_out_funs with out_spaces = f; out_indent = f; }" to maintain the old 
  (Richard Bonichon and Pierre Weis, review by Alain Frisch, original request by
  Spiros Eliopoulos in GPR#506)

* GPR#943: Fixed the divergence of the Pervasives module between the stdlib
  and threads implementations.  In rare circumstances this can change the
  behavior of existing applications: the implementation of Pervasives.close_out
  used when compiling with thread support was inconsistent with the manual.
  It will now not suppress exceptions escaping Pervasives.flush anymore.
  Developers who want the old behavior should use Pervasives.close_out_noerr
  instead.  The stdlib implementation, used by applications not compiled
  with thread support, will now only suppress Sys_error exceptions in
  Pervasives.flush_all.  This should allow exceedingly unlikely assertion
  exceptions to escape, which could help reveal bugs in the standard library.
  (Markus Mottl, review by Hezekiah M. Carty, Jeremie Dimino, Damien Doligez,
  Alain Frisch, Xavier Leroy, Gabriel Scherer and Mark Shinwell)

- GPR#1034: List.init : int -> (int -> 'a) -> 'a list
  (Richard Degenne, review by David Allsopp, Thomas Braibant, Florian
  Angeletti, Gabriel Scherer, Nathan Moreau, Alain Frisch)

- GRP#1091 Add the Uchar.{bom,rep} constants.
  (Daniel Bünzli, Alain Frisch)

- GPR#1091: Add Buffer.add_utf_{8,16le,16be}_uchar to encode Uchar.t
  values to the corresponding UTF-X transformation formats in Buffer.t
  (Daniel Bünzli, review by Damien Doligez, Max Mouratov)

- GPR#1175: Bigarray, add a change_layout function to each Array[N]
  (Florian Angeletti)

* GPR#1306: In the MSVC and Mingw ports, "Sys.rename src dst" no longer fails if
  file "dst" exists, but replaces it with file "src", like in the other ports.
  (Xavier Leroy)

- GPR#1314: Format, use the optional width information
  when formatting a boolean: "%8B", "%-8B" for example
  (Xavier Clerc, review by Gabriel Scherer)

- c9cc0f25138ce58e4f4e68c4219afe33e2a9d034: Resurrect tabulation boxes
  in module Format. Rewrite/extend documentation of tabulation boxes.
  (Pierre Weis)

### Other libraries:

- MPR#7564, GPR#1211: Allow forward slashes in the target of symbolic links
  created by Unix.symlink under Windows.
  (Nicolas Ojeda Bar, review by David Allsopp)

* MPR#7640, GPR#1414: reimplementation of Unix.execvpe to fix issues
  with the 4.05 implementation.  The main issue is that the current
  directory was always searched (last), even if the current directory
  is not listed in the PATH.
  (Xavier Leroy, report by Louis Gesbert and Arseniy Alekseyev,
   review by Ivan Gotovchits)

- GPR#997, GPR#1077: Deprecate Bigarray.*.map_file and add Unix.map_file as a
  first step towards moving Bigarray to the stdlib
  (Jérémie Dimino and Xavier Leroy)

* GPR#1178: remove the Num library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic.
  It now lives as a separate project <https://github.com/ocaml/num>
  with an OPAM package called "num".
  (Xavier Leroy)

- GPR#1217: Restrict Unix.environment in privileged contexts; add
  (Jeremy Yallop, review by Mark Shinwell, Nicolas Ojeda Bar,
  Damien Doligez and Hannes Mehnert)

- GPR#1321: Reimplement Unix.isatty on Windows. It no longer returns true for
  the null device.
  (David Allsopp)

### Compiler user-interface and warnings:

- MPR#7361, GPR#1248: support "ocaml.warning" in all attribute contexts, and
  arrange so that "ocaml.ppwarning" is correctly scoped by surrounding
  "ocaml.warning" attributes
  (Alain Frisch, review by Florian Angeletti and Thomas Refis)

- MPR#7444, GPR#1138: trigger deprecation warning when a "deprecated"
  attribute is hidden by signature coercion
  (Alain Frisch, report by bmillwood, review by Leo White)

