appreciate your attempt to explain.

you assume far to much.

you aren't really exploring my question and i've been a programmer,
developer, architect, designer, qa engineer etc..currently salaried

i'm not sure why you think i'm migrating.

i think there's more holes in your answers than in my questions. so, thanks
for nothing. i already have a comparable solution from research I was just
hoping some one that solicited the know how could actually provide some
better direction; but, I guess not.

whatever dude. hopefully we never work together. i can't stand the bs
pompous responses.

you are a joke and i hope you are really just some generic douche trying to
sound like he knows what he's talking about. are you a camping user trying
to act like it't yours?

get a life.

On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 11:41 PM, Dave Everitt <>wrote:

> Camping is already about as 'skinny' as you can get. Sounds like you'd be
> better off with some kind of Photoshop extension. The only setup that
> prompts is likely to be a CMS. Fist things first - if you can handle
> well-crafted HTML/CSS and build a solid site with semantic markup and good
> content, you won't need SEO - it will do the job itself.
> But no-one can tell you how to do it from scratch. That's your journey, and
> migrating from designer to web app developer is quite a journey :-)
> What Camping can do is create the separate apps to help populate the site.
> As for things like 'title to h1', Markdown, Textile etc. already do this.
> For the rest, you need to look elsewhere and do some background research
> about what's already out there.
> Dave Everitt
>  I think with any framework it's the starting point of where one would
>> begin that would imply what one would need in turn having the framework
>> intuitively prompting you to fill in the blanks. It seem like the bdd
>> process appeals to me. I would like to be able to shave off the fat of a
>> project team with a skinny little fw. I would like to be able to come from a
>> designers perspective and export a photoshop file into a framework, i would
>> like to generate a test plan and cases based on reqs and specs. A little
>> inventory.. would be nice with some cost per item. Some seo logic would be
>> nice. title to h1 to nav to internal linking.. home page to sort and filter
>> page to details page intertwined with content types (image, audio, video).
>> maybe a camping calendar, map, star guide. I could formalize if you'd like.
>> I'd really like to know how to do it from scratch so my feature requests fit
>> into the plan.
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