
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of March 01 to 08,

Table of Contents

Ttweetnacl 0.1.0
Dmap : type-safe dependent (heterogeneous) immutable maps
Set up OCaml 2.0.0
Set up OCaml 2.0.1
Load Balancer on FPGA - a Hardcaml Project
Tutorial: Roguelike with effect handlers
Software Engineer Position at beNEXT.io
Sexp_decode: monadic decoders of S-expressions
Robur Reproducible Builds
OCaml compiler development newsletter, issue 5: November 2021 to February 2022
HACL* in OCaml: safe bindings for verified C code using Ctypes
OUPS meetup march 2022 (french only)
VSCode OCaml Platform 1.10.0
Other OCaml News

Ttweetnacl 0.1.0

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-ttweetnacl-0-1-0/9436/1>

Daniel Bünzli announced

  It's my pleasure to announce the first release of ttweetnacl.

  Ttweetnacl provides thin bindings to the [TweetNaCl] cryptographic

  Ttweetnacl has no dependencies. The binding code is distributed under
  the ISC license and the integrated TweetNaCl C code is in the public

  The binding has only been lightly used so far. Early adopters should
  pay special attention (or even better, review the binding code :–)

  • Home page: <https://erratique.ch/software/ttweetnacl>
  • Docs: <https://erratique.ch/software/ttweetnacl/doc/> (or `odig doc
  • Install: `opam install ttweetnacl' (once [this] is merged)

[TweetNaCl] <https://tweetnacl.cr.yp.to/>

[this] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/pull/20828>

Dmap : type-safe dependent (heterogeneous) immutable maps


Benoit Montagu announced

  It is my pleasure to announce the release of `Dmap'.

  `Dmap' is an OCaml library that implements dependent (heterogeneous)
  immutable maps. The type of keys is indexed by the type of the
  associated values, so that the maps can contain data whose types may
  depend on the values of keys. It is adapted from the implementation
  code for maps that is used by the [OCaml] standard library.

  For instance:

  │ module IntBool = struct
  │   (* The type for the keys of our maps. The index ['a] denotes the type
  │      of the values that will be associated to the keys. In the case of the
  │      [Int] constructor, the map will expect data of type [string]. In the
  │      case of the [Bool] constructor, the map will expect values of type 
  │   *)
  │   type 'a t = Int : int -> string t | Bool : bool -> char t
  │   (* Total order on values of type [_ t]. *)
  │   let compare (type a1 a2) (v1 : a1 t) (v2 : a2 t) : (a1, a2) cmp =
  │     match (v1, v2) with
  │     | Int n1, Int n2 -> if n1 = n2 then Eq else if n1 < n2 then Lt else Gt
  │     | Bool b1, Bool b2 ->
  │     if b1 = b2 then Eq else if (not b1) || b2 then Lt else Gt
  │     | Bool _, Int _ -> Lt
  │     | Int _, Bool _ -> Gt
  │ end
  │ (* We create a module of maps whose keys have type [IntBool.t] *)
  │ module IntBoolMap = Dmap.Make(IntBool)
  │ (* Definition of a map of type [IntBoolMap.t]. *)
  │ let m = IntBoolMap.(empty |> add (Int 42) "hello" |> add (Bool true) 'A')
  │ (* Some queries on the map [m] *)
  │ let () =
  │   assert (IntBoolMap.find_opt (Int 42) m = Some "hello");
  │   assert (IntBoolMap.find_opt (Bool true) m = Some 'A');
  │   assert (IntBoolMap.find_opt (Bool false) m = None)

  This creates a new module `IntBoolMap' , with a new type
  `IntBoolMap.t' of maps from `IntBool.t' to `string' or `char' . As
  specified by the GADT definition of `IntBool.t' , the values
  associated to the keys of the form `Int n' have type `string' , and
  the values associated to the keys of the form `Bool b' have type
  `char' .

  You can install `Dmap' using opam by running `opam install dmap'

  Repository: <https://gitlab.inria.fr/bmontagu/dmap>

[OCaml] <https://ocaml.org/>

Hannes Mehnert asked and Benoit Montagu replied

        thanks for your release announcement. Did you look into
        other similar libraries, and have a perspective how they
        are different from dmap? What comes to my mind are [hmap]
        and [gmap]. Are there other design goals, or different
        performance tradeoffs/guarantees?

  thanks for asking. Here are the differences with [hmap] and [gmap], as
  far as I understand. Please correct me if I misunderstood some parts.

