On 4:


Looks like you just define the up, AR takes care of the rest. Never
tried it, it'll save a few lines of code though.

On injection, AR sanitizes almost everything I believe. The only thing
I know to avoid is using a user set variable straight in a string:

"thing = #{@input.user_var}"

That's dangerous, you're supposed to do this:

"thing = ?", @input.user_var


On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 4:52 AM, Dave Everitt <dever...@innotts.co.uk> wrote:
> Thanks Nokan, Dave, Philippe for your replies, it's good to get a measure of
> standard practice even for things as simple as this.
> There just remains no. 4 (from a question by Isak Andersson
>  http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.ruby.camping.general/1751)
> for which I'd like an opinion, since I can't find a definitive answer from
> the AR docs... and can only fond a reference to it on the Ember GitHub
> readme:
>  https://github.com/EmberAds/acts_as_uuid
> or slide 21 of this AR intro:
>  http://www.slideshare.net/blazingcloud/active-record-introduction-3
> since I've only ever used 'up' and 'down' (and don't use Rails) this isn't
> obvious to me :-)
> Finally, what's a good approach to security (SQL injection?) for a public
> app?
> DaveE
>>> 4.
>>> There's also this from a previous post (opinions please?):
>>> "On the part of migrations ... "def self.up" and "def self.down" ... gave
>>> me errors for some reason. But ... it should be updated to "def self.change"
>>> ... that's the modern way of doing it."
>>> DaveE
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