
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of November 30 to
December 07, 2021.

Table of Contents

New release of Windows DKML with system compiler and easy Opam switch creation
New release: ProVerif 2.04
Liquidshop 2.0 on Jan. 23, 2022!
Announcing our new Outreachy interns
OUPS meetup december 2021
Multicore OCaml: November 2021 with results of code review
New release of Menhir (20211128)
Advent of Code 2021
"What is an Operating System?": Anil Madhavapeddy on Signals and Threads
Other OCaml News

New release of Windows DKML with system compiler and easy Opam switch creation


jbeckford announced

  Version 0.3.0 of [Diskuv OCaml (DKML)] is out. DKML is a distribution
  that, among other things, can do a scripted install of OCaml and a
  Microsoft compiler on Windows. It is in preview right now.

  In an earlier release `with-dkml' was introduced. Placing `with-dkml'
  in front of most OCaml tools will let those tools transparently have
  access to Unix binaries and the Microsoft compiler (examples: 1. `dune
  build' -> `with-dkml dune build'; 2. `opam install' -> `with-dkml opam
  install'; or 3. `with-dkml bash' opens a Unix environment in the
  current Windows directory).

  Now if you upgrade to 0.3.0 you get more:
  • There is a new Opam plugin bundled that will create a Windows local
    switch. You can just do `mkdir playground', `cd playground' and
    `opam dkml init' to create a new switch configured with Windows code
    repositories and the Microsoft compiler. Thanks to @kit-ty-kate for
    writing the [opam-build] plugin which helped in understanding how
    Opam plugins work, and @dbuenzli for [many OCaml packages] leveraged
    in both the plugin and with-dkml.
  • The 4.12.1 OCaml compiler and runtime are installed once to the
    "system", which means that if you create an Opam local switch the
    OCaml compiler+runtime do not have to be recompiled. The huge waste
    of time doing recompilation is now gone. All credit goes to @dra27
    who created scripts in Opam that do almost the same thing. *There
    will be a generally available Windows OCaml system compiler sometime
    next year (that is, you won't need DKML), so consider the DKML
    version to be an early and temporary preview of the Windows system


  • [Installation instructions for the latest version]. Copy and paste
    one block of commands, press OK when prompted, and 2 hours later
    your installation will have finished.
  • [Release notes for all versions including **upgrade instructions**]
  • [Send a bug report] and/or [Stay updated on Twitter]

  Known issues:

  • Installing from mainline China frequently errors out. A short term
    fix is available at

[Diskuv OCaml (DKML)] <https://diskuv.gitlab.io/diskuv-ocaml>

[opam-build] <https://github.com/kit-ty-kate/opam-build>

[many OCaml packages] <https://github.com/dbuenzli>

[Installation instructions for the latest version]

[Release notes for all versions including **upgrade instructions**]

[Send a bug report]

[Stay updated on Twitter]


New release: ProVerif 2.04


Bruno Blanchet announced

  Vincent Cheval and I are happy to announce a new release of ProVerif,
  version 2.04.  ProVerif is an automatic security protocol verifier
  that relies on the symbolic model of cryptography.

  ProVerif is available at [http://proverif.inria.fr] It is also
  available via opam (see installation instructions in Section 1.4 of
  the manual <http://proverif.inria.fr/manual.pdf> )

  Version 2.04 is mainly a bugfix release but it also contains a change
  that may require minor changes in your input files: nested comments
  are supported, so if you open a comment several times and close it
  once, this is now an error.

  • Improved optimisation transforming mess facts into attacker facts
    when the channel is a public term and not only a public name.
  • Allow nested comments in the input file. All comments must be
    closed. ProVerif will raise an error otherwise.
  • Allow "let x = t in" construct inside the declarations of reduc and
  • Fixed bug in subsumption: removing attacker facts containing ground
    public terms was not correct.
  • Improved unification modulo to avoid stack overflow.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause a type error when using a typeConverter
    function and the "let x = t in" construct inside a "not"
  • Fixed bug: make sure clauses coming from <-> or <=> in Horn clause
    front-ends have distinct variables.