- MPR#7472: ensure .cmi files are created atomically,
  to avoid corruption of .cmi files produced simultaneously by a run
  of ocamlc and a run of ocamlopt.
  (Xavier Leroy, from a suggestion by Gerd Stolpmann)

* MPR#7514, GPR#1152: add -dprofile option, similar to -dtimings but
  also displays memory allocation and consumption.
  The corresponding addition of a new compiler-internal
  Profile module may affect some users of
  compilers-libs/ocamlcommon (by creating module conflicts).
  (Valentin Gatien-Baron, report by Gabriel Scherer)

- MPR#7620, GPR#1317: Typecore.force_delayed_checks does not run with -i option
  (Jacques Garrigue, report by Jun Furuse)

- MPR#7624: handle warning attributes placed on let bindings
  (Xavier Clerc, report by dinosaure, review by Alain Frisch)

- GPR#896: "-compat-32" is now taken into account when building .cmo/.cma
  (Hugo Heuzard)

- GPR#948: the compiler now reports warnings-as-errors by prefixing
  them with "Error (warning ..):", instead of "Warning ..:" and
  a trailing "Error: Some fatal warnings were triggered" message.
  (Valentin Gatien-Baron, review by Alain Frisch)

- GPR#1032: display the output of -dtimings as a hierarchy
  (Valentin Gatien-Baron, review by Gabriel Scherer)

- GPR#1114, GPR#1393, GPR#1429: refine the (ocamlc -config) information
  on C compilers: the variables `{bytecode,native}_c_compiler` are deprecated
  (the distinction is now mostly meaningless) in favor of a single
  `c_compiler` variable combined with `ocaml{c,opt}_cflags`
  and `ocaml{c,opt}_cppflags`.
  (Sébastien Hinderer, Jeremy Yallop, Gabriel Scherer, review by
   Adrien Nader and David Allsopp)

* GPR#1189: allow MSVC ports to use -l option in ocamlmklib
  (David Allsopp)

- GPR#1332: fix ocamlc handling of "-output-complete-obj"
  (François Bobot)

- GPR#1336: -thread and -vmthread option information is propagated to
  PPX rewriters.
  (Jun Furuse, review by Alain Frisch)

### Code generation and optimizations:

- MPR#5324, GPR#375: An alternative Linear Scan register allocator for
  ocamlopt, activated with the -linscan command-line flag. This
  allocator represents a trade-off between worse generated code
  performance for higher compilation speed (especially interesting in
  some cases graph coloring is necessarily quadratic).
  (Marcell Fischbach and Benedikt Meurer, adapted by Nicolas Ojeda
  Bar, review by Nicolas Ojeda Bar and Alain Frisch)

- MPR#6927, GPR#988: On macOS, when compiling bytecode stubs, plugins,
  and shared libraries through -output-obj, generate dylibs instead of

- MPR#7447, GPR#995: incorrect code generation for nested recursive bindings
  (Leo White and Jeremy Yallop, report by Stephen Dolan)

- MPR#7501, GPR#1089: Consider arrays of length zero as constants
  when using Flambda.
  (Pierre Chambart, review by Mark Shinwell and Leo White)

- MPR#7531, GPR#1162: Erroneous code transformation at partial applications
  (Mark Shinwell)

- MPR#7614, GPR#1313: Ensure that inlining does not depend on the order
  of symbols (flambda)
  (Leo White, Xavier Clerc, report by Alex, review by Gabriel Scherer
  and Pierre Chambart)

- MPR#7616, GPR#1339: don't warn on mutation of zero size blocks.
  (Leo White)

- MPR#7631, GPR#1355: "-linscan" option crashes ocamlopt
  (Xavier Clerc, report by Paul Steckler)

- MPR#7642, GPR#1411: ARM port: wrong register allocation for integer
  multiply on ARMv4 and ARMv5; possible wrong register allocation for
  floating-point multiply and add on VFP and for floating-point
  negation and absolute value on soft FP emulation.
  (Xavier Leroy, report by Stéphane Glondu and Ximin Luo,
   review and additional sightings by Mark Shinwell)

