Hey there,

BSD uses full copyright, it's like saying all rights reserved.
Public domain means no rights reserved, it's not a FOSS thing - FOSS means
generally an accepted free software license or and accepted open-source
license. Public domain isn't a license per se. Licenses like the GPL-style
licenses force the code to remain open if an entity modifies the source
_and_ redistributes the subsequent binaries. BSD does not enforce this. BSD
is thus sometimes seen as more corporate-friendly. Depending on your notion
of freedom (freedom from something or freedom to do something) you may feel
that BSD-style is freer or GPL-like is freer.

If you want to have a FOSS license then normally go with


If you want to free it to the four corners of the earth but not have it
FOSS then public domain it - certain high profile pieces of software are
public domain (Sqlite I think?) but not many.

Hope that helps. Apologies if you already knew all this.

On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 1:34 PM, Jenna Fox <a...@creativepony.com> wrote:

>  A few of you sounded interested in using it. I haven't explicitly put a
> software license on it, so I guess it's not technically FOSS yet. What
> licenses are good? BSD? Public Domain?
> —
> Jenna
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