[http://proverif.inria.fr] <http://proverif.inria.fr/>

Liquidshop 2.0 on Jan. 23, 2022!


Romain Beauxis announced

  We are glad to announce the second edition of Liquidshop, the
  Liquidsoap workshop, which will be held online on *January 23rd 2022*.

  To goal is to gather all people interested in Liquidsoap (of course)
  but also in related topics:

  • audio and video streaming
  • radio broadcasting
  • signal processing
  • audio and video synthesis

  and so on using whichever software. This is thus the place to share to
  the world your favorite or cutting edge technologies and projects!

  We will have 3 different tracks for the event, namely

  • *showcases*: short presentations about a website / radio / art
     installation that you built using Liquidsoap or other related tools
  • *tech talks*: in-depth presentation of a technology related to
     Liquidsoap and streaming in general
  • *workshops*: user-centered freeform discussions about your project
     or issues around Liquidsoap and streaming

  If you're interested to participate, whether it is as an attendee or a
  presenter, make sure to register via our website at
  <http://www.liquidsoap.info/liquidshop/2> or directly via the form
  available at <https://forms.gle/EDFsfMCS4dNKnrxc9>

  We are super excited for this event. We have already secured a couple
  of interesting speakers and we would love to get to know the community
  better, see what y'all are doing with liquidsoap and other related
  projects, community radios, live video, weird installations, etc. and
  meet with everyone.

  Finally, if any of you have some specific topics to discuss and would
  like to learn more about Liquidsoap, this will be a great place to

Announcing our new Outreachy interns


Sonja Heinze announced

  We're super excited to have another three Outreachy interns in the
  OCaml community starting next Monday. The respective projects they'll
  work on are:

  • @JiaeK will work on an opam package monitoring dashboard for
    v3.ocaml.org, by integrating the opam health check service.
  • @SaySayo will work on _Ocaml platform_, the official OCaml VScode
    plugin; concretely, on supporting `.eml'-files (used in Dream
  • @ayc9 will work on a bundle of standard derivers for
    `Ppxlib.Deriving' à la `ppx_deriving.std'

  What's also super nice is that with @shonfeder and @pkel, we have two
  non-Tarides/OCLC folks among us on the mentoring side. They followed
  our [call for support].  @shonfeder is co-mentoring one of the
  projects and @pkel acts as an "Outreachy volunteer", i.e. a mentor
  who's there for non-project specific questions.

  We'll keep you posted about the internships, @gs0510, @jonludlam,
  @Juloo, @pitag, @pkel, @shonfeder, @tmattio

  P.S.: We also submitted a fourth project on developing an odoc tool
  that would help highlighting the differences between versions of a
  package, which unfortunately didn't receive any viable
  application. That's ok though! It's always better to offer too much
  than too little and we might be able to re-submit something similar
  some other round.

[call for support]

OUPS meetup december 2021


zapashcanon announced

  (this is in french only as the talks will be in french it's probably
  not relevant for english speakers)

  Le prochain OUPS aura lieu le *jeudi 9 décembre* 2021. Le rendez-vous
  est fixé à *19h* en *salle 15-16 101*.

  Ce meetup aura lieu dans les locaux de l'[IRILL] au [4 place Jussieu,
  75005 Paris] en *salle 101*. Pour accéder à la salle, il faut aller à
  la colonne 15 ou 16, monter un étage et accéder au couloir 15-16. Voir
  les [instructions d'accès].

  *L'inscription est obligatoire* pour pouvoir accéder au meetup ! Votre
  nom complet doit être disponible. Merci de vous [inscrire] *le
  mercredi 8 décembre* au plus tard.

  Le meetup consistera en trois exposés à la suite de quoi, les
  traditionnels pot et pizza party ne pouvant avoir lieux à l'IRILL,
  nous proposerons à ceux qui le souhaitent de se rendre au [Baker
  Street Pub] pour prolonger les discussions si la situation le permet.