  • [hmap] only supports keys with no contents. In particular, no total
    ordering of keys is required. Instead, you can dynamically create
    new keys, with the type index that you want. It is fully type-safe
    (no `assert false', no `Obj.magic', etc). It does not support (but
    maybe it could) a polymorphic `map' function (this requires
    second-order polymorphism). It reuses the standard library's `Map'
    implementation by calling `Map.Make'.
  • [gmap] supports keys with contents, and expects a total ordering
    function that returns a GADT to witness type equality, exactly as I
    did in [dmap]. It supports a polymorphic `map' function (using
    second-order polymorphism). It reuses the standard library's `Map'
    implementation by calling `Map.Make'. The implementation records the
    keys twice: as keys, and as part of the associated data, so that
    type equality witnesses can be exploited. This results in extra
    calls to the comparison functions on keys (see the code of `get' for
    an example). The extra calls and the double recording of keys might
    have an impact in terms of cost, that I cannot quantify. I should be
    measured. The code is /almost/ type-safe: it relies on the invariant
    the key is the same as the key part that is recorded as data for
    that that binding. The impossible cases returned by the comparison
    function are given the `assert false' behavior.
  • [dmap] also supports a polymorphic `map' function. It does not store
    keys twice: as in the standard library's implementation, the keys
    are stored only once. In comparison to [gmap], the comparisons on
    keys are not done twice. The code is completely type-safe: no
    `assert false' is introduced to handle the impossible cases of key
    comparison. The implementation /duplicates/ the one of the standard
    library, rather than calling `Map.Make'. The exported functions and
    their names are on par with the standard library's `Map'.

[hmap] <https://erratique.ch/software/hmap>

[gmap] <https://github.com/hannesm/gmap>

[dmap] <https://gitlab.inria.fr/bmontagu/dmap>

Daniel Bünzli then said

        hmap…  It does not support (but maybe it could) a
        polymorphic `map' function (this requires second-order

  That reminds me of a PR I completely forgot about


  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-bls12-381-3-0-0/9438/1>

Danny Willems announced

  It is my pleasure to announce the release of the cryptographic library
  bls12-381.3.0.0 (keep reading for more details about the library
  content and engineering problems we faced and solved).  The changelog
  from 2.0.1 can be found [here].  The release is available in the
  public opam-repository. You can install it using
  │ opam install bls12-381.3.0.0

  • Repository: <https://gitlab.com/dannywillems/ocaml-bls12-381>
  • Release:
  • License: [MIT]
  • Documentation:
  • Nomadic Labs website: <https://nomadic-labs.com>

  This is also the first public announcement of a bls12-381
  release. And, for this reason, I would like to describe the history of
  the library and the different challenges we faced as it may interest
  OCaml engineers, and also describe the content of bls12-381.

  /Editor’s note: please find the rest of this long message at the
  archive link above./

[here] <https://gitlab.com/dannywillems/ocaml-bls12-381/-/tags/3.0.0>


Set up OCaml 2.0.0

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-set-up-ocaml-2-0-0/9444/1>

Sora Morimoto announced

  After a long time, it's time to officially release setup-ocaml v2!
  With the official caching functionality introduced from v2, setup is
  much faster. (Notable thing: we've spent some time with the GitHub
  team pulling Actions and the ecosystem itself to the level where it
  "actually works".)  We hope you will enjoy this release with a lot of
  other functionalities that we really need to do real development, such
  as support for semver-style versioning (`ocaml-compiler: 4.13.x').
  And please report any bugs you encounter!  Thank you!

  /Editor’s note: the full changelog is available at the archive link

Set up OCaml 2.0.1

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-set-up-ocaml-2-0-1/9458/1>

Sora Morimoto announced


  • Update the package index if the system package installation fails.


Load Balancer on FPGA - a Hardcaml Project


Jakub Urbańczyk announced

  My name is Jakub and I am a CS student. I would like to share with you
  a Hardcaml project that I have been working for the past few months,
  which is a network load balancer. It has no practical usage, but I
  decided to publish it because of (hopefully) educational value.

  Link to the project: [https://github.com/xThaid/fpga-lb]

  When I was learning Hardcaml, the biggest barrier for me was the lack
  of existing projects. It would be extremely useful to take a look at
  such a project to get to know some techniques, tricks, or how a big
  project should look like in general. Therefore, I post this with hope
  that somebody will find it useful. Hardcaml seems to be a really
  interesting alternative to other hardware description languages and I
  wish it had broader recognition.