* GPR#659: Remove support for SPARC native code generation
  (Mark Shinwell)

- GPR#850: Optimize away some physical equality
  (Pierre Chambart, review by Mark Shinwell and Leo White)

- GPR#856: Register availability analysis
  (Mark Shinwell, Thomas Refis, review by Pierre Chambart)

- GPR#1143: tweaked several allocation functions in the runtime by
  checking for likely conditions before unlikely ones and eliminating
  some redundant checks.
  (Markus Mottl, review by Alain Frisch, Xavier Leroy, Gabriel Scherer,
  Mark Shinwell and Leo White)

- GPR#1183: compile curried functors to multi-argument functions
  earlier in the compiler pipeline; correctly propagate [@@inline]
  attributes on such functors; mark functor coercion veneers as
  (Mark Shinwell, review by Pierre Chambart and Leo White)

- GPR#1195: Merge functions based on partiality rather than
  (Leo White, review by Thomas Refis, Alain Frisch and Gabriel Scherer)

- GPR#1215: Improve compilation of short-circuit operators
  (Leo White, review by Frédéric Bour and Mark Shinwell)

- GPR#1250: illegal ARM64 assembly code generated for large combined allocations
  (report and initial fix by Steve Walk, review and final fix by Xavier Leroy)

- GPR#1271: Don't generate Ialloc instructions for closures that exceed
  Max_young_wosize; instead allocate them on the major heap.  (Related
  to GPR#1250.)
  (Mark Shinwell)

- GPR#1294: Add a configure-time option to remove the dynamic float array
  optimization and add a floatarray type to let the user choose when to
  flatten float arrays. Note that float-only records are unchanged: they
  are still optimized by unboxing their fields.
  (Damien Doligez, review by Alain Frisch and Mark Shinwell)

- GPR#1304: Mark registers clobbered by PLT stubs as destroyed across
  (Mark Shinwell, Xavier Clerc, report and initial debugging by
  Valentin Gatien-Baron)

- GPR#1323: make sure that frame tables are generated in the data
  section and not in the read-only data section, as was the case
  before in the PPC and System-Z ports.  This avoids relocations in
  the text segment of shared libraries and position-independent
  executables generated by ocamlopt.
  (Xavier Leroy, review by Mark Shinwell)

- GPR#1330: when generating dynamically-linkable code on AArch64, always
  reference symbols (even locally-defined ones) through the GOT.
  (Mark Shinwell, review by Xavier Leroy)

### Tools:

- MPR#1956, GPR#973: tools/check-symbol-names checks for globally
  linked names not namespaced with caml_
  (Stephen Dolan)

- MPR#6928, GPR#1103: ocamldoc, do not introduce an empty <h1> in index.html
  when no -title has been provided
  (Pierre Boutillier)

- MPR#7048: ocamldoc, in -latex mode, don't escape Latin-1 accented letters
  (Xavier Leroy, report by Hugo Herbelin)

* MPR#7351: ocamldoc, use semantic tags rather than <br> tags in the html
  (Florian Angeletti, request and review by Daniel Bünzli )

* MPR#7352, MPR#7353: ocamldoc, better paragraphs in html output
  (Florian Angeletti, request by Daniel Bünzli)

* MPR#7363, GPR#830: ocamldoc, start heading levels at {1 not {2 or {6.
  This change modifies the mapping between ocamldoc heading level and
  html heading level, breaking custom css style for ocamldoc.
  (Florian Angeletti, request and review by Daniel Bünzli)

* MPR#7478, GPR#1037: ocamldoc, do not use as a module preamble documentation
  comments that occur after the first module element. This change may break
  existing documenation. In particular, module preambles must now come before
  any `open` statement.
  (Florian Angeletti, review by David Allsopp and report by Daniel Bünzli)

- MPR#7521, GPR#1159: ocamldoc, end generated latex file with a new line
  (Florian Angeletti)