  Il est important de noter que *nous aurons peut-être à annuler
  l'événement*, auquel cas nous vous en informerons le plus rapidement
  possible sur les différents canaux.

  Le programme des exposés de cette édition est donné ci-dessous et nous
  profitons de l'occasion pour rappeler que nous sommes toujours à la
  recherche de /propositions/* d'exposés pour les meetups suivants. Si
  vous souhaitez proposer un exposé, contactez-nous sur le [zulip OUPS].

[4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris]

[instructions d'accès] <https://www.irill.org/pages/access.html>

[inscrire] <https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/ocaml-paris/events/282434883/>

[Baker Street Pub] <https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/2298160176>

[zulip OUPS] <https://oups.zulipchat.com>

[Monolith] par [François Pottier]

        In this talk, I will give a brief presentation and demo of
        Monolith, a tool that helps apply random testing or fuzz
        testing to an OCaml library. Monolith provides a rich
        specification language, which allows the user to describe
        her library's API, and an engine, which generates clients
        of this API and executes them. This reduces the problem of
        testing a library to the problem of testing a complete
        program, one that is effectively addressed by
        off-the-shelf fuzzers such as AFL.

[Monolith] <https://gitlab.inria.fr/fpottier/monolith>

[François Pottier] <https://pauillac.inria.fr/~fpottier>

Générer 340_000 molécules valides par seconde sur un seul cœur et à dos de 
chameau par [François Berenger]

        La conception de molécules par ordinateur est un sujet qui
        revient à la mode. Pour générer in-silico des molécules
        aux propriétés optimisées, une fonction de score peut être
        couplée à un générateur moléculaire. Nous allons montrer
        une méthode simple qui permet de générer uniquement des
        molecules valides, à haute fréquence. Le logiciel libre
        [FASMIFRA] implémente cette méthode en OCaml.

[François Berenger] <https://github.com/UnixJunkie>

[FASMIFRA] <https://github.com/UnixJunkie/FASMIFRA>

Pourquoi écrire du C quand on peut faire pire en OCaml ? par Pierre Chambart

        Durant cette présentation, nous vous emmènerons visiter
        les profondeurs d'OCaml. Vous y découvrirez comment écrire
        du code lorsque votre seul objectif est d'éviter les
        allocations. À condition bien évidemment de ne pas
        craindre la honte. Vous pourrez également apercevoir de
        véritables morceaux de flambda et de futurs véritables
        morceaux de flambda2.

Multicore OCaml: November 2021 with results of code review


Anil Madhavapeddy announced

  Welcome to the November 2021 [Multicore OCaml] monthly report!  This
  month's update along with the [previous updates] have been compiled by
  me, @ctk21, @kayceesrk and @shakthimaan.

[Multicore OCaml] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore>

[previous updates] <https://discuss.ocaml.org/tag/multicore-monthly>

Core Team Code Review

  In late November, the entire OCaml development team convened for a
  week-long code review and decision taking session on the multicore
  merge for OCaml 5.0.  Due to the size of the patchset, we broke up the
  designs and presentations in five working groups.  Here's a summary of
  how each conversation went. As always, these decisions are subject to
  change from the core team as we discover issues, so please do not take
  any crucial decisions for your downstream projects on these. Our goal
  for publicising these is to hear about any corrections you might feel
  that we need to take on the basis of additional data that you might
  have from your own codebases.

  For the purposes of brevity, we do not include the full minutes of the
  developer meetings. Overall, the multicore patches were deemed to be
  broadly sound and suitable, and we recorded the important decisions
  and tasks:

  • *Pre-MVP:* Tasks that need to be done before we make the PR to
     ocaml/ocaml in the coming month.
  • *Post-MVP for 5.00:* Tasks that need to be done on ocaml/ocaml
     before 5.00 release. /These tasks will block the OCaml 5.00
  • *Post-5.00:* Future looking tasks after 5.00 is released in

WG1: Garbage Collector

  The multicore runtime alters the memory allocation and garbage
  collector to support multiple parallel threads of OCaml execution. It
  utilizes a stop-the-world parallel minor collector, a StreamFlow like
  multithreaded allocator and a mostly-concurrent major collector.

