I had to tie into an LDAP db so I just used net/ldap and a class I wrote.

I had problems getting will_paginate to work. I eventually just hacked
together something else. It doesn't really amount to much more than
what I was having to do with will_paginate, so it works for me. :P


On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 6:20 PM, Tim Uckun <timuc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 1:33 AM, David Susco <dsu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've got five camping apps in production. They're mostly CRUDs with
>> some basic searching/e-mailing/etc. I use a few third party libraries;
>> haml, paper_trail, rack/csrf and redcloth being the main ones. I
>> haven't had too much need beyond those but your mileage will vary
>> obviously.
>> What Camping lacks is a lot of the fluff, but that's what I like the
>> most about it. It keeps things simple.
> I like the promise of simplicity too.  What are you using for
> Authentication?  Does simple_form or formtastic work with camping or
> do you use something else for that?  I like Typus as a quick way to
> put up admin sites does anybody know if it works with camping? Has
> anybody tried whenever?
> I presume will paginate, chronic etc will work as long as I stick with
> AR (although honestly I want to try something other than AR too).
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