- MPR#7575, GPR#1219: Switch compilers from -no-keep-locs
  to -keep-locs by default: produced .cmi files will contain locations.
  This provides better error messages. Note that, as a consequence,
  .cmi digests now depend on the file path as given to the compiler.
  (Daniel Bünzli)

- MPR#7610, GPR#1346: caml.el (the Emacs editing mode) was cleaned up
  and made compatible with Emacs 25.
  (Stefan Monnier, Christophe Troestler)

- MPR#7635, GPR#1383: ocamldoc, add an identifier to module
  and module type elements
  (Florian Angeletti, review by Yawar Amin and Gabriel Scherer)

- GPR#681, GPR#1426: Introduce ocamltest, a new test driver for the
  OCaml compiler testsuite
  (Sébastien Hinderer, review by Damien Doligez)

- GPR#1012: ocamlyacc, fix parsing of raw strings and nested comments, as well
  as the handling of ' characters in identifiers.
  (Demi Obenour)

- GPR#1045: ocamldep, add a "-shared" option to generate dependencies
  for native plugin files (i.e. .cmxs files)
  (Florian Angeletti, suggestion by Sébastien Hinderer)

- GPR#1078: add a subcommand "-depend" to "ocamlc" and "ocamlopt",
  to behave as ocamldep. Should be used mostly to replace "ocamldep" in the
  "boot" directory to reduce its size in the future.
  (Fabrice Le Fessant)

- GPR#1036: ocamlcmt (tools/read_cmt) is installed, converts .cmt to .annot
  (Fabrice Le Fessant)

- GPR#1180: Add support for recording numbers of direct and indirect
  calls over the lifetime of a program when using Spacetime profiling
  (Mark Shinwell)

- GPR#1457, ocamldoc: restore label for exception in the latex backend
  (omitted since 4.04.0)
  (Florian Angeletti, review by Gabriel Scherer)

### Toplevel:

- MPR#7570: remove unusable -plugin option from the toplevel
  (Florian Angeletti)

- GPR#1041: -nostdlib no longer ignored by toplevel.
  (David Allsopp, review by Xavier Leroy)

- GPR#1231: improved printing of unicode texts in the toplevel,
  unless OCAMLTOP_UTF_8 is set to false.
  (Florian Angeletti, review by Daniel Bünzli, Xavier Leroy and
   Gabriel Scherer)

### Runtime system:

* MPR#3771, GPR#153, GPR#1200, GPR#1357, GPR#1362, GPR#1363, GPR#1369, GPR#1398,
  GPR#1446, GPR#1448: Unicode support for the Windows runtime.
  (ygrek, Nicolas Ojeda Bar, review by Alain Frisch, David Allsopp, Damien

* MPR#7594, GPR#1274, GPR#1368: String_val now returns 'const char*', not
  'char*' when -safe-string is enabled at configure time.  New macro Bytes_val
  for accessing bytes values.
  (Jeremy Yallop, reviews by Mark Shinwell and Xavier Leroy)

- GPR#71: The runtime can now be shut down gracefully by means of the new
  caml_shutdown and caml_startup_pooled functions. The new 'c' flag in
  OCAMLRUNPARAM enables shutting the runtime properly on process exit.
  (Max Mouratov, review and discussion by Damien Doligez, Gabriel Scherer,
  Mark Shinwell, Thomas Braibant, Stephen Dolan, Pierre Chambart,
  François Bobot, Jacques Garrigue, David Allsopp, and Alain Frisch)

- GPR#938, GPR#1170, GPR#1289: Stack overflow detection on 64-bit Windows
  (Olivier Andrieu, tweaked by David Allsopp)

- GPR#1070, GPR#1295: enable gcc typechecking for caml_alloc_sprintf,
  caml_gc_message. Make caml_gc_message a variadic function. Fix many
  caml_gc_message format strings.
  (Olivier Andrieu, review and 32bit fix by David Allsopp)

- GPR#1073: Remove statically allocated compare stack.
  (Stephen Dolan)