  Brief documentation of the architecture and more comments about the
  project are available in the repo.

  Please let me know if you have any comments!

[https://github.com/xThaid/fpga-lb] <https://github.com/xThaid/fpga-lb>

Tutorial: Roguelike with effect handlers


Continuing this thread, rand said

  Fun read with the rogue-like! - especially concerning your experiments
  with avoiding the gameloop via effects, as I've been thinking about
  gameloopy stuff in the context of FRP.

  I don't think the structure you propose scales very well concerning
  the complexity of extending the game semantics over time, which you
  also stumbled over - but I guess that wasn't the intention.

  A problem related to what you mentioned about updating other entities
  life, and having them update their state before they are done sleeping
  - is that you would need to update your state after each resume of
  your continuation based on what other entities communicated via the
  shared state. So in the end the code doesn't look as elegant, and
  becomes more errorprone.

  If others are interested in the "alternative gameloop" aspects - I
  implemented a simple browser-game with an Elm-style gameloop using FRP
  in OCaml some years ago:

Software Engineer Position at beNEXT.io


Martin Halford announced

  beNEXT, an Australian-based startup, is hiring for the *"Software

  beNEXT is creating the next generation of Smart Legal Contracts based
  on the Accord Project.

  Our plan is to change the way contracts are negotiated and executed,
  and relegate paper and dumb PDFs to the recycle bin of history, by
  turning contracts into discrete pieces of software that execute and
  interact with the real world!

  You can learn more about beNEXT by visiting [https://benext.io] or the
  *Accord Project* by visiting [https://accordproject.org]

  beNEXT is looking for a highly motivated and intelligent individual
  with solid and demonstrable skills in one or more of the following:

  • OCaml;
  • Q*cert compiler;
  • Coq;

  Ideally this person would also have experience with Node.js and/or
  various Javascript frameworks.

  An understanding of the *Accord Project* (including *Ergo*, *Concerto*
  and *Cicero*) would be advantageous but not mandatory.

  Candidates can be located anywhere in the world, provided they have
  access to reliable, high-speed internet and are prepared to work hours
  which overlap with Australian Eastern Time - typically UTC+10:00.

  If the successful candidate were lucky enough to live in Melbourne,
  Australia, then attending the *beNEXT office* in Collingwood is an
  option. However, our assumption is that this engineer would work from
  their home office and/or a local domestic office of their choosing.

  We are open to engaging the successful candidate in either a
  *full-time, part-time or freelance role* depending on the individual
  circumstances or preferences.

  Alternatively, this could be an *internship role* for a final year
  computer science student with the view to becoming a permanent
  employee upon graduation.

  The successful candidate would primarily be working on contributions
  to the Accord Project, in addition to working on the beNEXT
  `smartLEGAL' platform, as necessary.

  Interested persons can contact us via email at `he...@benext.io' or by
  replying to this message.

[https://benext.io] <https://benext.io>

[https://accordproject.org] <https://accordproject.org>

Sexp_decode: monadic decoders of S-expressions


Benoit Montagu announced

  It is my pleasure to release the `Sexp_decode' library.

  `Sexp_decode' is a library of monadic combinators for decoding
  S-expressions (as defined in the [Csexp library]) into structured
  data. S-expressions are a simple serialisation format for data
  exchange, that is (in particular) used in `dune'. Decoders are a form
  of parsers for S-expressions.

  Repository: <https://gitlab.inria.fr/bmontagu/sexp_decode>

  `Sexp_decode' is available on `opam'.  You can install it by typing
  `opam install sexp_decode'

[Csexp library] <https://github.com/ocaml-dune/csexp>


  The purpose of the library is to help the translation of S-expressions
  into structured data.

  For example, you may want to transform an address book encoded as an
  S-expression into structured data, that is easier to process.

