
I'd be inclined to agree with the middleware approach too, especially
if it's pre 2.0 release and that change can be made along side other
1.5 -> 2.0 changes


> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 9:31 PM, Magnus Holm <judo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Wow, great catch! This is definitely a bug. I guess this should go to
>> GitHub issues, yes.
>> This is actually an issue where Camping and Rack::Session::Cookie fight:
>> At the first request, sessions.state is set in ::Cookie after Camping
>> has done its magic.
>> At the second request, Camping loads @state from @env['rack.state'],
>> the app changes the session, but @cookie['sessions.state'] stays
>> intact. Camping's #to_a then sets the cookies again in the response:
>>     �...@cookies.each do |k, v|
>>        v = {:value => v, :path => self / "/"} if String === v
>>        r.set_cookie(k, v)
>>      end
>> Which means that it sets a sessions.state-cookie at /sessions/. Then
>> ::Cookies kicks in and figures out that the sessions have changed and
>> sets a new cookie, but this time at /. (This also has the effect that
>> Camping copies all the cookies at / into /sessions/)
>> At the third request, Rack chooses cookies "such that those with more
>> specific Path attributes precede those with less specific", and the
>> cookie at /sessions/ wins.
>> Your fix won't unfornately work because @root is only available inside
>> a request/controller.
>> I think we need to do two things:
>> * Make sure Camping only sets cookies when they've changed.
>> * Figure out a way to set :path to SCRIPT_NAME. If so, this should
>> only be an option, as you might also want to mount two apps and have
>> them share the sessions (aka :path => '/').
>> I'm not quite sure how we should add that option, though. We could
>> switch Camping::Session to be a middleware, but this means all apps
>> will have to change "include Camping::Session" to "use
>> Camping::Session". It's maybe not such a big deal? We should at least
>> do these kind of changes *before* the release of 2.0.
>> Some examples:
>> # Middleware
>> use Camping::Session, :secret => "foo", :shared => true
>> # Subclass
>> include Camping::Session::Shared
>> secret "foo"
>> # New method
>> include Camping::Session
>> secret "foo"
>> shared_cookie!
>> # Merge #secret and #shared_cookie! together
>> include Camping::Session
>> session_options :secret => "foo", :shared => true
>> I think I actually prefer the middleware-version. It's short and
>> concise and can be extended with more options if needed.
>> What do you think?
>> //Magnus Holm
>> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 19:59, Jonathan Hickford
>> <jonathan.hickford+camp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Not sure where best to raise this (github issues?) but I'm seeing an
>>> issue with the cookie sessions in camping 2.0 using rack.  If I mount
>>> an app such as the example blog or the sessions test app at any url
>>> that is not the root session information is lost in some cases.  Same
>>> thing happens if I use the built in Camping server.
>>> For example if I mount the blog app using rackup at '/blog' I'm unable
>>> to log in.  If I mount the sessions test app the information added on
>>> the second page is lost when it reaches page three.  Looking at the
>>> cookies in the browser I can see two state cookies set with the paths
>>> '/' and '/blog/'.
>>> I'm guessing this is to do with Rack::Session::Cookie in session.rb,
>>> which will default to use :path => '/' in all cases.  If I explicitly
>>> add :path => '/blog/' there it starts working as expected.  Some more
>>> detailed outputs here (this will run from /test)
>>> http://pastebin.com/m6c13a4aa
>>> Is that me doing something crazy there (I'm not expert!) or is that a
>>> bug?  If that's an issue I think the below change to session.rb fixes
>>> it, passing in the apps @root into the path Rack's session cookie
>>> middleware.  I can push that somewhere if we reckon that's a fix?
>>> - app.use Rack::Session::Cookie, :key => key, :secret => secret
>>> + app.use Rack::Session::Cookie, :key => key, :secret => secret, :path => 
>>> @root
>>> Regards,
>>> Jon
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