- GPR#1086: in Sys.getcwd, just fail instead of calling getwd()
  if HAS_GETCWD is not set.
  (Report and first fix by Sebastian Markbåge, final fix by Xavier Leroy,
   review by MarK Shinwell)

- GPR#1269: Remove 50ms delay at exit for programs using threads
  (Valentin Gatien-Baron, review by Stephen Dolan)

* GPR#1309: open files with O_CLOEXEC (or equivalent) in caml_sys_open, thus
  unifying the semantics between Unix and Windows and also eliminating race
  condition on Unix.
  (David Allsopp, report by Andreas Hauptmann)

- GPR#1326: Enable use of CFI directives in AArch64 and ARM runtime
  systems' assembly code (asmrun/arm64.S).  Add CFI directives to enable
  unwinding through [caml_c_call] and [caml_call_gc] with correct termination
  of unwinding at [main].
  (Mark Shinwell, review by Xavier Leroy and Gabriel Scherer, with thanks
  to Daniel Bünzli and Fu Yong Quah for testing)

- GPR#1338: Add "-g" for bytecode runtime system compilation
  (Mark Shinwell)

* GPR#1416, GPR#1444: switch the Windows 10 Console to UTF-8 encoding.
  (David Allsopp, reviews by Nicolás Ojeda Bär and Xavier Leroy)

### Manual and documentation:

- MPR#6548: remove obsolete limitation in the description of private
  type abbreviations
  (Florian Angeletti, suggestion by Leo White)

- MPR#6676, GPR#1110: move record notation to tutorial
  (Florian Angeletti, review by Gabriel Scherer)

- MPR#6676, GPR#1112: move local opens to tutorial
  (Florian Angeletti)

- MPR#6676, GPR#1153: move overriding class definitions to reference
  manual and tutorial
  (Florian Angeletti)

- MPR#6709: document the associativity and precedence level of
  pervasive operators
  (Florian Angeletti, review by David Allsopp)

- MPR#7254, GPR#1096: Rudimentary documentation of ocamlnat
  (Mark Shinwell)

- MPR#7281, GPR#1259: fix .TH macros in generated manpages
  (Olaf Hering)

- MPR#7507: Align the description of the printf conversion
  specification "%g" with the ISO C90 description.
  (Florian Angeletti, suggestion by Armaël Guéneau)

- MPR#7551, GPR#1194 : make the final ";;" potentially optional in
  (Florian Angeletti, review and suggestion by Gabriel Scherer)

- MPR#7588, GPR#1291: make format documentation predictable
  (Florian Angeletti, review by Gabriel Radanne)

- MPR#7604: Minor Ephemeron documentation fixes
  (Miod Vallat, review by Florian Angeletti)

- GPR#594: New chapter on polymorphism troubles:
  weakly polymorphic types, polymorphic recursion,and higher-ranked
  (Florian Angeletti, review by Damien Doligez, Gabriel Scherer,
   and Gerd Stolpmann)

- GPR#1187: Minimal documentation for compiler plugins
  (Florian Angeletti)

- GPR#1202: Fix Typos in comments as well as basic grammar errors.
  (JP Rodi, review and suggestions by David Allsopp, Max Mouratov,
  Florian Angeletti, Xavier Leroy, Mark Shinwell and Damien Doligez)

- GPR#1220: Fix "-keep-docs" option in ocamlopt manpage
  (Etienne Millon)

### Compiler distribution build system:

- MPR#6373, GPR#1093: Suppress trigraph warnings from macOS assembler
  (Mark Shinwell)

- MPR#7639, GPR#1371: fix configure script for correct detection of
  int64 alignment on Mac OS X 10.13 (High Sierra) and above; fix bug in
  configure script relating to such detection.
  (Mark Shinwell, report by John Whitington, review by Xavier Leroy)

- GPR#558: enable shared library and natdynlink support on more Linux
  (Felix Janda, Mark Shinwell)

* GPR#1104: remove support for the NeXTStep platform
  (Sébastien Hinderer)

