Specifically, Dreamhost.  I'm trying to figure out how to get this to
work the standard dispatch.cgi or dispatch.fcgi setup.  I've been
using the instructions that Magnus sent out when he first announced
his plan for Camping 2.0, but they either no longer apply, or I'm an
edge case.

I've been pushing at it for a while, just to get it working on CGI,
and the problem seems to be that dispatch.cgi doesn't end in .ru!
Rack tries to "require 'dispatch.cgi'", which is no good.  Here's my
dispatch.cgi, with names changed to protect the innocent:


#!/usr/bin/env rackup

ENV['GEM_PATH'] = '/path/to/local/gems'
ENV['GEM_HOME'] = '/path/to/local/gems'

Dir.chdir '/path/to/app'

require 'app'
App::Models::Base.establish_connection :adapter => 'sqlite3',
:database => 'app.db'

run App


And the error trace, as reported through apache's error logs:

`gem_original_require': no such file to load -- dispatch.cgi
  from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:in `require'
  from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rack-0.3.0/bin/rackup:92
  from /usr/bin/rackup:19:in `load'
  from /usr/bin/rackup:19
Premature end of script headers: dispatch.cgi

I'm still trying to get my head around the new Rack setup, the problem
might be some simple naivete on my part.  Anyone have any ideas how I
can push forward?

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