  WG1 decided that compaction will not be in the 5.0 initial release, as
  our best fit allocator has shown that a good memalloc strategy
  obviates the need for expensive compaction. Of course, the multicore
  memory allocator is different from bestfit, so we are in need of
  community input to ensure our hypothesis involving not requiring
  compaction is sound. If you do see such a use case of your application
  heap becoming very fragmented when 5.0 is in beta, please get in


  • remove any traces of no-naked-pointers checker as it is irrelevant
    in the pagetable-less multicore runtime.
  • running `make parallel' for the testsuite should work
  • move from `assert' to `CAMLassert'
  • How to do safepoints from C: add documentation on
    `caml_process_pending_actions' and a testsuite case for long-running
    C bindings to multicore
  • adopt the ephemeron bucket interface and do the same thing as 4.x
    OCaml trunk
  • check and document that `NOT_MARKABLE' can be used for libraries
    like ancient that want out of heap objects
  • check that we document what type of GC stats we return (global vs
    domain local) for the various stats

Post-MVP for 5.00

  • mark stack overflow fix, which shouldn't affect most runtime
    allocation profiles


  • statmemprof implementation
  • mark pre-fetching
  • investigate alternative minor heap implementations which maintain
    performance but cut virtual memory usage

WG2: Domains

  Each domain in multicore can execute a thread of OCaml in parallel
  with other domains. Several additions are made to OCaml to spawn new
  domains, join domains that are terminating and provide domain local
  storage. There is a stdlib module `Domain' and the underlying runtime
  domain structures.  A significant simplification in recent months is
  that the standard Mutex/Channel/Semaphore modules can be used instead
  of lower-level synchronisation primitives that were formerly available
  in `Domain'.

  The challenge for the runtime structures is to accurately maintain the
  set of domains that must take part in stop-the-world sections in the
  presence of domain termination and spawning, as well as ensuring that
  a domain services stop-the-world requests when the main mutator is in
  a blocking call; this is handled using a *backup thread* signaled from
  `caml_enter_blocking_section' / `caml_leave_blocking_section'.

  The multicore OCaml memory model was discussed, and the right scheme
  selected for arm64 (Table 5b from [the paper]). The local data race
  freedom (LDRF) property was agreed to be a balanced and predictable
  approach for a memory model for OCaml 5.0. We do likely need to depend
  on >C11 compiler for relaxed atomics in OCaml 5.0, so this will mean
  dropping Windows MSVC support for the MVP (but mingw will work).

[the paper] <https://anil.recoil.org/papers/2018-pldi-memorymodel.pdf>


  • Make domain id abstract and provide `string_of_id'
  • Document that initializing writes are ok using the Field macro with
    respect to the memory model. Also highlight that all writes need to
    use `caml_modify' (even immediates)
  • check that the selectgen 'coeffect' is correct for DLS.get
  • More comments needed for domain.c to help the reader:
    • around backup thread state machine and where things happen
    • domain spawn/join
  • comment/check why `install_backup_thread' is called in spawnee and
  • check the reason why domain terminate is using a mutex for join
    (rather than a mutex, condvar pair)


  • Provide a mechanism for the user to retrieve the number of
    processors available for use. This can be implemented by libraries
    as well.
  • add atomic mutable record fields
  • add arrays of atomic variables

WG3: Runtime multi-domain safety

  Multicore OCaml supports systhreads in a backwards compatible
  fashion. The execution model remains the same, except transposed to
  domains rather than a single execution context.

  Each domain will get its own threads chaining: this means that while
  only one systhread can execute at a time on a single domain (akin to
  trunk), many domains can still execute in parallel, with their
  systhreads chaining being independent. To achieve this, a thread table
  is employed to allow each domains to maintain their own independent
  chaining. Context switching now involves extra care to handle the
  backup thread. The backup thread takes care of GC duties when a thread
  is currently in a blocking section. Systhreads needs to be careful
  about when to signal it.