- GPR#1130: enable detection of IBM XL C compiler (one need to run configure
  with "-cc <path to xlc compiler>"). Enable shared library support for
  bytecode executables on AIX/xlc (tested on AIX 7.1, XL C 12).
  To enable 64-bit, run both "configure" and "make world" with OBJECT_MODE=64.
  (Konstantin Romanov, Enrique Naudon)

- GPR#1203: speed up the manual build by using ocamldoc.opt
  (Gabriel Scherer, review by Florian Angeletti)

- GPR#1214: harden config/Makefile against '#' characters in PREFIX
  (Gabriel Scherer, review by David Allsopp and Damien Doligez)

- GPR#1216: move Compplugin and friends from BYTECOMP to COMP
  (Leo White, review by Mark Shinwell)

* GPR#1242: disable C plugins loading by default
  (Alexey Egorov)

- GPR#1275: correct configure test for Spacetime availability
  (Mark Shinwell)

- GPR#1278: discover presence of <sys/shm.h> during configure for afl runtime
  (Hannes Mehnert)

- GPR#1386: provide configure-time options to fine-tune the safe-string
  options and default settings changed by GPR#1525.

  The previous configure option -safe-string is now
  renamed -force-safe-string.

  At configure-time, -force-safe-string forces all module to use
  immutable strings (this disables the per-file, compile-time
  -unsafe-string option). The new default-(un)safe-string options
  let you set the default choice for the per-file compile-time
  option. (The new GPR#1252 behavior corresponds to having
  -default-safe-string, while 4.05 and older had

  (Gabriel Scherer, review by Jacques-Pascal Deplaix and Damien Doligez)

- GPR#1409: Fix to enable NetBSD/powerpc to work.
  (Håvard Eidnes)

### Internal/compiler-libs changes:

- MPR#6826, GPR#828, GPR#834: improve compilation time for open
  (Alain Frisch, review by Frédéric Bour and Jacques Garrigue)

- MPR#7127, GPR#454, GPR#1058: in toplevel, print bytes and strip
  strings longer than the size specified by the "print_length" directive
  (Fabrice Le Fessant, initial PR by Junsong Li)

- GPR#406: remove polymorphic comparison for Types.constructor_tag in compiler
  (Dwight Guth, review by Gabriel Radanne, Damien Doligez, Gabriel Scherer,
   Pierre Chambart, Mark Shinwell)

- GRP#1119: Change Set (private) type to inline records.
  (Albin Coquereau)

* GPR#1127: move config/{m,s}.h to byterun/caml and install them.
  User code should not have to include them directly since they are
  included by other header files.
  Previously {m,s}.h were not installed but they were substituted into
  caml/config.h; they are now just #include-d by this file. This may
  break some scripts relying on the (unspecified) presence of certain
  #define in config.h instead of m.h and s.h -- they can be rewritten
  to try to grep those files if they exist.
  (Sébastien Hinderer)

- GPR#1281: avoid formatter flushes inside exported printers in Location
  (Florian Angeletti, review by Gabriel Scherer)

### Bug fixes

- MPR#5927: Type equality broken for conjunctive polymorphic variant tags
  (Jacques Garrigue, report by Leo White)

- MPR#6329, GPR#1437: Introduce padding word before "data_end" symbols
  to ensure page table tests work correctly on an immediately preceding
  block of zero size.
  (Mark Shinwell, review by Xavier Leroy)

- MPR#6587: only elide Pervasives from printed type paths in unambiguous context
  (Florian Angeletti and Jacques Garrigue)

- MPR#6934: nonrec misbehaves with GADTs
  (Jacques Garrigue, report by Markus Mottl)

- MPR#7070, GPR#1139: Unexported values can cause non-generalisable variables
  (Leo White)

- MPR#7261: Warn on type constraints in GADT declarations
  (Jacques Garrigue, report by Fabrice Le Botlan)

- MPR#7321: Private type in signature clashes with type definition via
  functor instantiation
  (Jacques Garrigue, report by Markus Mottl)

- MPR#7372, GPR#834: fix type-checker bug with GADT and inline records
  (Alain Frisch, review by Frédéric Bour and Jacques Garrigue)

