On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 15:07, Daniel Bryan <danbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thought I'd weigh in for what it's worth,

Thanks, I find it very interesting.

> My naive first impression of Camping basically took no notice of the whole
> 3/4k thing. I appreciate that it's a cool programming feat, and I love the
> attitude that lead to it, but at the time my focus was on trying to figure
> out what all these hidden instance variables you have in a controller are
> (the documentation was only of sporadic use), thinking I might just dive
> into the source to check it out, and obviously being confronted by the fact
> that even the unabridged code is far from readable (as it wasn't intended to
> be).
> I discovered Camping when I was very new to Ruby, and relatively new to
> programming in general. Everyone here obviously knows the strengths and
> reputation of Ruby - and projects like Camping - as a learning language.
> I've mostly moved onto working in Python, but I think there's a strong
> chance that my understanding of the architecture of web applications, and
> HTTP, and my motivation to understand web development at several different
> layers, would have been different if Camping didn't imply a certain kind of
> thinking that coloured my behaviour.

Hm… What parts of Camping did this? What does Camping have in this
department that e.g. Rails or Django don't?

> So why not build on this? There's all sorts of amazing projects all over the
> web at the moment for making programming accessible to people who are very
> young, or who have literacy that's poorer than most programmers, or who live
> in the third world, or who just come from subcultures / cliques where
> usually you wouldn't do this kind of thing. That's cool, but as soon as
> these people learn some stuff they want to do something, and they want to do
> it either with mobile or the web. They google around and they find out
> about, like, what? Rails? Django? What a way to turn people off.
> One of the reasons I floundered with Camping after a while is that it was
> really hard to figure out where to, you know, put a lot of my code. Helpers?
> I guess. This is a pretty typical problem in web frameworks, obviously -
> where do you put domain-specific logic? Where do you store all your
> application logic? How lightweight should your controllers be? Do you want
> fat models?

Heh, I find this fascinating. People desperately want the framework to
have a place for everything. Just give it a good name(space) and place
it in lib/. That's where all code belongs. I'm thinking of reviving
lib/ for all code (controllers too!) if I ever start a framework.

> I think ActiveRecord is the elephant in the room here - very quickly I ended
> up using models in my apps that were just representations of the filesystem,
> or of some other API, or of documents in CouchDB, or whatever. That was
> cool, and Camping made that relatively easy, but the fact is I'm not an API
> designer. I'm not a library writer. Any ad-hoc decision I make about how I
> might model my data, as an amateurish programmer, is going to be disastrous,
> but ActiveRecord just couldn't do what I wanted to do without more work than
> it was worth.

I agree. SQL + migrations is hard. Camping's migrations are not good
enough. They should probably never have been inside the main file…

> So maybe if there was some kind of Camping fork, or a new Camping-inspired
> framework, or whatever, it could try to encapsulate not just this solid core
> focused on using class methods as HTTP verbs, but also some kind of pattern.
> What's the next thing someone needs to know after they're good with Camping?
> How to write their library code. How to manage the dependencies (ugh). How
> to deploy it (it took me forever to even figure out that I needed something
> called a 'rackup' file - I eventually found a Heroku guide for Camping, and
> even then I couldn't get it to work until I stole some code from some
> project of Magnus' or Jenna's).
> I'm being incoherent, but in general I think my attraction as a novice to
> Camping was for it clarity - not even necessarily its simplicity. Why not
> bring that clarity to the rest of the web development process that surrounds
> it?

I agree with this: I'd love a framework that integrates with different
tools (Bundler, RVM, rbenv) to provide the best experience. You should
be able to run "bin/myapp server" and it should either work or it
should give you clear instructions on how to fix it.

> People keep talking about Sinatra. Personally - as a completely subjective,
> essentially arbitrary position - I don't like Sinatra. Whatever you think of
> it, I think it's possible to point out that we don't need to just look
> inside the Ruby environment. Why not look at other places where interesting
> things are happening? Node's "Express" framework, for instance, bears a lot
> of similarity to Sinatra and Camping; the "Connect" middleware framework
> that it uses is similar to Rack in many ways. The difference is that their
> community actually brags about it, and makes a point of how much easier your
> life could be if you use it for lots of stuff. It looks like there was
> similar excitement about Rack back in the day, but it doesn't come across
> that way so much. Maybe just because of the shadow of Rails hanging over
> everything.

It's just like when we bragged about Rack while the Python guys where
like "duh, it's just a cool abstraction, not mind-blowing or
anything". Most of the time I see people bragging about some
technology it just seems that they've reinvented something.

But yeah, I think there's plenty to learn from Node.js. Not to forget
Perl (who would have thought that?) which currently has the best web
framework I've ever seen: http://mojolicio.us/

> Sorry for ranting a little - I keep reading this thread on the way to work
> and wanting to comment but not having time. In summary - I'm greatful for
> what Camping provided me as a learning environment, but I think it could go
> a lot further in supporting the growth of developers who used it, and
> helping them to do stuff 'correctly' outside of their controllers.
> It's obvious that sockets and so on excite a lot of young programmers -
> especially as so many of them have JavaScript as their first language now,
> but I can't imagine how you'd support something like that properly in
> something like Camping without building it on top of an event-driven
> framework.

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