  The tick thread, used to periodically force thread preemption, has
  been updated to not rely on signals (as the multicore signaling model
  does not allow this to be done efficiently). Instead, we rely on the
  interrupt infrastructure of the multicore runtime and trigger an
  “external” interrupt, that will call back into systhreads to force a

  The existing Dynlink API was designed decades ago for a web browser
  written in OCaml (called "[mmm]") and is stateful. We'll make it
  possible to call concurrently in the OCaml 5.0 MVP, but the WG3
  decided to start redesigning the Dynlink API to be less stateful.

  Code fragments are now stored in a lockfree skiplist to allow multiple
  threads to work on the codefrags structures concurrently in a
  thread-safe manner. Extra care is required on cleanup (i.e, freeing
  unused code fragments entries): this should only happen on one domain,
  and this is done at the end of a major cycle. For the interested,
  [ocaml-multicore#672] is a recommended read to see the concurrent
  skiplist structure now used.

  Signals in multicore have the following behaviour, with the WG3
  deciding to change their behaviour to allow coalescing multiple
  signals from the perspective of the mutator:

  • A program with a single domain should have mostly the same signal
    behaviour as trunk. This includes the delivery of signals to
    systhreads on that domain.
  • Programs with multiple domains treat signals in a global fashion. It
    is not possible to direct signals to individual domains or threads,
    other than the control through thread sigmask. A domain recording a
    signal may not be the one executing the OCaml signal handler.

  Frame descriptors modifications are now locked behind a mutex to avoid
  races if different threads were to try to apply changes to the frame
  table at the same time. Freeing up old frame tables is done at the end
  of a major cycle (which is a STW section) in order to be sure that no
  thread will be using this old frame table anymore.

  Multicore OCaml contains a version of eventlog that is safe for
  multiple domains. It achieves this by having a separate CTF file per
  domain but this is an interim solution. We hope to replace this
  implementation with an existing prototype based on per-domain ring
  buffers which can be consumed programmatically from both OCaml and
  C. This will be a generalisation of eventlog, and so we should be able
  to remove the existing interface if it's not widely adopted yet.

[mmm] <https://caml.inria.fr/pub/old_caml_site/~rouaix/mmm/>



  • Rewrite intern.c so that it doesn't do GC. This code is performance
    sensitive as the compiler reads the cmi files by unmarshaling them.
    • Benchmark on `big.ml' (from @stedolan) and binary tree benchmark
      (from @xavierleroy).
  • Ensure the `m->waiters' atomics in systhreads are correct and safe.
  • Write down options for `Thread.exit' to be discussed during or after
    merge, and what to do if just one domain exits while others continue
    to run. Should not be a blocking issue. Changing semantics is ok
    from vanilla trunk.
  • `m->busy' is not atomic anymore as of
    [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#740], should be reviewed and
  • Restrict `Dynlink' to domain 0 as it is a mutable interface and
    difficult to use concurrently.
  • Signals stack should move from counting to coalescing semantics.
  • Try to delay signal processing at domain spawn so that `Caml_state'
    is valid.
  • Remove `total_signals_pending' if possible.


Post-MVP for 5.00

  • Probe opam for eventlog usage (introduced in OCaml 4.13) to
    determine if removing it will break any applications.
  • Eventring merge is OK, eventlog API can be changed if functionality
    remains equivalent.
  • (could be post 5.00 as well) TLS for systhreads.


  • Get more data on Dynlink usage and design a new API that is less
  • @xavierleroy suggested redesigning marshalling in light of the new

WG4: Stdlib changes

  The main guiding principle in porting the Stdlib to OCaml 5.00 is that

  1. OCaml 5.00 does not provide thread-safety by default for mutable
     data structures and interfaces.
  2. OCaml 5.00 does ensure memory-safety (no crashes) even when stdlib
     is used in parallel by multiple domains.
  3. Observationally pure interfaces remain so in OCaml 5.00.