- MPR#7344: Inconsistent behavior with type annotations on let
  (Jacques Garrigue, report by Leo White)

- MPR#7468: possible GC problem in caml_alloc_sprintf
  (Xavier Leroy, discovery by Olivier Andrieu)

- MPR#7496: Fixed conjunctive polymorphic variant tags do not unify
  with themselves
  (Jacques Garrigue, report by Leo White)

- MPR#7506: pprintast ignores attributes in tails of a list
  (Alain Frisch, report by Kenichi Asai and Gabriel Scherer)

- MPR#7513: List.compare_length_with mishandles negative numbers / overflow
  (Fabrice Le Fessant, report by Jeremy Yallop)

- MPR#7519: Incorrect rejection of program due to faux scope escape
  (Jacques Garrigue, report by Markus Mottl)

- MPR#7540, GPR#1179: Fixed setting of breakpoints within packed modules
  for ocamldebug
  (Hugo Herbelin, review by Gabriel Scherer, Damien Doligez)

- MPR#7543: short-paths printtyp can fail on packed type error messages
  (Florian Angeletti)

- MPR#7553, GPR#1191: Prevent repeated warnings with recursive modules.
  (Leo White, review by Josh Berdine and Alain Frisch)

- MPR#7563, GPR#1210: code generation bug when a module alias and
  an extension constructor have the same name in the same module
  (Gabriel Scherer, report by Manuel Fähndrich,
   review by Jacques Garrigue and Leo White)

- MPR#7591, GPR#1257: on x86-64, frame table is not 8-aligned
  (Xavier Leroy, report by Mantis user "voglerr", review by Gabriel Scherer)

- MPR#7601, GPR#1320: It seems like a hidden non-generalized type variable
  remains in some inferred signatures, which leads to strange errors
  (Jacques Garrigue, report by Mandrikin)

- MPR#7609: use-after-free memory corruption if a program debugged
  under ocamldebug calls Pervasives.flush_all
  (Xavier Leroy, report by Paul Steckler, review by Gabriel Scherer)

- MPR#7612, GPR#1345: afl-instrumentation bugfix for classes.
  (Stephen Dolan, review by Gabriel Scherer and David Allsopp)

- MPR#7617, MPR#7618, GPR#1318: Ambiguous (mistakenly) type escaping the
  scope of its equation
  (Jacques Garrigue, report by Thomas Refis)

- MPR#7619, GPR#1387: position of the optional last semi-column not included
  in the position of the expression (same behavior as for lists)
  (Christophe Raffalli, review by Gabriel Scherer)

- MPR#7638: in the Windows Mingw64 port, multithreaded programs compiled
  to bytecode could crash when raising an exception from C code.
  This looks like a Mingw64 issue, which we work around with GCC builtins.
  (Xavier Leroy)

- MPR#7656, GPR#1423: false 'unused type/constructor/value' alarms
  in the 4.06 development version
  (Alain Frisch, review by Jacques Garrigue, report by Jacques-Pascal Deplaix)

- MPR#7657, GPR#1424: ensures correct call-by-value semantics when
  eta-expanding functions to eliminate optional arguments
  (Alain Frisch, report by sliquister, review by Leo White and Jacques

- MPR#7658, GPR#1439: Fix Spacetime runtime system compilation with
  (Mark Shinwell, report by Christoph Spiel, review by Gabriel Scherer)

- GPR#1155: Fix a race condition with WAIT_NOHANG on Windows
  (Jérémie Dimino and David Allsopp)

- GPR#1199: Pretty-printing formatting cleanup in pprintast
  (Ethan Aubin, suggestion by Gabriel Scherer, review by David Allsopp,
  Florian Angeletti, and Gabriel Scherer)

- GPR#1223: Fix corruption of the environment when using -short-paths
  with the toplevel.
  (Leo White, review by Alain Frisch)

- GPR#1243: Fix pprintast for #... infix operators
  (Alain Frisch, report by Omar Chebib)

- GPR#1324: ensure that flambda warning are printed only once
  (Xavier Clerc)

