I'm not surprised people have an opinion and are informed about these
things. I'm old enough to remember how Microsoft sucked the life out of the
desktop software industry due to their anti-competitive practises. They
were able to do this cuz they could keep their source code secret, it
enabled their monopoly and helped them use their monopoly to their
competitive advantage. The only reason software does not suck any more is
because of the GPL. Period. thank you Mr. Stallman. Thank you Mr. Torvalds.
:-) It's all true, I tells ya.

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 10:40 AM, Dave Everitt <dever...@innotts.co.uk>wrote:

> Perhaps this rich seam of knowledge could be captured in a little Camping
> app: 'a guide to software licenses' :-)
>  On Wed, May 02, 2012 at 10:35:45AM -0700, Trevor Johns wrote:
>>> MIT is marginally simpler to read and is unambiguous, since there's only
>>> one version. For this reason, it's my personal favorite.
>> Heh.  Actually, it is not:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/**MIT_license#Various_versions<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_license#Various_versions>
>> Or at the vary least, it's still a bit ambiguous.  However, the Expat
>> license has received much support as "MIT license" in various
>> comminities, so I guess we might consider it not to be so ambiguous
>> anymore.
>> Cheers,
>> Paul
>> --
>> Web: http://paul.luon.net/home/      | E-mail: p...@luon.net
>> Jabber/GTalk: p...@luon.net          | GnuPG key ID: 0x50064181
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