  For OCaml libraries with specific mutable interfaces (e.g. Queue,
  Hashtbl, Stack, etc.) they will not be made domain-safe to avoid
  impacting sequential performance. Programs using parallelism will need
  to add their own lock safety around concurrent access to such
  modules. Modules with top-level mutable state (e.g. Filename, Random,
  Format, etc..) will be made domain-safe. Some, such as Random, are
  being extensively redesigned to use new approaches such as splittable
  prngs. The motivation for these choices and further discussion is
  found in the [Multicore OCaml wiki page].

  The WG4 also noted that we would accept alternative versions of
  mutable stdlib modules that are concurrent-safe (e.g.  have a
  `Concurrent.Hashtbl'), and also hopes to see more lockfree libraries
  developed independently by the OCaml community. Overall, WG4
  recognised the importance of community involvement with the process of
  porting OCaml libraries to parallel safety. We aim to add ocamldoc
  tags to the language to mark modules/functions safety, and hope to get
  this in the new unified package db at [v3.ocaml.org] ahead of OCaml

[Multicore OCaml wiki page]

[v3.ocaml.org] <https://v3.ocaml.org/packages>

◊ Lazy

  Lazy values in OCaml allow deferred computations to be run by
  *forcing* them. Once the lazy computation runs to completion, the lazy
  is updated such that further forcing fetches the result from the
  previous forcing. The minor GC also short-circuits forced lazy values
  avoiding a hop through the lazy object. The implementation of lazy
  uses [unsafe operations from the Obj module].

  The implementation of Lazy has been made thread-safe in OCaml
  5.00. For single-threaded use, the Lazy module preserves backwards
  compatibility. For multi-threaded use, the Lazy module adds
  synchronization such that on concurrent forcing of an unforced lazy
  value from multiple domains, one of the domains will get to run the
  deferred computation while the other will get a new exception
  `RacyLazy' .

  [unsafe operations from the Obj module]

◊ Random

  With [ocaml-multicore#582], we have domain-local PRNGs following
  closely along the lines of stock OCaml. In particular, the behaviour
  remains the same for sequential OCaml programs. But the situation for
  parallel programs is not ideal. Without explicit initialisation, all
  the domains will draw the same initial sequence.

  There is ongoing discussion on splittable PRNGs in [ocaml/RFCs#28],
  and a re-implementation of Random using the Xoshiro256++ PRNG in


  [ocaml/RFCs#28] <https://github.com/ocaml/RFCs/pull/28>

  [ocaml/ocaml#10701] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/10701>

◊ Format

  The Format module has some hidden global state for implementing
  pretty-printing boxes. While the module has explicit API for passing
  the formatter state to the functions, there are predefined formatters
  for `stdout' , `stderr' and standard buffer, whose state is maintained
  by the module.

  The Format module has been made thread-safe for predefined
  formatters. We use domain-local versions of formatter state for each
  domain, lazily switching to this version when the first-domain is
  spawned. This preserves the performance of single-threaded code, while
  being thread-safe for multi-threaded use case. See the discussion in
  [ocaml/ocaml#10453] for a summary.


◊ Mutex, Condition, Semaphore

  The Mutex, Condition and Semaphore modules are the same as systhreads
  in stock OCaml. They now reside in `stdlib' .  When systhreads are
  linked, the same modules are used for synchronization between


  • Mark lazy as not thread safe.
    • Unify RacyLazy and Undefined
    • Remove domain-local unique token
    • Remove try_force
  • Add the Bucket module for ephemerons with a default sequential
    implementation as seen in OCaml 4.13.

Post-MVP for 5.00

  • Introduce ocamldoc tags for different concurrency safety
    • domain-safe
    • systhread-safe
    • fiber-safe
    • not-concurrency-safe (= !domain-safe || !systhread-safe ||
      !fiber-safe) – also used as a placeholder for libraries and
      functions not analysed for concurrency.
  • Add documentation for memory model in the manual. Specifically, no
    values out of thin air – no need to precisely document the memory
    model aside from pointing to paper.
  • For `Arg' module, deprecate current but not whole module
  • remove ThreadUnix as a simple module that would no longer need Unix.
  • Dynlink should have a mutex inside it to ensure it doesnt crash
    especially in bytecode.


