hi! all!

my camping version is . 1.5.180
mongrel is 1.1.5

Finally, my web site is almost complete.
thank you! camper!!!!!

but, i has one little problem.

i know that how connect 'some page' and 'some controller'.

 In this case, how i can connect 'div ' and 'some controller'

Sample code has a few modifications.

     require 'camping'
>       Camping.goes :Blog
>       module Blog::Models
>         class Post < Base; belongs_to :user; end
>         class Comment < Base; belongs_to :user; end
>         class User < Base; end
>       end
>       module Blog::Controllers
>         class Index < R '/'
>           def get
>             @posts = Post.find :all
>             render :index
>           end
>         end
>         class News               #point 2
>           def get
>             p 'this is News get'
>             render :news
>           end
>         end
>       end
>       module Blog::Views
>         def layout
>           html do
>             body do
>               div :id => 'news' do        # point 1
>                  self << news
>               end
>               div :id => 'content' do
>                  self << yield
>               end
>             end
>           end
>         end
>         def index
>           for post in @posts
>             h1 post.title
>           end
>         end
>         def news               #point 3
>           ul do
>                      li 'test1'
>                      li 'test2'
>                      li 'test3'
>                      li 'test4'
>            end
>          end
>       end

this code is can't connect News controller.( not print 'this is News get' )

i want  connect point1 and point2 .... like a Index controller
and change ul list(point3)

Do not worry about if my article has typing miss
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