On May 22, 2008, at 10:46 PM, Bluebie, Jenna wrote:

We've just come across an issue for consideration. I am avoiding some words which would allow people to find this message in an internet search who have questionable intentions, but wish to communicate a strong sense of caution. Consider someone who adds extra methods to their controller which they use in their main get/ post methods to do things or to get secret data. Consider now, this http request:

FOO / HTTP/1.1

And consider that camping allows methods to return a string and have that returned as a body. This could make for a lovely convenient form of RPC, but to those unaware, it seems there could be negative results. Aria has discovered with some testing that it is also possible to access helper methods remotely in this way, which is especially worth consideration as some of us use helper methods to do important things, and do not expect them to be directly accessible to the outside world.

In my own app, I will be using a service to filter all requests which don't use a standard http method. I'd like to suggest that in the next release of camping, we could do something like return unless ['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'HEAD'].include?(request_method), perhaps in the run method of camping. Or maybe we could raise an error. I'd also appreciate it if this update were deployed to rubygems servers without haste. I'll be sure to post the service I write to work around this issue just as soon as I'm done writing it.

return unless ['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'HEAD'].include? (ControllerClass.instance_methods(false)) -- only use methods defined directly in the controller?

Thoughtful Pony
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Aria Stewart

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