  • Atomic arrays
  • Ephemerons reimplemented in terms of Bucket module.
  • Make disjoint the update of the lazy tag and marking by using
    byte-sized write and CAS.

WG5: Fibers

  Fibers are the runtime system mechanism that supports effect
  handlers. The design of effect handlers in OCaml has been written up
  in the [PLDI 2021 paper].The motivation for adding effect handlers and
  some more examples are found in [these slides].

[PLDI 2021 paper] <https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.00250>

[these slides]

◊ Programming with effect handlers

  Effect handlers are made available to the OCaml programmer from
  `stdlib/effectHandlers.ml' (although this will likely be renamed
  `Effect' soon). The EffectHandlers module exposes two variants of
  effect handlers – deep and shallow. Deep handlers are like folds over
  the computation tree whereas shallow handlers are akin to [case
  splits]. With deep handlers, the handler wraps around the
  continuation, whereas in shallow handlers it doesn’t.

  Here is an example of a program that uses deep handlers to model
  something analogous to the `Reader' monad.

  │ open EffectHandlers
  │ open EffectHandlers.Deep
  │ type _ eff += Ask : int eff
  │ let main () =
  │   try_with (fun _ -> perform Ask + perform Ask) ()
  │   { effc = fun (type a) (e : a eff) ->
  │       match e with
  │       | Ask -> Some (fun (k : (a,_) continuation) -> continue k 1)
  │       | _ -> None }
  │ let _ = assert (main () = 2)

  Observe that when we resume the continuation `k' , the subsequent
  effects performed by the computation are also handled by the same
  handler. As opposed to this, for the shallow handler doesn’t. For
  shallow handlers, we use `continue_with' instead of continue.

  │ open EffectHandlers
  │ open EffectHandlers.Shallow
  │ type _ eff += Ask : int eff
  │ let main () =
  │   let rec loop (k: (int,_) continuation) (state : int) =
  │     continue_with k state
  │     { retc = (fun v -> v);
  │       exnc = (fun e -> raise e);
  │       effc = fun (type a) (e : a eff) ->
  │     match e with
  │     | Ask -> Some (fun (k : (a, _) continuation) -> loop k 1)
  │     | _ -> None }
  │   in
  │   let k = fiber (fun _ -> perform Ask + perform Ask) in
  │   loop k 1
  │ let _ = assert (main () = 2)

  Observe that with a shallow handler, the recursion is
  explicit. Shallow handlers makes it easier to encode cases where state
  needs to be threaded through. For example, here is a variant of the
  `State' handler that encodes a counter:

  │ open EffectHandlers
  │ open EffectHandlers.Shallow
  │ type _ eff += Next : int eff
  │ let main () =
  │   let rec loop (k: (int,_) continuation) (state : int) =
  │     continue_with k state
  │     { retc = (fun v -> v);
  │       exnc = (fun e -> raise e);
  │       effc = fun (type a) (e : a eff) ->
  │     match e with
  │     | Next -> Some (fun (k : (a, _) continuation) -> loop k (state + 1))
  │     | _ -> None }
  │   in
  │   let k = fiber (fun _ -> perform Next + perform Next) in
  │   loop k 0
  │ let _ = assert (main () = 3)

  While this encoding is possible with deep handlers (by the usual
  `State' monad trick of building up a computation using a closure), it
  feels more natural with shallow handlers. In general, one can easily
  encode deep handlers using shallow handlers, but going the other way
  is challenging. With the typed effects work currently in development,
  the default would be shallow handlers and deep handlers would be
  encoded using the shallow handlers.