  Let's assume your address book looks like the following:

  │ open Sexp_decode
  │ let address_book : sexp =
  │ List
  │   [
  │     List
  │       [
  │     Atom "entry";
  │     List [ Atom "name"; Atom "John Doe" ];
  │     List [ Atom "country"; Atom "New Zealand" ];
  │       ];
  │     List
  │       [
  │     Atom "entry";
  │     List [ Atom "name"; Atom "Mary Poppins" ];
  │     List [ Atom "email"; Atom "umbre...@imaginary-domain.uk" ];
  │       ];
  │     List
  │       [
  │     Atom "entry";
  │     List [ Atom "name"; Atom "Groot" ];
  │     List [ Atom "country"; Atom "Groot" ];
  │       ];
  │   ]

  A representation as an OCaml value that is probably easier to work
  with, is by using the following `entry' type:

  │ type entry =
  │   { name : string; country : string option; email : string option }
  │ type address_book = entry list

  It is easy to define decoders that produce values of types `entry' and
  `address_book' :

  │ let entry_decoder : entry decoder =
  │ field "entry"
  │ @@ let* name = field "name" atom in
  │    let* country = maybe @@ field "country" atom in
  │    let+ email = maybe @@ field "email" atom in
  │    { name; country; email }
  │ let address_book_decoder : address_book decoder = list entry_decoder

  Then, you can execute the `run' function, that has type `'a decoder ->
  sexp -> 'a option' . It produces the following result on our
  `address_book' example:

  │ let result = run address_book_decoder address_book
  │ (* result =
  │      Some
  │       [{name = "John Doe"; country = Some "New Zealand"; email = None};
  │        {name = "Mary Poppins"; country = None;
  │     email = Some "umbre...@imaginary-domain.uk"};
  │        {name = "Groot"; country = Some "Groot"; email = None}]
  │ *)

  In addition to the `field' , `maybe' , `atom' and `list' decoders, the
  `Sexp_decode' library provides combinators to build compound decoders
  from basic ones, and compose them together. In particular, decoders
  for variants and records are provided.

  For example, with the `fields' combinator, you could define
  `entry_decoder' as follows:

  │ let entry_decoder_alt : entry decoder =
  │   field "entry"
  │   @@ fields
  │        ~default:{ name = ""; country = None; email = None }
  │        [
  │      ("name", atom >>| fun name entry -> { entry with name });
  │      ( "country", atom >>| fun country entry -> { entry with country = Some 
country });
  │      ("email", atom >>| fun email entry -> { entry with email = Some email 
  │        ]

  With this alternative decoder for entries, the fields `"name"'
  `"country"' and `"email"' might occur in any order, and any number of

Robur Reproducible Builds


Hannes Mehnert announced

  We (@rand @reynir @hannes) have several updates in this project:
  • binary package repositories (debian, ubuntu, FreeBSD) are now
    available with monotonic version numbering
  • the <https://builds.robur.coop> website has an updated look and
    feel, and includes dependency visualizations and "which module uses
    how much space" visualizations (a treemap, based on @Drup

  Instructions on how to get started to setup unikernels at

OCaml compiler development newsletter, issue 5: November 2021 to February 2022


gasche announced

  I’m happy to publish the fifth issue of the “OCaml compiler
  development newsletter”. You can find all issues using the tag

  Note: the content of the newsletter is by no means exhaustive, only a
  few of the compiler maintainers and contributor had the time to write
  something, which is perfectly fine.

  Feel free of course to comment or ask questions!

  If you have been working on the OCaml compiler and want to say
  something, please feel free to post in this thread! If you would like
  me to get in touch next time I prepare a newsletter issue (some random
  point in the future), please let me know by Discuss message or by
  email at (gabriel.scherer at gmail).



  The [last issue (October 2021)] corresponded to the last development
  period before merging the Multicore OCaml implementation and the
  "Sequential freeze" (a freeze on non-multicore-related changes to
  facilitate the Multicore merge).

  Since then there has of course been a massive amount of work by the
  Multicore team (see the massive [Multicore newsletter for January
  2022]).  The upstream development pace has been unusual: there is less
  non-multicore activity than before (last-minute changes for the 4.14
  release, and long-running projects moving on in parallel), there is a
  fair amount of work cleaning up things that were broken by the
  Multicore merge, with an influx of new contributors and also some
  non-new contributors which are still complete beginners with respect
  to the Multicore runtime.

  Things are moving along at a reasonable pace, and we expect to release
  5.0 at some point :-)

[last issue (October 2021)]

[Multicore newsletter for January 2022]

Individual reports

@gasche Gabriel Scherer


  In #[10718], @voodoos Ulysse Gérard, @trefis Thomas Refis and @lpw25
  Leo White proposed "shapes", a new form of static information about
  OCaml modules that would be computed and stored by the OCaml compiler
  to help other tools, in particular Merlin, work with OCaml
  names/definitions. (This is entirely their work, not mine!) The work
  was merged in the 4.14 development version.