- GPR#1329: Prevent recursive polymorphic variant names
  (Jacques Garrigue, fix suggested by Leo White)

- GPR#1308: Only treat pure patterns as inactive
  (Leo White, review by Alain Frisch and Gabriel Scherer)

- GPR#1390: fix the [@@unboxed] type check to accept parametrized types
  (Leo White, review by Damien Doligez)

- GPR#1407: Fix raw_spacetime_lib
  (Leo White, review by Gabriel Scherer and Damien Doligez)
13) RISC-V OCaml 4.06
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2017-11/msg00006.html>
** Nicolás Ojeda Bär announced:

I am happy to announce the release of the RISC-V native-code backend for OCaml
4.06. See <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2016-11/msg00012.html> for
the 4.04 announcement (note there was no 4.05 release).

The source code is available in the 4.06 branch of


It currently targets the 64-bit variant of the RISC-V architecture, with
some preliminary work to support the 32-bit variant.

If you would like to experiment with it, a Docker image with Fedora/RISC-V
and OCaml 4.06 already installed is available.  Simply run

  docker run -it nojb/riscv-ocaml:4.06

All comments warmly welcome.
14) ANN: jbuilder 1.0+beta15
Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-jbuilder-1-0-beta15/1063/1>
** Rudi Grinberg announced:

On behalf of the jbuilder team, I?m happy to announce the release of the 15th
beta of jbuilder. This release contains some nice improvements to odoc
generation, an important fix for 4.06.0, and completely reworked aliases. The
new aliases gets rid of the so called "recursive" aliases. Now all aliases,
whether defined by the user or jbuilder, are non-recursive. The only thing that
is now "recursive" is when asking jbuilder to build an alias `@path/foo`, it
will build all aliases `@foo` defined under all recursive subdirectories in
`path`. For example, `$ jbuilder build @src/doc` will build all the docs defined
in the all libraries under `src`.

Some of you may have noticed that jbuilder.1.0+beta15 already made it to
opam-repository and then was pulled. This was done entirely due to my mistake. I
apologize for any inconvenience I might have caused. Hopefully by the time
you're reading this, the resubmitted release will be merged to opam-repository.

As usual, the change log is available here for your convenience:

- Change the semantic of aliases: there are no longer aliases that are
  recursive such as `install` or `runtest`. All aliases are
  non-recursive. However, when requesting an alias from the command
  line, this request the construction of the alias in the specified
  directory and all its children recursively. This allows users to get
  the same behavior as previous recursive aliases for their own
  aliases, such as `example`. Inside jbuild files, one can use `(deps
  (... (alias_rec xxx) ...))` to get the same behavior as on the
  command line. (#268)

- Include sub libraries that have a `.` in the generated documentation index

- Fix "up" links to the top-level index in the odoc generated documentation

- Fix `ARCH_SIXTYFOUR` detection for OCaml 4.06.0 (#303)
15) omake-0.10.3
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2017-11/msg00009.html>
** Gerd Stolpmann announced:

in order to support OCaml-4.06, an update of omake is required. I just
released omake-0.10.3 for that. The main change is that it is now built
with -safe-string. A smaller change is that all case conversions in the
omake DSL and for filenames are now restricted to ASCII. A full switch
from Latin-1 to UTF-8 will be done later. (Note that this might affect
Windows users, but the changes in OCaml-4.06 demanded immediate action.)

The minimum OCaml version is now 4.03.0.

For docs and the download link see
<http://projects.camlcity.org/projects/omake.html>. opam is underway.
16) Ecaml: OCaml Emacs plugins tutorial
** bcc32 announced:

Hi folks. I'm pleased to announce the first post in a series of blog articles
about getting started with [Ecaml](<https://github.com/janestreet/ecaml>). I 
you find it interesting, and feedback is more than welcome! Future entries in
the series will also be posted here, in the same thread.

17) Other OCaml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at OCaml Planet,

OCaml 4.06.0 released

Windows Unicode Support - A Bug-Fix 12 Years in the Making

Nesting quoted strings in OCaml

Fuzzing for CI Workflows
Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schm...@polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


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