> Thanks!   I had to hack a bit in camping-2.1.469.gemspec,
> but now it works.

I'm sorry to say this but it still does not work.  :(    I was incautious.

After the redirect it shows the right URL in the browser.  That's fine,
but now I can't access my controllers.  The redirect URL is ok, but
the content is always from the < R '/' controller. For example if I have
Index < R '/', a List < R '/list' and an Add < R '/add' controllers,
only / is accessible,  www.xxx.com/list and www.xxx.com/add
goes somehow to Index.  And R() calls in the view makes
wrong href values.  If the current URL is www.xxx.com/list (which
now goes to the controller Index) and I click a link generated to
controller Add, it sends me to www.xxx.com/list/add .

The worst of all is that everything works fine with all other
handlers except Rack::Handler::FastCGI.

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