  After the merge, opam-wide testing by @kit-ty-kate Kate Deplaix
  revealed performance issues on some functor-heavy code, in particular
  Irmin. Shape computation in the compiler would blow up, in computation
  time and/or size of the generated build artifacts.

  The core mechanism of "shapes" is an evaluator for lambda-terms. In
  #[10825] I worked on a more efficient evaluator (with help from
  @Edkohibs Nathanaëlle Courant), using relatively advanced machinery
  (strong call-by-need reduction), and it gives good results in practice
  – there are no known cases of time or size blowup anymore. There was a
  lot of back-and-forth between different design and implementation
  choices, and additional testing by Ulysse helped a lot!  Finally we
  had an in-person review meeting with Ulysse, Thomas, @Octachron
  Florian Angeletti and Nathanaëlle, and it was a lot of fun, especially
  in these times of low in-person activity.

[10718] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10718>

[10825] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10825>

GADT and pattern generalization

  In #[1097], @dongyan reported a soundness bug in the OCaml
  type-checker due to the interaction of polymorhpism (generalisation)
  and GADT existential types in the type inference of
  pattern-matching. We analyzed the issue and I proposed a restriction
  of the typing rule to reject unsound examples; @lpw25 Leo White
  refined the proposal further. I tried to implement the fix/restriction
  myself, but it's not easy when one is not familiar with the OCaml
  codebase. Jacques Garrigue proposed a full implementation in #[10907],
  which is now merged. (This implements only my initial criterion, not
  Leo's refinement, which is harder to implement within the current type
  inference implementation for patterns.)

[1097] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/1097>

[10907] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10907>

Beginner-level Multicore hacking

  These days, OCaml maintainers are gently encouraged into working on
  the Multicore-related post-merge tasks, instead of slacking off
  working on cool optimisations or type system bugs. (The two tasks
  above have the excuse that they helped preparing the 4.14 release.)
  But most people knew nothing about the Multicore runtime until a few
  months ago, so everyone is a beginner here!

  I worked on small refactoring or minor bugfixes as I spotted them
  reading the code, with three larger pieces:

  1. #[10887]: I kept working with @xavierleroy on the Domain.DLS
      interface to let OCaml libraries store per-domain global state;
      now it's possible to create per-domain state that is "inherited"
      on Domain.spawn (the child state is computed from the parent
      state). This was a necessary building block to replace the Random
      implementation by a splittable random number generator, which was
      finally done in #[10742] by Xavier using LXM as planned.

  2. #[10971]: this issue by @sabine Sabine Schmaltz is discussing how
      to change the size of the reserved memory address space used for
      minor heaps, when the user asks for larger minor heaps or for more
      domains. (Each domain has its own minor heap, but they are
      contiguous for fast `Is_young` checking.) Sabine and I are working
      on an implementation. I sent various preparation PRs such as
      #[10974] (changing the mechanism to compute unique domain
      identifiers, which relied on a fixed Max_domains limit).

  3. gc stats (#[11008], #[11047]): the code to compute GC statistics
     needs some love, it changed significantly in the Multicore runtime
     but is also trying to preserve the interface exposed by the
     previous GC, and some things are slightly wrong. I started reading
     the code from the Max_domains angle (it is storing per-domain
     statistics in a fixed-sized array), but ended up working on it with
     help from @Engil Enguerrand Decorne.

[10887] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10887>

[10742] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10742>

[10971] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10971>

[10974] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10974>

[11008] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11008>

[11047] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11047>

@xavierleroy Xavier Leroy

  On January 10th 2022, I had the privilege to push the "merge" button
  on pull request #[10831], thus bringing Multicore OCaml into the OCaml
  "trunk" and giving birth to OCaml 5.

  Before and after this glorious moment, the Multicore OCaml development
  team, the other reviewers and I have been spending considerable
  amounts of time studying and reviewing the Multicore OCaml sources,
  reviewing the big pull request, and fixing the issues that remain
  after the merge.  I also spent much time reworking our Jenkins CI
  system to handle OCaml 5 and adapting the test suite accordingly.

  The transition to OCaml 5 is also a great opportunity to remove
  long-obsolete features and simplify the code base.  For example, in
  #[10898], I was able to remove a lot of cruft for signal handling that
  is no longer relevant now that signal handlers no longer run
  immediately on receiving the signal and stack overflow is explicitly
  managed by ocamlopt-generated code.  Another example is #[10935],
  which deprecates the `Thread.exit' function and offers a simpler,
  exception-based mechanism for early thread termination.