  As a bit of history, the current implementation is tuned for deep
  handlers and has gathered optimizations over several iterations. If
  shallow handlers becomes more widely in the coming years, it may be
  possible to put in some tweaks that removes a few allocations. That
  said, the semantics of the deep and shallow handlers in this future
  implementation will remain the same as what is currently in OCaml 5.00

  [case splits]

Post-MVP for 5.00

  • Add ARM64 backend
  • Documentation on the usage of effect handlers.
  • Current stack size should be the sum of the stack sizes of the stack
    of fibers. Currently, it only captures the top fiber size.
    ⁃ This is not straight-forward as it seems. Resuming continuations
      attaches a stack. Should we do stack overflow checks there? I'd
      not, as this would make resuming continuations slower. One idea
      might be to only do the stack overflow check at stack realloc,
      which catches the common case.


  • Add support for compiling with frame pointers.

The November activities

  That wraps up the mammoth code review summary, and significant
  decisions taken.  Overall, we are full steam ahead for generating an
  OCaml 5.0 PR, although we do have our work cut out for us in the
  coming months! Now we continue with our regular report on what else
  happened in November.The ecosystem is continuing to evolve, and there
  are significant updates to Eio, the Effects-based parallel IO for

  [Lwt.5.5.0] has been released that supports dispatching pure
  computations to multicore domains. The Sandmark benchmarking has now
  been updated to build for 5.00, and the current-bench tooling is being
  improved to better track the performance analysis and upstream merge

  As always, the Multicore OCaml updates are listed first, which contain
  the upstream efforts, documentation changes, and PR fixes. This is
  followed by the ecosystem updates to `Eio' and `Tezos'. The Sandmark,
  sandmark-nightly and current-bench tasks are finally listed for your
  kind reference.

  /The full release notes can be found at the [archive link] above./


[archive link]

New release of Menhir (20211128)


François Pottier announced

  The recent release of Menhir (20211125) creates some difficulties with
  OCaml versions 4.07 to 4.10, where it triggers a type-checker bug
  (fixed in 4.11).

  A new release of Menhir (20211128) appears today and is expected to
  eliminate these problems.

  │ opam update
  │ opam install menhir.20211128

Advent of Code 2021

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/advent-of-code-2021/8945/1>

Shon announced

  For any other OCamlers having a go at [Advent of Code] this year, I
  thought I'd create this thread for discussing/sharing/comparing.

  I doubt I'll see it all the way through myself, but will keep at it
  until I run out of steam :)

  If anyone would like to form an ocamlcentric leaderboard, all may feel
  free to use my private leaderboard, by entering code `221063-e41acad3'
  at <https://adventofcode.com/2021/leaderboard/private> (after logging
  in). I'd also be happy to join a different leaderboard if there's
  already one fit for this purpose :)

  (Discussion from a few years back is here: here:

[Advent of Code] <https://adventofcode.com/>

"What is an Operating System?": Anil Madhavapeddy on Signals and Threads


Shon announced


Other OCaml News

From the ocamlcore planet blog

  Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at [OCaml Planet].

  • [Release of Frama-C 24.0 (Chromium)]
  • ['Signals and Threads' Podcast: What is an Operating System?]
  • [The proposal for a proof assistants StackExchange site]
  • [Tarides and Hyper: Partners in Agricultural Innovation]
  • [opam releases: 2.0.10, 2.1.1, and opam depext 1.2!]
  • [MirageOS Workshop: Working with the Raspberry Pi 4]
  • [MirageOS 4.0 Preview Live Presentation]
  • [Isolating Xwayland in a VM]

[OCaml Planet] <http://ocaml.org/community/planet/>

[Release of Frama-C 24.0 (Chromium)]

['Signals and Threads' Podcast: What is an Operating System?]

[The proposal for a proof assistants StackExchange site]

[Tarides and Hyper: Partners in Agricultural Innovation]

[opam releases: 2.0.10, 2.1.1, and opam depext 1.2!]

[MirageOS Workshop: Working with the Raspberry Pi 4]

[MirageOS 4.0 Preview Live Presentation]

[Isolating Xwayland in a VM]


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I'll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe

  [Alan Schmitt]

[send me a message] <mailto:alan.schm...@polytechnique.org>

[the archive] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>

[RSS feed of the archives] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>

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[Alan Schmitt] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/>

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