  Last but not least, I was finally able to merge my reimplementation of
  the Random module on top of the lovely LXM pseudo-random number
  generator (#[10742]), thanks to @gasche's work on domain-local state.

[10831] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10831>

[10898] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10898>

[10935] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10935>

[10742] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10742>

@Octachron Florian Angeletti

Benchmarking compilation time and compilation artefact size for shapes

  As described by @gasche, OCaml 4.14 introduces a new kind of metadata
  called `shape'. The computation of shapes metadata has some cost in
  term of compilation time. During the initial review, I had completely
  underestimated that cost, which lead to the compilation time blow up
  reported by irmin. When it was time to fix that mistake, I wanted to
  have a more global view of the effect of the shape computation on a
  significant slice of the opam repository.  Thus I measured both the
  compilation time and the size of compilation artefacts with and
  without the shape computation for over a thousand of opam packages
  (the half of the opam repository with the most reverse dependencies).
  Fortunately, this performance measurement campaign concluded that for
  90% of source files, the increase of compilation time was less than

   percentile  relative compilation time increase 
           1%                                 -9% 
          10%                                  0% 
          25%                                  0% 
          50%                                  0% 
          75%                                 +4% 
          90%                                +10% 
          99%                                +20% 
        99.9%                                +32% 
       99.99%                                +46% 

Documentation tags for a new era

  With Multicore OCaml, OCaml libraries will need to document how safe
  they are to use in a multicore context, in particular if they use some
  global state. To make it as easy as possible to document that point, I
  have started to implement new ocamldoc tags for multicore safety in
  #[10983] . However, the developers of odoc weren't keen on the idea of
  adding more tags, and proposed that this information should be
  conveyed in attributes that could be lifted to the
  documentation. @julow Jules Aguillon proposed an implementation in
  #[11024], that I have reviewed. This change by itself improves the
  state of alert in the documentation which is already a great
  improvement and should allow us to reach better design for
  multicore-safety documentation later on.

[10983] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10983>

[11024] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11024>

Beginner-level multicore hacking

  To participate a little to the stabilisation of OCaml 5.0, I spend
  some time to make the `Dynlink' library thread-safe in the easiest
  way: by a adding a global lock to the library. This is one of the few
  cases where a adding global lock to an existing library makes sense
  since we simultaneously don't expect call to `Dynlink' function to be
  performance critical and really don't want race condition in `Dynlink'
  to corrupt the state of the whole program.

@garrigue Jacques Garrigue

Cleaning up variance computation

  For many, the computation of variances in type definitions is quite
  mysterious. The only available specification is a short abstract at
  the OCaml Meeting 2013, and it is actually incomplete. With Takafumi
  Saikawa, I took a fresh look at the problem and we came up with a
  clearer lattice, and more explicit algorithms. This is still a draft
  PR #[11018].

[11018] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11018>

Separate typing of counter-examples from `type_pat'

  Since the introduction of GADTs, `type_pat', the function that types
  patterns, is also used to discard impossible cases during the
  exhaustiveness check. Moreover, it was later turned into
  continuation-passing style to allow backtracking, in order to check
  type inhabitation. Originally this seemed a good idea, allowing to
  factorize much code, but then new functionality was added to
  `type_pat', and the two roles started to diverge.  #[11027] is another
  draft PR that separates them, reverting `type_pat' to direct style,
  and adding a new `retype_pat' function which takes as input a
  partially typed tree. Interestingly, this de-factorization actually
  reduces the code size by more than a hundred lines.

[11027] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11027>


  The experimental Gallina generating backend is still progressing
  albeit slowly.  For those intrested there are now slides describing

@nojb Nicolas Ojeda Bär

  We are taking advantage of the 5.0 release to get rid of a lot of
  cruft that had built up over time:
  • #[10897]: Remove everything officially marked as deprecated before
     the 5.0 release.
  • #[10863]: Remove the `<caml/compatibiliy.h>' header which contained
     the definition of some runtime symbols without the `caml_' prefix
     for compatibility.
  • #[10896]: Remove `Stream', `Genlex' and `Pervasives' from the
     standard library, as well as the *standalone* `bigarray' library
     (no longer needed since the `Bigarray' module was moved into the
     standard library).
  • #[11002]: No longer use the `Begin_roots~/~End_roots' macros in the
     runtime system. These were not yet removed because they are used by
     some external projects (eg [`camlidl']).
  • #[10922], #[10923]: Add deprecation attributes to some symbols that
     did not have them so that we can remove them in some future

  Apart from all this spring cleaning, a small addition to the standard
  library that I had missed for a long time:

  • #[10986]: Add `Scanf.scanf_opt', `Scanf.sscanf_opt' and
     `Scanf.bscanf_opt' option-returning variants.

[10897] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10897>

[10863] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10863>

[10896] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10896>

[11002] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/11002>

[`camlidl'] <https://github.com/xavierleroy/camlidl>

[10922] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10922>

[10923] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10923>

[10986] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10986>

@dra27 David Allsopp

mingw-w64 port for native Windows OCaml 5

  I did the original port of multicore OCaml way back in 2018 (see
  [Discuss post]); that got rebased to 4.10 and updated to include
  native code support during summer 2020, but the testing story wasn't
  quite there. However, it got updated in the autumn and was merged
  just-in-time for the main PR to ocaml/ocaml! At the moment, we only
  support the mingw-w64 port on Windows: OCaml 4.x has a hand-crafted
  implementation of all the required pthreads primitives in the
  systhreads library, but for 5.x we're, at least for now, using the
  winpthreads library from the mingw-w64 project.

  In the meantime, the Cygwin64 port is mostly broken for slightly
  complicated reasons and the MSVC port isn't working from a combination
  of a lack of C11 atomics support and the aforementioned winpthreads
  library which is in mingw-w64.  It's extremely unlikely that the MSVC
  port will be ready for OCaml 5.0, but I have got a version of it just
  about working using C++ atomics and a manual build of the winpthreads
  library using Visual Studio, so there is light at the end of the
  tunnel for the MSVC port, hopefully for OCaml 5.1!

[Discuss post]

FlexDLL updates for Visual Studio

  Recent changes in the Windows SDK required some alterations in the
  `flexlink' linker, used in both the native Windows ports and the
  Cygwin port of OCaml. This project got a little bit of merging
  attention and a release, so recent updates of Visual Studio 2017 and
  2019 and also Visual Studio 2022 now successfully build OCaml 4.x,
  even with the Windows 11 SDK.

Native toplevel library in 4.14

  I helped to upstream some work done by others, and also narrowed the
  differences between `ocaml' and `ocamlnat' for 4.14. In OCaml 4.14,
  the native toplevel _library_ is now always installed, which paves the
  way for native code programs which wish to interpret toplevel
  statements (e.g. a native version of the `mdx' tool). Part of this
  work also inserted some hooks into the toplevel which allow the
  external linker to be replaced with a dynamic code emitter (so-called
  "ocaml-jit", but the use of _JIT_ seems to cause a lot of confusion -
  the point is that the overhead of repeatedly calling an external
  assembler is removed, which is measurable when compiling lots of
  individual phrases).

glibc 2.34 back-ports

  glibc 2.34 includes a change to the way alternate stacks for the
  signal handlers must be allocated. The issue was partially fixed in
  4.13, but as newer distributions started to ship with this newer
  glibc, the change in behaviour for older OCaml versions was becoming
  problematic - for example, you couldn't install OCaml 4.12 or earlier
  on the latest release of Ubuntu or Fedora. Xavier worked on the second
  half of the fix already in 4.13 (to deallocate the alternate stack on
  termination), and I managed the process of back-porting it to all the
  versions of OCaml in opam-repository (3.07+!). We also took the
  decision to push these patches to the old release branches on GitHub,
  partly as a convenient place to store them, since opam-repository
  references them from there, and partly as it allows the older branches
  still to be compiled directly from a git clone.

HACL* in OCaml: safe bindings for verified C code using Ctypes


Victor Dumitrescu announced

  I wanted to share a [blog post] that we wrote a while back at Nomadic
  Labs. I thought this might be interesting to folks here, particularly
  the more in-depth discussion on how we use Ctypes to safely interface
  with the formally verified C code of the HACL* cryptography library in
  OCaml and on the design of our high-level API.

[blog post]

OUPS meetup march 2022 (french only)


zapashcanon announced

  (this is in french only as the talks will be in french it’s probably
  not relevant for english speakers)

  Le prochain OUPS aura lieu le *jeudi 10 mars* 2022. Le rendez-vous est
  fixé à *18h30* en *salle 15-16 101* .

  Ce meetup aura lieu dans les locaux de l'[IRILL] au [4 place Jussieu,
  75005 Paris] en *salle 101* . Pour accéder à la salle, il faut aller à
  la colonne 15 ou 16, monter un étage et accéder au couloir 15-16. Voir
  les [instructions d'accès].

  *L'inscription est obligatoire* pour pouvoir accéder au meetup ! Votre
  nom complet doit être disponible. Merci de vous [inscrire] *le
  mercredi 9 mars* au plus tard.

  Le meetup consistera en deux exposés à la suite de quoi, les
  traditionnels pot et pizza party ne pouvant avoir lieux à l'IRILL,
  nous proposerons à ceux qui le souhaitent de se rendre au [Baker
  Street Pub] pour prolonger les discussions. Le passe sanitaire sera
  demandé pour participer à cette partie de l'évènement.

  Le programme des exposés de cette édition est donné ci-dessous et nous
  profitons de l'occasion pour rappeler que nous sommes toujours à la
  recherche de /propositions/ d'exposés pour les meetups suivants. Si
  vous souhaitez proposer un exposé, contactez-nous sur le [zulip OUPS].

[IRILL] <https://www.irill.org>

[4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris]

[instructions d'accès] <https://www.irill.org/pages/access.html>

[inscrire] <https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/ocaml-paris>

[Baker Street Pub] <https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/2298160176>

[zulip OUPS] <https://oups.zulipchat.com>

Interfacing OCaml with Sundials for numerical simulation, par Timothy Bourke

  Sundials/ML is an OCaml interface to (most of) the Sundials suite of
  numerical solvers. It provides access to the underlying C library and
  exploits features of the OCaml type and module systems to document and
  ensure its correct utilisation. We reimplemented a hundred-odd of the
  examples provided with Sundials to aid in developing, debugging, and
  benchmarking the OCaml library. The standard examples, iterated
  hundreds or thousands of times, are rarely twice as slow in OCaml as
  in C and usually less than 50% slower. We also found many bugs in our
  code (and a few in Sundials itself) by executing these examples with


Epidemiological inference in OCaml, par Benjamin Nguyen

  OCaml is a great choice for simulating mathematical models: Its
  functional nature and its type and module system allow to easily
  express mathematical models and to simulate them in a modular and
  (reasonably) efficient manner.  I will share some of the code and
  results from my PhD about the Bayesian inference of infectious
  diseases, with simulation of stochastic processes, MCMC, phylogenetic
  inference, and musical populations.


VSCode OCaml Platform 1.10.0


Max Lantas announced

  We are happy to announce the 1.10.0 release of [VSCode OCaml
  Platform], a Visual Studio Code extension for OCaml. It is now
  available on the [VSCode Marketplace].

  This release adds an offline opam package documentation generation and
  viewing feature by [@tatchi]. It is available by clicking the icon of
  a opam package in the OCaml sidebar.

  Please feel free to share feedback.

[VSCode OCaml Platform]

[VSCode Marketplace]

[@tatchi] <https://github.com/tatchi>

Change Log


  • Add the possibility to generate and show the documentation of an
    installed package right into VSCode. ([#771])

[#771] <https://github.com/ocamllabs/vscode-ocaml-platform/pull/771>

Other OCaml News

From the ocamlcore planet blog

  Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at [OCaml Planet].

  • [Segfault Systems Joins Tarides]
  • [OCaml from the Very Beginning now free in HTML and PDF formats]
  • [Permanent Computer Scientist Position at CEA LIST - LSL]
  • [OCaml Labs Joins Tarides]
  • [How Jane Street Pairs Interns to Projects and Teams During the
    Software Engineering Internship]
  • [Is every projective setoid isomorphic to a type?]
  • [Two new doctors!]
  • [Magic-trace: Diagnosing tricky performance issues easily with Intel
    Processor Trace]

[OCaml Planet] <http://ocaml.org/community/planet/>

[Segfault Systems Joins Tarides]

[OCaml from the Very Beginning now free in HTML and PDF formats]

[Permanent Computer Scientist Position at CEA LIST - LSL]

[OCaml Labs Joins Tarides]

[How Jane Street Pairs Interns to Projects and Teams During the Software
Engineering Internship] <https://blog.janestreet.com/project-pairing/>

[Is every projective setoid isomorphic to a type?]

[Two new doctors!] <http://math.andrej.com/2022/01/12/two-new-doctors/>

[Magic-trace: Diagnosing tricky performance issues easily with Intel
Processor Trace] <https://blog.janestreet.com/magic-trace/>


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  [Alan Schmitt]

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[Alan Schmitt] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/>

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